In Scandinavian tradition trot was a sacred animal of the goddess Freya.

Lynx (lat. Lynx) - genus of carnivorous mammal of the cat family, closest to the actual nature of cats (Felis).
It includes several medium-sized cats
Sometimes the genus Lynx also include caracal (Caracal caracal) and marbled cat (Pardofelis marmorata).
Lynx - a typical cat, although the size of a large dog, which is somewhat like its shorter body and leggy. It is characterized by the head of the lynx: relatively small, rounded and very expressive. From other cats lynx have a short tail and ears and tassels at the ends. Body weight lynx from 5 to 30 kg.
In Scandinavian tradition trot was a sacred animal of the goddess Freya. It was believed that the lynx harnessed to her chariot. The ancient Greeks believed that the sharp eyes of lynx is able to pierce through opaque objects. Its scientific name is an animal obtained from the ancient Greek. λύγξ, lynx.