Many people think that I do not like his countrymen, Dagestanis. And that, to some extent, it is true. Dislike applies not at all, but the vast majority, and that there are reasons that can be grouped into three global features of the national mentality:
- Excessive clan and absolutely necessary to have a "connection."
- Predisposition to cheap Ponte. I do not think it is genetic, probably arising from the first two decades of lawlessness burdened - first of thieves, and now Cop.
- The desire and love for bribes and "Podmazov" anything and everything, if not in terms of money, in any other "agreements", to bypass the law, conscience and honor.
Regarding the first point is clear. If some shit breaks up, it begins to pull for them their kinsmen, and all without discrimination. It does not matter, they're smart or dumb as a cork (in most cases), will steal or not, even not so important, whether they are loyal to their patron. This manifests itself in the same clan neproshibaemoy confidence that all you have to do something, ie Doubar you must smuggle in and help. For the majority of Dagestanis norm of behavior is gregarious overcrowding and the presence of "connections" define success. For example, if suddenly a crime and requires the intervention of the police, a rare Dagestan dial 02 - on the contrary, it will start to look for friends, relatives who have friends relatives work in the bodies or know someone who works there to connect directly with " fit "person. The same, if you need to go to hospital - or clinic 03 is unsportsmanlike - need to find "their" and go to it. And the truth is rarely what doctor / cop / prosecutor / judge, etc. lift a little finger of the left leg, if the case does not concern a) his or b) these things "wiggling" will not be rewarded properly (see para. 3). [next]
Ponty is a separate issue on which you can write a thesis. It's almost the main motivating factor - so said about you, what you done / Viewtiful / athlete / Superman. Dagestani, for the most part, at the time of the adoption of any decisions evaluates them from the perspective of that "boys will tell him." Much time and effort is given to "shell." A person can be a complete nonentity, but will attach itself to the form "solidnyaka." "Anti-Semitism" can spend hours discussing some cloth or shoes or sunglasses. I personally know a number of the unemployed (by virtue of their natural laziness) dzhigits that the latest money or borrow from relatives / friends (see para. 1) to buy the most expensive phone, usually "Nokio" and could not replenish his account, but simply We walked with him through the city and flaunted without a penny in the account. Men often wear with a special cloth (the so-called "Marochko"), which rub their shoes to shine, several times a day, ie, are currently on the street, and then lift up his hoof to the nearest curb, take out "Marochko" and overlooking the emperor hunting, clean their boots. Such citizens can spend the whole night in the stupid, senseless "Khabar" about anything or discussing some goats. Normally telling a fable about who, how many times and under what sauce "flunked" this or that "chick».
Dagestan is a song girl. How do I enrage tuporylye chickens - dagestanki who go to classes at the school or institution heels, skirts with slits up ass and with a ton of evening makeup on their faces, with a small bag, which can hardly fit a notebook with a pen. And this is no joke - of 99%, ie she will not wear practical clothing or put their textbooks and exercise books in a backpack, because I fuck her study did not give up - the main purpose of the visit of the Institute - to get married. "Marriage" is a different story, for most (not all) dagestanok "marry" a religion, it is how to reach nirvana - the ultimate goal of their existence. By this they are systematically prepared, starting with the lower grades, it does not matter for whom, and how, above all faster. Day of the transition to a new quality to them is the most important day of life, and in accordance with their religious cult, they mark it with the maximum pomp, which are capable of, and if you are not able to, then rack up debt for life or help relatives, for which it is also " holy 'debt (see para. 1).
