As I came to a healthy lifestyle.
Good day!
I will begin with a short introduction: Now I am 24 years. I am quite successful young man, I have a good job, and even now I'm fine! What I am very happy!
And the story itself: about 3 years ago, my weight is ... drumroll ... about 140kg. I was very fond of a tasty meal, enjoyed a feast and fast food. I also did not limit himself in alcohol regularly once a week I have had gatherings, drinking, feast, with plenty of alcohol, as well as once a day, I could not give up the extra couple of wine glasses or cans or bottles of beer. In the appendage to all that I smoked, I smoked a lot of 1-1, 5 packs a day, but what? Why not to smoke in the good company of a bottle of vodka the other? Then, for me, it was par for the course.
Here's what else I will say, the problem of excess weight I was chased from 7-8 years. Just have not remember, you know that the school is often because of this there were problems, ridicule, etc. podkoly Somewhere in the 14 years the first time I tried spirits (I think it was a terrible quality moonshine, do not remember exactly) the same age started smoking, do not just dabble in, and already smoking at the present, the adult, and since then went drinking and partying ...
And at one point in my life, I realized that this can not go on, it is necessary to radically change something in their lives. And I decided to start it was necessary to lose weight, at least until quite human. Since this all started. January 11, 2010, just after the end of alco-holidays, I took up this and, by the time I looked something like this:
Photo 2
Photo 3
I sat on a rigid diet, eliminate from your diet any foods that are at least as it might affect my weight increase, according to this in my diet were only fruits, vegetables, some rice and mineral water and nothing else! That is all nothing more. At first, I wanted to go into a loop, I became irritable, nervous, I have disturbed sleep, dizziness began, and in addition has an old habit when you want nothing to feed or whether potrolit snacks, then begins to fall apart as time went on ... ....... Gradually, my body is switched to a new power through 1-1, 5 months I have normal sleep, dizziness passed, I became more or less adequate, and then I thought, if I do not throw under the guise of this whole affair smoke? .. So did, I abruptly stopped smoking completely abandoning the nicotine, 2 months, I felt and saw the first significant results, my weight has decreased by at least 10kg. And it was very noticeable, after 2 months, I practically stagnate in the new food, have already passed the "breaking" of the food and the type of tasty and useful little food I do not have a sense of euphoria. Nicotine breaking lasted about 2 weeks, but I survived, no longer want to smoke. After that everything went on thumb. As time went…. summer autumn…. Winter .... I travel a lot to different countries, Europe, Southeast Asia, and much more, well, as without the favorite resort of Russians, Turkey and Egypt, but I never bothered to give in to temptation, top to fill the belly of the local cooking, even when it was all favorite system in hotels, "Eat and drink until lopnesh" (All inclusive). there would not be desirable, in connection with which I began to lose weight, to the end of the year, I dropped about 45-50kg. My weight dropped to 90 kg. I'm weak, and by their standards ... like a drischa.
As time went on, by the end of 2010. I looked like this:
Photo 5. October 2010
Photo 6. October 2010
Photo 7. November 2010
Photo 8. November 2011
Photo 9. December. 2010
By the beginning of 2011. I decided that I also need to do something and 11 January, I completely stopped drinking, but as I have already pointed out, have a drink, I was very fond of and often liked to "get drunk" and so I completely gave up alcohol from anyone not on holidays, not on birthdays, I do not drink not grams. The same day when I stopped drinking, I purchased an annual subscription to a fitness club (gym) began regularly, doing both after work and on weekends and holidays, treadmills, to them I myself drove to the loss of pulse until just did not fall, then all the common trainers, program no I was not, I just worked and pace yourself physically demanding, as I have written often go on the road, like it had to stop my studies, but there is in all the hotels I regularly attended sports halls, if they were not there, then went to the other paid sojourn sports halls.
As time went on, I continued to control himself in food, but allowing yourself to fish in any form, fried boiled vegetables, etc. any meat, flour, sweet, I did not use. Just I went hard and persevere, a smooth transition to the power exercises, barbells, dumbbells, etc. It went muscle building, my physical form is much improved, I could give many a head start, so was 2011. The hard workouts, diets, travel and entertainment.
I now look something like this:
Photo 11. February 2011
Picture 12. April 2011
Photo June 13, 2011
Photo 14. December 2011
Photo 15. December 2011
I would like to sum up, I do not care what everyone will say, well, why not? Because it was very difficult, as long as you do not try it all, you realize it's really great work.
The most important and the most difficult it was to quit "eat", drink and smoke a lot easier.
Now I continue to do in the gym, swing, build muscle, and I love it, I was involved in it. I am very pleased that completely refused any kind of alcohol and smoking. All this went only benefit me in my state of physical and spiritual, as well, not much for myself I have become much easier to implement all its goals in life.
Now I can say with full confidence that I lead a healthy lifestyle and do sports.
P.S. I strongly advise everyone to stop drinking, smoking or exercise, it's complexity but it's worth it!
Thank you all, I finished really looking forward to comments.
I will begin with a short introduction: Now I am 24 years. I am quite successful young man, I have a good job, and even now I'm fine! What I am very happy!
And the story itself: about 3 years ago, my weight is ... drumroll ... about 140kg. I was very fond of a tasty meal, enjoyed a feast and fast food. I also did not limit himself in alcohol regularly once a week I have had gatherings, drinking, feast, with plenty of alcohol, as well as once a day, I could not give up the extra couple of wine glasses or cans or bottles of beer. In the appendage to all that I smoked, I smoked a lot of 1-1, 5 packs a day, but what? Why not to smoke in the good company of a bottle of vodka the other? Then, for me, it was par for the course.
Here's what else I will say, the problem of excess weight I was chased from 7-8 years. Just have not remember, you know that the school is often because of this there were problems, ridicule, etc. podkoly Somewhere in the 14 years the first time I tried spirits (I think it was a terrible quality moonshine, do not remember exactly) the same age started smoking, do not just dabble in, and already smoking at the present, the adult, and since then went drinking and partying ...
And at one point in my life, I realized that this can not go on, it is necessary to radically change something in their lives. And I decided to start it was necessary to lose weight, at least until quite human. Since this all started. January 11, 2010, just after the end of alco-holidays, I took up this and, by the time I looked something like this:

