Who of us in childhood did not dream about the exploits and adventures?
Who of us in childhood did not dream about the exploits and adventures? But most of us - it had remained a childhood dream. But there are people who have been able to realize his dream into reality, go beyond everyday life and to make a real feat, worthy of the pen of Jules Verne
Author: photo: Basil Mozzhukhin text: Konstantin Nagaev
1. In December last year, the Kazakh Geographic Society has committed an automobile expedition to the South Pole. Seven experienced travelers went in three cars to conquer Antarctica. Behind each of them the most difficult travel around the world, but the South Pole - all first
2. Start of the expedition was scheduled for 3 December 2011, in order to reach the South Pole on December 16 and hoist the flag at the South Pole of our country. Initially, the travelers got to Cape Town, where they have bought everything for the expedition, and then flew to Novolazarevskaya station
3. The expedition was timed to two significant events: the 20th anniversary of Kazakhstan's independence and the 100th anniversary of the discovery of the South Pole expedition of Roald Amundsen
4. First photos of the country's eternal cold. The team of the Kazakh Geographic Society in the vicinity of Novolazarevskaya station (located at the extreme southeastern tip of Schirmacher Oasis, about 80 km from the coast of the Southern Ocean (Lazarev Sea)
5. It looks like New airfield. Bright white houses in the middle of the desert. Hence, the expedition to the North Pole and starts
6. Antarctic hotel at the airport. All modest, Spartan
7. cargo arrived, now you need to pack it carefully to travel and try not to forget anything. This is mainly food: canned food, eating fast food, frozen foods. Products purchased in Cape Town, in the usual supermarket. Besides eating it fuel - barrel trailer
8. Particular attention is the fuel: the way of filling only one - 83 latitude
9. The only foreigner in the expedition mechanical engineer Icelander Ao runs the cars before the start. Everything related to reliable operation machine, lies on his shoulders. By the way, unique cars Toyota Hilux and Prado were prepared and adapted to order in Iceland specifically for Kazakh expedition. Cars were altered, including a support frame, transmission and suspension. The diesel engine is also prepared for the harsh conditions of Antarctica. Color machine in the colors of the national flag of Kazakhstan. The level and complexity of the preparation of the expedition vehicles conform to category T1 (super production)
10. The machine is ready, the goods packed before the start of 15 minutes. Next, on the pole!
12. Behind the first kilometer. Sunny, warm - only minus 27. Behind the first hurdle: Gamburtseva mountain range, and in front - smooth as a table Antarctic Plateau
14. On hundreds of kilometers around any living soul. Only three of the car under the flag of Kazakhstan, reaching to the pole
15. After reaching the plateau, Antarctica began checking people and vehicles for durability. During those seven days, that the expedition was to the South Pole, had to replace five wheels and a shock
16. Average speed - about 20 km. at one o'clock. Under the layer of snow can hide deep cracks in the ice shell of the continent in which the car is easy to fail
17. Every day, the captain of the expedition (he is the chairman of the Kazakh Geographic Society) Nurlan Abduov sends home a short message of the passage route of the expedition
18. And here is the point of filling. Barrels of fuel were previously dropped from the plane. With 50 degrees of frost to fill the car very carefully: rubber hoses become brittle and can break easily
19. Prior to the base camp, which is located 20 kilometers from the North Pole, the expedition reached seven days
20. This camp is intended for temporary stop travelers. Directly located near the poles can not be
21. There is a time to sleep off, relax, and have light to go to the celebrations of the centennial of the discovery of the South Pole
22. On 14 December 2011. The centenary of the conquest of the South Pole expedition hoisted our national flag on it
23. Together with the flag at the South Pole, and visited a special copy of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan
24. Next to the geographical point pole - an ice bust of the first conqueror of the South Pole Roald Amundsen. In the background, an American research station "Amundsen - Scott»
25. Antarctic weather has made adjustments in the plans of the expedition. December 14, immediately after the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the conquest of the South Pole, had to go back. Approaching storm
26. The twentieth anniversary of Independence of Kazakhstan KazGeo team met already on the way home
27. Blizzard still overtook the expedition. Speed dropped to 3-5 km per hour. Visibility is almost zero. There were, as they say, the instrument
28. On the way back stop almost was not. We slept in machines for 2 - 3 hours, and again in the way. Snowbound vehicles, had to dig out a few times a day
29. A bit cleared only towards the Novolazarevskaya, 200 kilometers to the station
30. Not without adventures - tires again and can not withstand low temperatures
32. The last obstacle on the way back to the station - the mountains. Norwegian flag in the Kazakhstani car - a tribute and memory of Roald Amundsen's expedition
33. "The sun does not set. On a circle goes around us. In the Antarctic, a light from mid-November until about the beginning of March. All the rest of the night, cold and wind. Frankly, amazed at how 100 years ago, Amundsen and Scott reached the Pole. What will power the people had faith. Seeing all this - I want to pray for them! Moreover, the English expedition at full strength lies somewhere here ... In the eternal captivity Antarctica ... "(from the diary of the expedition)
34. That airfield snowbound. This snowstorm locals do not remember the last years 10. Chance piled up to 5 meters!
35. Two days of rest, and here it is - the plane home!
36. Goodbye, Antarctica! We will definitely come back here!
37. All this
Author: photo: Basil Mozzhukhin text: Konstantin Nagaev