To understand what I mean, here are some facts about the Dagestani weddings. A wedding for 300 people, it's sooooo small wedding - usually 800-1,000 guests. Take a wedding dress for a day rental costs from one hundred thousand to buy from two hundred. For comparison, the other day in the local network at work came across an ad - she sells wedding dress famous London fashion designer, never dress up (as I understand, the wedding was upset) for £ 1500 (it is 70 thousand rubles). A relative got married last summer, so to save money, they took the dress rental Derbent (think 70 thousand), all gone mad. Banquet facilities (which at least hundreds across Dagestan, Makhachkala and a few dozen) have to book much in advance, at least six months in advance, and they are from one hundred thousand in a single day. And what an orgy going on weddings - it's terrible. "Stars", "Stars" and "zvezdulki" Dagestan pop, shake their cries all the banquet hall and the surrounding area. Guests poured a fiery centners water and guzzle like brutalized. Master of ceremonies, holding stoparik vodka wants young "that Allah has given them more children" (words are not enough to characterize these scoundrels). And all this orgy lasts a minimum of 2 days.
Ponty manifested in everything - the need to be drawn is the cornerstone of the Dagestan society. The more titles, more honorable. It's amazing but true, for most young people is an accomplishment petty bureaucrats office, where you can steal (see para. 3). Mothers nearly burst with pride when his daughters are married for "a good guy in the state work." The number of fake candidates (because the degree opens the door to all sorts of ministries) just rolls over. Now is a matter of tribal honor, chip (see para. 3), all the "tukhum" (see para. 1) a) the institution, b) in graduate school, and c) a good position. ALL (!) Public (and not only) are sold positions (see para. 3). Most interesting is that animals, so graduated and 'protect' candidate, just bursting at the seams with a sense of self-worth. They actually see themselves as candidates of science, not an empty place, what really is and are.
Bribery in Dagestan recent times has become a cult. Extortion of bribes at the household level is as much the norm as the sunrise in the east. If you follow the trail vzyatochny separate Dagestani, then you need to start from the hospital, and no, women's clinic - where his mother is registered. Physician necessarily have to "grease the palm", this is because it is so important - but it usually costs in small amounts - up to 1,000 rubles, or a box of chocolates and other trifles. Further, the hospital - it is necessary to give all (!), The nurse in the emergency room, a nurse nurses and cleaners. If you do not give, then you will be regarded as an empty space. Just like that to go to the hospital, not the "grease" who should be or not having contacts (see para. 1) can not. I saw the girl in the waiting room, whose water broke, and she called her husband and asked to bring five thousand rubles to have accepted it. With the birth attendant physician must agree in advance. He / she will tell you how much to give and to whom, will determine his fee. Ie really have no agreement is practically impossible. Childbirth, and will be something like, but no jabs, no attendant care and support to more than absolutely necessary minimum nobody gets. Even the cleaning lady not cleaned under the bed in the ward pregnant woman, if she does not give a hundred rubles. During discharge all have to give money, in particular, was a shock to me that there is a special "pelenalschitsa", which is necessary to give two hundred rubles to swaddle the baby, she is beautiful, like to photograph. Next start routine, the doctor came to the house to see the child - it is necessary to give money (not necessarily like, but many give). If the child is ill and have to take tests in the clinic - it is necessary to pay money, or "unit does not work." For 200 rubles "apparatus" miraculously starts. Lab should be given to analysis and they did not write it "from the ceiling».
It's time to go to kindergarten - there is no space for a certain bribe place immediately appears. The latest data is of 50 000 rubles for the Caspian and much more to Makhachkala. Since Group of 30 or more children, one teacher and sometimes a couple of nurses, all of them have to "give" on a regular basis in order for your child should be. You will not give, will go with a dirty ass or unfed. It's time to go to school - should be given to the director. Without it, or do not take, or pop into the class of "leveling." Well, who wants to son studied among the "morons" should be given. The school is a bottomless hole for extortion - to paint the walls, desks buy, physical education teacher, for a gift, it is necessary to bring to klassruku deuce did not set, the director of studies at the jubilee, the curtains full of holes - it is necessary to change, you have to pay the cleaner, etc., etc. and no one asks the question, and what happens to the budget money allocated just for this purpose, well, except for the physical trainer and the director of studies.