Photo 2

Photo 3

I sat on a rigid diet, eliminate from your diet any foods that are at least as it might affect my weight increase, according to this in my diet were only fruits, vegetables, some rice and mineral water and nothing else! That is all nothing more. At first, I wanted to go into a loop, I became irritable, nervous, I have disturbed sleep, dizziness began, and in addition has an old habit when you want nothing to feed or whether potrolit snacks, then begins to fall apart as time went on ... ....... Gradually, my body is switched to a new power through 1-1, 5 months I have normal sleep, dizziness passed, I became more or less adequate, and then I thought, if I do not throw under the guise of this whole affair smoke? .. So did, I abruptly stopped smoking completely abandoning the nicotine, 2 months, I felt and saw the first significant results, my weight has decreased by at least 10kg. And it was very noticeable, after 2 months, I practically stagnate in the new food, have already passed the "breaking" of the food and the type of tasty and useful little food I do not have a sense of euphoria. Nicotine breaking lasted about 2 weeks, but I survived, no longer want to smoke. After that everything went on thumb. As time went…. summer autumn…. Winter .... I travel a lot to different countries, Europe, Southeast Asia, and much more, well, as without the favorite resort of Russians, Turkey and Egypt, but I never bothered to give in to temptation, top to fill the belly of the local cooking, even when it was all favorite system in hotels, "Eat and drink until lopnesh" (All inclusive). there would not be desirable, in connection with which I began to lose weight, to the end of the year, I dropped about 45-50kg. My weight dropped to 90 kg. I'm weak, and by their standards ... like a drischa.
As time went on, by the end of 2010. I looked like this:

Photo 5. October 2010

Photo 6. October 2010

Photo 7. November 2010

Photo 8. November 2011

Photo 9. December. 2010

By the beginning of 2011. I decided that I also need to do something and 11 January, I completely stopped drinking, but as I have already pointed out, have a drink, I was very fond of and often liked to "get drunk" and so I completely gave up alcohol from anyone not on holidays, not on birthdays, I do not drink not grams. The same day when I stopped drinking, I purchased an annual subscription to a fitness club (gym) began regularly, doing both after work and on weekends and holidays, treadmills, to them I myself drove to the loss of pulse until just did not fall, then all the common trainers, program no I was not, I just worked and pace yourself physically demanding, as I have written often go on the road, like it had to stop my studies, but there is in all the hotels I regularly attended sports halls, if they were not there, then went to the other paid sojourn sports halls.
As time went on, I continued to control himself in food, but allowing yourself to fish in any form, fried boiled vegetables, etc. any meat, flour, sweet, I did not use. Just I went hard and persevere, a smooth transition to the power exercises, barbells, dumbbells, etc. It went muscle building, my physical form is much improved, I could give many a head start, so was 2011. The hard workouts, diets, travel and entertainment.
I now look something like this:

Photo 11. February 2011

Picture 12. April 2011

Photo June 13, 2011

Photo 14. December 2011

Photo 15. December 2011

I would like to sum up, I do not care what everyone will say, well, why not? Because it was very difficult, as long as you do not try it all, you realize it's really great work.
The most important and the most difficult it was to quit "eat", drink and smoke a lot easier.
Now I continue to do in the gym, swing, build muscle, and I love it, I was involved in it. I am very pleased that completely refused any kind of alcohol and smoking. All this went only benefit me in my state of physical and spiritual, as well, not much for myself I have become much easier to implement all its goals in life.
Now I can say with full confidence that I lead a healthy lifestyle and do sports.
P.S. I strongly advise everyone to stop drinking, smoking or exercise, it's complexity but it's worth it!
Thank you all, I finished really looking forward to comments.