1. In December last year, the Kazakh Geographic Society has committed an automobile expedition to the South Pole. Seven experienced travelers went in three cars to conquer Antarctica. Behind each of them the most difficult travel around the world, but the South Pole - all first

2. Start of the expedition was scheduled for 3 December 2011, in order to reach the South Pole on December 16 and hoist the flag at the South Pole of our country. Initially, the travelers got to Cape Town, where they have bought everything for the expedition, and then flew to Novolazarevskaya station

3. The expedition was timed to two significant events: the 20th anniversary of Kazakhstan's independence and the 100th anniversary of the discovery of the South Pole expedition of Roald Amundsen

4. First photos of the country's eternal cold. The team of the Kazakh Geographic Society in the vicinity of Novolazarevskaya station (located at the extreme southeastern tip of Schirmacher Oasis, about 80 km from the coast of the Southern Ocean (Lazarev Sea)

5. It looks like New airfield. Bright white houses in the middle of the desert. Hence, the expedition to the North Pole and starts

6. Antarctic hotel at the airport. All modest, Spartan

7. cargo arrived, now you need to pack it carefully to travel and try not to forget anything. This is mainly food: canned food, eating fast food, frozen foods. Products purchased in Cape Town, in the usual supermarket. Besides eating it fuel - barrel trailer

8. Particular attention is the fuel: the way of filling only one - 83 latitude

9. The only foreigner in the expedition mechanical engineer Icelander Ao runs the cars before the start. Everything related to reliable operation machine, lies on his shoulders. By the way, unique cars Toyota Hilux and Prado were prepared and adapted to order in Iceland specifically for Kazakh expedition. Cars were altered, including a support frame, transmission and suspension. The diesel engine is also prepared for the harsh conditions of Antarctica. Color machine in the colors of the national flag of Kazakhstan. The level and complexity of the preparation of the expedition vehicles conform to category T1 (super production)

10. The machine is ready, the goods packed before the start of 15 minutes. Next, on the pole!


12. Behind the first kilometer. Sunny, warm - only minus 27. Behind the first hurdle: Gamburtseva mountain range, and in front - smooth as a table Antarctic Plateau


14. On hundreds of kilometers around any living soul. Only three of the car under the flag of Kazakhstan, reaching to the pole

15. After reaching the plateau, Antarctica began checking people and vehicles for durability. During those seven days, that the expedition was to the South Pole, had to replace five wheels and a shock

16. Average speed - about 20 km. at one o'clock. Under the layer of snow can hide deep cracks in the ice shell of the continent in which the car is easy to fail

17. Every day, the captain of the expedition (he is the chairman of the Kazakh Geographic Society) Nurlan Abduov sends home a short message of the passage route of the expedition

18. And here is the point of filling. Barrels of fuel were previously dropped from the plane. With 50 degrees of frost to fill the car very carefully: rubber hoses become brittle and can break easily

19. Prior to the base camp, which is located 20 kilometers from the North Pole, the expedition reached seven days

20. This camp is intended for temporary stop travelers. Directly located near the poles can not be

21. There is a time to sleep off, relax, and have light to go to the celebrations of the centennial of the discovery of the South Pole

22. On 14 December 2011. The centenary of the conquest of the South Pole expedition hoisted our national flag on it

23. Together with the flag at the South Pole, and visited a special copy of the Constitution of the Republic of Kazakhstan

24. Next to the geographical point pole - an ice bust of the first conqueror of the South Pole Roald Amundsen. In the background, an American research station "Amundsen - Scott»

25. Antarctic weather has made adjustments in the plans of the expedition. December 14, immediately after the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the conquest of the South Pole, had to go back. Approaching storm

26. The twentieth anniversary of Independence of Kazakhstan KazGeo team met already on the way home

27. Blizzard still overtook the expedition. Speed dropped to 3-5 km per hour. Visibility is almost zero. There were, as they say, the instrument

28. On the way back stop almost was not. We slept in machines for 2 - 3 hours, and again in the way. Snowbound vehicles, had to dig out a few times a day

29. A bit cleared only towards the Novolazarevskaya, 200 kilometers to the station

30. Not without adventures - tires again and can not withstand low temperatures


32. The last obstacle on the way back to the station - the mountains. Norwegian flag in the Kazakhstani car - a tribute and memory of Roald Amundsen's expedition

33. "The sun does not set. On a circle goes around us. In the Antarctic, a light from mid-November until about the beginning of March. All the rest of the night, cold and wind. Frankly, amazed at how 100 years ago, Amundsen and Scott reached the Pole. What will power the people had faith. Seeing all this - I want to pray for them! Moreover, the English expedition at full strength lies somewhere here ... In the eternal captivity Antarctica ... "(from the diary of the expedition)

34. That airfield snowbound. This snowstorm locals do not remember the last years 10. Chance piled up to 5 meters!

35. Two days of rest, and here it is - the plane home!

36. Goodbye, Antarctica! We will definitely come back here!

37. All this

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