Young and frisky Dagestan, accustomed to give and buy everyone and everything, ends 11 classes. Since vocational education system destroyed in complete shit, absolutely everything (!) just need to have a college degree. Despite all these nasty exam (hello Fursenko), which are easily bought, only manage to give money, go to college without money in Dagestan is almost impossible. I lie still, perhaps we could on the specialty of soil science and ornithology DSU, which is 1 person for 10 people, and they are not closed to further steal budget money. 99.9% of students in Dagestan received a bribe.
I feel that they really learn from somewhere 30%, the others continue to buy every tests and exams. If you can not buy "the teacher", or just buy the dean of the rector. Having finished Institute, Dagestan or go into the army (since going to move through the law enforcement agencies), or "fed" to graduate school, or sitting at home and tupit. Few starts to move and look for jobs that smart guys (remember those 30%?) Can still be found, because blockheads. employed relative (see para. 1) with the work of his can not cope and they need a singer to whom they will pay off the crumbs to steal money. Typically, if there are no obstacles, these guys go from Dagestan. After graduating Army / graduate young man pumped Pontus (see para. 2) buys with the help of relatives / relations (see para. 1) position or a position bureaucrats politsionera (yes, any position, even the sentry stoplight is bought and sold) and starts or extort bribes, or to cut the budget. It's time zhenitstsa (see para. 2) on any chicken (see para. 2). And so the circle, the second generation is growing and growing up in this corrupt scheme. All excited and happy.
What I love Dagestan and Dagestanis, with the agreement that it all happens? Dagestanis forgotten what honor, conscience, pride. On all sides crept shit and all cattle, and presses his brutish mass remnants of the intelligentsia. Why should I love the sheep who are happy with the current corrupt ass and happy to cook it further. That's what I do not like and oppose. I call corrupt scum (all Dagestani authorities) by their names - read by shit. Tuporylye hens without a purpose in life do not think women and vile pontoshlepov slippers from "Gucci" do not think of the people. At least I am honest. I'm no longer proud of what I Dagestan.
- Excessive clan and absolutely necessary to have a "connection."
- Predisposition to cheap Ponte. I do not think it is genetic, probably arising from the first two decades of lawlessness burdened - first of thieves, and now Cop.
- The desire and love for bribes and "Podmazov" anything and everything, if not in terms of money, in any other "agreements", to bypass the law, conscience and honor.
Regarding the first point is clear. If some shit breaks up, it begins to pull for them their kinsmen, and all without discrimination. It does not matter, they're smart or dumb as a cork (in most cases), will steal or not, even not so important, whether they are loyal to their patron. This manifests itself in the same clan neproshibaemoy confidence that all you have to do something, ie Doubar you must smuggle in and help. For the majority of Dagestanis norm of behavior is gregarious overcrowding and the presence of "connections" define success. For example, if suddenly a crime and requires the intervention of the police, a rare Dagestan dial 02 - on the contrary, it will start to look for friends, relatives who have friends relatives work in the bodies or know someone who works there to connect directly with " fit "person. The same, if you need to go to hospital - or clinic 03 is unsportsmanlike - need to find "their" and go to it. And the truth is rarely what doctor / cop / prosecutor / judge, etc. lift a little finger of the left leg, if the case does not concern a) his or b) these things "wiggling" will not be rewarded properly (see para. 3). [next]
Ponty is a separate issue on which you can write a thesis. It's almost the main motivating factor - so said about you, what you done / Viewtiful / athlete / Superman. Dagestani, for the most part, at the time of the adoption of any decisions evaluates them from the perspective of that "boys will tell him." Much time and effort is given to "shell." A person can be a complete nonentity, but will attach itself to the form "solidnyaka." "Anti-Semitism" can spend hours discussing some cloth or shoes or sunglasses. I personally know a number of the unemployed (by virtue of their natural laziness) dzhigits that the latest money or borrow from relatives / friends (see para. 1) to buy the most expensive phone, usually "Nokio" and could not replenish his account, but simply We walked with him through the city and flaunted without a penny in the account. Men often wear with a special cloth (the so-called "Marochko"), which rub their shoes to shine, several times a day, ie, are currently on the street, and then lift up his hoof to the nearest curb, take out "Marochko" and overlooking the emperor hunting, clean their boots. Such citizens can spend the whole night in the stupid, senseless "Khabar" about anything or discussing some goats. Normally telling a fable about who, how many times and under what sauce "flunked" this or that "chick».
