Starlets and resent zvezdulki
Celebrities oppose a law prohibiting tinted car. Stars are afraid of attention from the fans.
The law, which caused such a strong reaction in all Russian drivers, not bypassed and the stars of show business. Celebrity, so much worry about their integrity, wary of annoying fans who can now easily see their idol at the wheel of a car.
Under the new requirements, which came into force on July 1, on the front and front side windows of a vehicle must not be tinted. In case of failure of the new law, a car to rent rooms.
One of the most vocal opponents of the new law appeared Ksenia Borodina. Leading TV project "Dom-2" is confident that innovation will make her life miserable on the road.
- I understand that the law must be followed, but I am strongly opposed - shared with Star Life News. - I can not rastonirovat his car, not all salons can do it. I need to completely change the windshield. Here's how it explained the traffic police.
The well-known TV presenter has already received several warnings. But the most disturbing Woman attention from fans.
- When I omit the glass immediately hear in his vtoronu: "Girl, let's meet, hug the side of the road!" - Angry Xenia. - I hate it, but nothing could be done. Act - a law.
Very unhappy with the new rules and rapper T-killah. The young man believes such measures cruel and underdeveloped law.
- If you can not cope for one day, then you disempower - it looks like a tyranny - told Star. - I can live without toning, but I feel sorry for the famous girls who do not want to be seen. Most guys rude behavior in traffic.
The new law caused a wave of indignation star. Against him were already presenters Anfisa Chekhov, Lera Kudryavtseva, actor Oskar Kuchera and Victoria Lopyreva. Stars are confident that for their own safety car tinting is required. You never know who you will glance in the car.
The law, which caused such a strong reaction in all Russian drivers, not bypassed and the stars of show business. Celebrity, so much worry about their integrity, wary of annoying fans who can now easily see their idol at the wheel of a car.
Under the new requirements, which came into force on July 1, on the front and front side windows of a vehicle must not be tinted. In case of failure of the new law, a car to rent rooms.
One of the most vocal opponents of the new law appeared Ksenia Borodina. Leading TV project "Dom-2" is confident that innovation will make her life miserable on the road.
- I understand that the law must be followed, but I am strongly opposed - shared with Star Life News. - I can not rastonirovat his car, not all salons can do it. I need to completely change the windshield. Here's how it explained the traffic police.
The well-known TV presenter has already received several warnings. But the most disturbing Woman attention from fans.
- When I omit the glass immediately hear in his vtoronu: "Girl, let's meet, hug the side of the road!" - Angry Xenia. - I hate it, but nothing could be done. Act - a law.
Very unhappy with the new rules and rapper T-killah. The young man believes such measures cruel and underdeveloped law.
- If you can not cope for one day, then you disempower - it looks like a tyranny - told Star. - I can live without toning, but I feel sorry for the famous girls who do not want to be seen. Most guys rude behavior in traffic.
The new law caused a wave of indignation star. Against him were already presenters Anfisa Chekhov, Lera Kudryavtseva, actor Oskar Kuchera and Victoria Lopyreva. Stars are confident that for their own safety car tinting is required. You never know who you will glance in the car.