In the village raided lynx
Sergei Plytkevich
- In the beginning I was worried Masha - for some reason began to twitch in his rope. I think there is a goat who scares? Looked out of the gate and was stunned ... --- Anatoly Narchyk, villager Sviryani Tolochin district, he said emotionally, desperately gesticulating - I look, right in the middle of the road is the trot, but still staring at me.
Then came even closer to the pole, sniffs. I had nails in his hands - just like the board to beat, I think, if that - like give her a nail! My feet did not obey, how are glued to the ground. And the trot for some time stood still, then slowly walked through the neighbor's gate and disappeared behind the house. Then I ran to the phone!
Narchyk called Director Talachyn ohothozjajstva radium Posrednikovu, he immediately went to the village gamekeeper with a gun and reported the incident to the editor of the magazine "Wildlife": Lynx moved about two hundred meters from the village and lain down in the tall grass at the edge of the forest.
After two and a half hours I was already at the scene. Huntsman Syrodoev Victor, watching the predator came down to meet:
- This is our old friend, the year already lives in my bypass. In winter, the deer forage ploshadka caught, I've seen it several times - five days held near deer carcasses until completely eaten. And now, apparently, starved, homemade goat decided to eat ...
Rides Director ohothozjajstva Radium Intermediaries. Victor says that lynx moved to a small array of woods among the fields. We decide to come closer to her. But there it was - the lynx often glimpsed in the constantly moving away from us. Then we change tactics, I harbor on the edge of the woods, and the hunters trying to catch me predator. The venture manages - the lynx jumps out at forty meters from me, rushing across the field to a great winter woodland. I have time to make some shots ...
Most of all alarmed goat - well, flair! Samu lynx is not seen, but experienced a terrible, ord. And who wants to die in the spring? Circle only life being born ...
- In the beginning I was worried Masha - for some reason began to twitch in his rope. I think there is a goat who scares? Looked out of the gate and was stunned ... --- Anatoly Narchyk, villager Sviryani Tolochin district, he said emotionally, desperately gesticulating - I look, right in the middle of the road is the trot, but still staring at me.

Then came even closer to the pole, sniffs. I had nails in his hands - just like the board to beat, I think, if that - like give her a nail! My feet did not obey, how are glued to the ground. And the trot for some time stood still, then slowly walked through the neighbor's gate and disappeared behind the house. Then I ran to the phone!

Narchyk called Director Talachyn ohothozjajstva radium Posrednikovu, he immediately went to the village gamekeeper with a gun and reported the incident to the editor of the magazine "Wildlife": Lynx moved about two hundred meters from the village and lain down in the tall grass at the edge of the forest.

After two and a half hours I was already at the scene. Huntsman Syrodoev Victor, watching the predator came down to meet:
- This is our old friend, the year already lives in my bypass. In winter, the deer forage ploshadka caught, I've seen it several times - five days held near deer carcasses until completely eaten. And now, apparently, starved, homemade goat decided to eat ...

Rides Director ohothozjajstva Radium Intermediaries. Victor says that lynx moved to a small array of woods among the fields. We decide to come closer to her. But there it was - the lynx often glimpsed in the constantly moving away from us. Then we change tactics, I harbor on the edge of the woods, and the hunters trying to catch me predator. The venture manages - the lynx jumps out at forty meters from me, rushing across the field to a great winter woodland. I have time to make some shots ...

Most of all alarmed goat - well, flair! Samu lynx is not seen, but experienced a terrible, ord. And who wants to die in the spring? Circle only life being born ...