Dagestan is a song girl. How do I enrage tuporylye chickens - dagestanki who go to classes at the school or institution heels, skirts with slits up ass and with a ton of evening makeup on their faces, with a small bag, which can hardly fit a notebook with a pen. And this is no joke - of 99%, ie she will not wear practical clothing or put their textbooks and exercise books in a backpack, because I fuck her study did not give up - the main purpose of the visit of the Institute - to get married. "Marriage" is a different story, for most (not all) dagestanok "marry" a religion, it is how to reach nirvana - the ultimate goal of their existence. By this they are systematically prepared, starting with the lower grades, it does not matter for whom, and how, above all faster. Day of the transition to a new quality to them is the most important day of life, and in accordance with their religious cult, they mark it with the maximum pomp, which are capable of, and if you are not able to, then rack up debt for life or help relatives, for which it is also " holy 'debt (see para. 1).
To understand what I mean, here are some facts about the Dagestani weddings. A wedding for 300 people, it's sooooo small wedding - usually 800-1,000 guests. Take a wedding dress for a day rental costs from one hundred thousand to buy from two hundred. For comparison, the other day in the local network at work came across an ad - she sells wedding dress famous London fashion designer, never dress up (as I understand, the wedding was upset) for £ 1500 (it is 70 thousand rubles). A relative got married last summer, so to save money, they took the dress rental Derbent (think 70 thousand), all gone mad. Banquet facilities (which at least hundreds across Dagestan, Makhachkala and a few dozen) have to book much in advance, at least six months in advance, and they are from one hundred thousand in a single day. And what an orgy going on weddings - it's terrible. "Stars", "Stars" and "zvezdulki" Dagestan pop, shake their cries all the banquet hall and the surrounding area. Guests poured a fiery centners water and guzzle like brutalized. Master of ceremonies, holding stoparik vodka wants young "that Allah has given them more children" (words are not enough to characterize these scoundrels). And all this orgy lasts a minimum of 2 days.
Ponty manifested in everything - the need to be drawn is the cornerstone of the Dagestan society. The more titles, more honorable. It's amazing but true, for most young people is an accomplishment petty bureaucrats office, where you can steal (see para. 3). Mothers nearly burst with pride when his daughters are married for "a good guy in the state work." The number of fake candidates (because the degree opens the door to all sorts of ministries) just rolls over. Now is a matter of tribal honor, chip (see para. 3), all the "tukhum" (see para. 1) a) the institution, b) in graduate school, and c) a good position. ALL (!) Public (and not only) are sold positions (see para. 3). Most interesting is that animals, so graduated and 'protect' candidate, just bursting at the seams with a sense of self-worth. They actually see themselves as candidates of science, not an empty place, what really is and are.
