Lynx - on a pet
Paul Nikulochkin first wife, Svetlana Prokhorova from Kaluga-held Kuril Bobtail cats.
And in 2009, in a family in the set of four cats also appeared rysenok named Zen. According to the owners, it is so tame that behaves as a simple house cat, even sleeping in the same bed with the owners. A murcit so that it can be heard from any corner of the house.
10 photos from here
The couple have long dreamed to have a home trot. Very much they liked this beast. They talked a lot with experts in wild animals on the characteristics and habits of the lynx. Once they heard that in the rescue center for animals is a small rysenok orphan, correct it after it seized from private owners Perevoznoye zoo.
The original was not clear even Rysenko floor, so it was still small, and Paul with Svetlana, deciding that it is a female, named her Xena. Rysenok even fed milk and had to nurse from her nipples special milk formula, which is used for feeding kittens.
Bobtail cat-who lived in the house willingly accepted the new lodger and licked him like a baby. According to Paul, even now Zen submits to them as older, though it is many times greater than their size.
He's purring like a cat, but willingly executes commands, like a good dog. Therefore, we sometimes jokingly call it Kotopes.
11-year-old daughter of Paul and Svetlana, Sofia, who recently starred in a photo shoot for the new media Zenom, doted in his "big cat".
- He was my best friend, a very gentle and caring. We play together and he never seems to get tired. He behaves like a kitten, but has long grown.
In an interview in 2009, when for the first time in the Kaluga press wrote about an unusual pet, Paul Nikulochkin told why they were kept in the house of a lynx.
- What kind of animal would you take, it is important to understand why you do it. For example, the dog - for the protection of the house, a cow - for the milk. And we trot - for the company. It is fashionable to say "partner", and used to say - "for the soul." So we trot to the soul!
And in 2009, in a family in the set of four cats also appeared rysenok named Zen. According to the owners, it is so tame that behaves as a simple house cat, even sleeping in the same bed with the owners. A murcit so that it can be heard from any corner of the house.
10 photos from here
The couple have long dreamed to have a home trot. Very much they liked this beast. They talked a lot with experts in wild animals on the characteristics and habits of the lynx. Once they heard that in the rescue center for animals is a small rysenok orphan, correct it after it seized from private owners Perevoznoye zoo.
The original was not clear even Rysenko floor, so it was still small, and Paul with Svetlana, deciding that it is a female, named her Xena. Rysenok even fed milk and had to nurse from her nipples special milk formula, which is used for feeding kittens.
Bobtail cat-who lived in the house willingly accepted the new lodger and licked him like a baby. According to Paul, even now Zen submits to them as older, though it is many times greater than their size.
He's purring like a cat, but willingly executes commands, like a good dog. Therefore, we sometimes jokingly call it Kotopes.
11-year-old daughter of Paul and Svetlana, Sofia, who recently starred in a photo shoot for the new media Zenom, doted in his "big cat".
- He was my best friend, a very gentle and caring. We play together and he never seems to get tired. He behaves like a kitten, but has long grown.
In an interview in 2009, when for the first time in the Kaluga press wrote about an unusual pet, Paul Nikulochkin told why they were kept in the house of a lynx.
- What kind of animal would you take, it is important to understand why you do it. For example, the dog - for the protection of the house, a cow - for the milk. And we trot - for the company. It is fashionable to say "partner", and used to say - "for the soul." So we trot to the soul!