Bribery in Dagestan recent times has become a cult. Extortion of bribes at the household level is as much the norm as the sunrise in the east. If you follow the trail vzyatochny separate Dagestani, then you need to start from the hospital, and no, women's clinic - where his mother is registered. Physician necessarily have to "grease the palm", this is because it is so important - but it usually costs in small amounts - up to 1,000 rubles, or a box of chocolates and other trifles. Further, the hospital - it is necessary to give all (!), The nurse in the emergency room, a nurse nurses and cleaners. If you do not give, then you will be regarded as an empty space. Just like that to go to the hospital, not the "grease" who should be or not having contacts (see para. 1) can not. I saw the girl in the waiting room, whose water broke, and she called her husband and asked to bring five thousand rubles to have accepted it. With the birth attendant physician must agree in advance. He / she will tell you how much to give and to whom, will determine his fee. Ie really have no agreement is practically impossible. Childbirth, and will be something like, but no jabs, no attendant care and support to more than absolutely necessary minimum nobody gets. Even the cleaning lady not cleaned under the bed in the ward pregnant woman, if she does not give a hundred rubles. During discharge all have to give money, in particular, was a shock to me that there is a special "pelenalschitsa", which is necessary to give two hundred rubles to swaddle the baby, she is beautiful, like to photograph. Next start routine, the doctor came to the house to see the child - it is necessary to give money (not necessarily like, but many give). If the child is ill and have to take tests in the clinic - it is necessary to pay money, or "unit does not work." For 200 rubles "apparatus" miraculously starts. Lab should be given to analysis and they did not write it "from the ceiling».
It's time to go to kindergarten - there is no space for a certain bribe place immediately appears. The latest data is of 50 000 rubles for the Caspian and much more to Makhachkala. Since Group of 30 or more children, one teacher and sometimes a couple of nurses, all of them have to "give" on a regular basis in order for your child should be. You will not give, will go with a dirty ass or unfed. It's time to go to school - should be given to the director. Without it, or do not take, or pop into the class of "leveling." Well, who wants to son studied among the "morons" should be given. The school is a bottomless hole for extortion - to paint the walls, desks buy, physical education teacher, for a gift, it is necessary to bring to klassruku deuce did not set, the director of studies at the jubilee, the curtains full of holes - it is necessary to change, you have to pay the cleaner, etc., etc. and no one asks the question, and what happens to the budget money allocated just for this purpose, well, except for the physical trainer and the director of studies.
Young and frisky Dagestan, accustomed to give and buy everyone and everything, ends 11 classes. Since vocational education system destroyed in complete shit, absolutely everything (!) just need to have a college degree. Despite all these nasty exam (hello Fursenko), which are easily bought, only manage to give money, go to college without money in Dagestan is almost impossible. I lie still, perhaps we could on the specialty of soil science and ornithology DSU, which is 1 person for 10 people, and they are not closed to further steal budget money. 99.9% of students in Dagestan received a bribe.
I feel that they really learn from somewhere 30%, the others continue to buy every tests and exams. If you can not buy "the teacher", or just buy the dean of the rector. Having finished Institute, Dagestan or go into the army (since going to move through the law enforcement agencies), or "fed" to graduate school, or sitting at home and tupit. Few starts to move and look for jobs that smart guys (remember those 30%?) Can still be found, because blockheads. employed relative (see para. 1) with the work of his can not cope and they need a singer to whom they will pay off the crumbs to steal money. Typically, if there are no obstacles, these guys go from Dagestan. After graduating Army / graduate young man pumped Pontus (see para. 2) buys with the help of relatives / relations (see para. 1) position or a position bureaucrats politsionera (yes, any position, even the sentry stoplight is bought and sold) and starts or extort bribes, or to cut the budget. It's time zhenitstsa (see para. 2) on any chicken (see para. 2). And so the circle, the second generation is growing and growing up in this corrupt scheme. All excited and happy.
What I love Dagestan and Dagestanis, with the agreement that it all happens? Dagestanis forgotten what honor, conscience, pride. On all sides crept shit and all cattle, and presses his brutish mass remnants of the intelligentsia. Why should I love the sheep who are happy with the current corrupt ass and happy to cook it further. That's what I do not like and oppose. I call corrupt scum (all Dagestani authorities) by their names - read by shit. Tuporylye hens without a purpose in life do not think women and vile pontoshlepov slippers from "Gucci" do not think of the people. At least I am honest. I'm no longer proud of what I Dagestan.