Yuri Kuklachev: "All my life I did what I ordered him heart. And it was very hard "

site publishes Yuri Kuklachev story about his life. The story, written with his words. It will be a story of kindness, perseverance, overcoming and gratitude - all that is the very essence of human zhizni.Brosiv relatives, the last day of the past in 2015, he got on a plane to Koltsovo. Because on this day, it was important for him to meet and talk with students from a colony for minors in a small town Kirovgrad. Explaining the meaning of this Act, Yuri Kuklachev recounts his entire life. And this story has nothing to do with the beautiful tale about a gay clown and his cats.
The cold room of the club juvenile correctional first one does not even notice undersized gray-haired man. There are waiting Kuklacheva clown, and he did not like it. But he is.
And when he begins to speak, immediately abuts the wall of misunderstanding: the cold, evil looks askance expected of him tedious moralizing and put the unit in advance. But after a few minutes the barrier disappears. And this despite the fact that no clowning. There will be trained and cats. It will just talk heart to heart.
"I just want to, when my granddaughter grow, none of you it does not hurt," - Kuklachev frankly admits that what he is every year goes on the children's colony with here "Lessons of Kindness". Sometimes he breaks the cry, sometimes he allows himself to call the audience "Bobby": "Because if today you will not think about what you want to achieve, tomorrow you will be void. And this void for you to fill in the other. And you, like a dog, like Bobby, will run them, tail wagging and wait where saharok give! »
But he is forgiven, because everything he says - and it is about his life, too, he explains Kuklachev:
- 31 December, I said, "Yuri Dmitrievich, holiday same table already laid, well, where do you go?" And I replied, "No. I do not stay. I've got the guys that they heard me understand. " I have not come to something to teach, to lecture. No. It's useless. I came to talk about his life.
I was born after the war. Times were hard. All the time wanted to eat. And I was born not in a family of actors. Total has made himself. In my own work. I want to transfer this experience to the boys also started to work on themselves.
I was seven years old when Uncle Bob told me: "Yuri, tell me why you came to this world?" I looked at him like an idiot. Like what? In order to live. And he asked me: "That's understandable. But who do you want to be? "I did not know. And he says, "Now. Today you do not sleep. You think of who you will become in life. " I still remember it as a nightmare. I suddenly realized that I was living in vain. I had not slept the night. I began to mentally play different professions, to try them for yourself. And it is very much a long time thinking about this.
One day my father brought home a TV "KVN". Included. And just showed Charlie Chaplin. I enjoyed it so much! I laughed so hard! At some point, he jumped up and started to try to do something for him to repeat. I heard laughter, someone laughed. And I was so warmly by this laughter, so happy, that I said, "I found it! Himself found! "I realized that I was going to do in life, I found the thing that pleased my heart. Clown I will! I set a goal. I was eight years old. And from that moment on, I went to this goal: to overcome himself, worked on himself. That is my mission. I had to carry it out.
In general, we all come into this world to fulfill his mission. We all - elected. More recently, we were tiny tadpoles that race with millions of their brothers and sisters rushed to the rescue, trying to survive. And survived. Think about it: 22 million people like you, tadpoles simply washed down the toilet. And the Lord has given you the opportunity allowed to continue living. And because none of us has the right to spend a life wasted.
each mission - to find the his gift, the ability to find their work to benefit the people. I was lucky. I found. But this does not mean that everything was more simple and easy. Yes, I am the master, I love my job, I can do it, I'm the only such in the world. But then I made myself. I still have calluses on his hands.
I'm in the circus school did seven times. I did not take. Explains: "Young man, you look at yourself. Well, what do you clown? "Degrading. They laughed at me. I laughed in his face. And I'm in the fourth grade, year after year, stubbornly tried.
And here I was sitting at home one day after another failed attempt to get into this school. Depressed, humiliated, obsmeyat. Father comes and says, "Well, son, have taken?" And I say, "Dad, me, no one believes." He says, "You're wrong. I know a man who believes in you. This is me, your father ».
He rescued me then. I realized that there is no power greater than that inside me. My desire to become a clown so great, so I'm sure of himself that nobody can break me. I pleaded. In the universe, there up, I'm every bit of his body sent a signal: "Lord, help me! Help me to realize my dream! Help me become who I am! »
And just two days in the bus, I met a girl who was playing in the national circus. This amateur circus, amateur. I know about this is not known. But as a casual conversation in a public transport sent me.
She led me to the gym, where it was everything: the trapeze, mats, jumping all over the place there, juggled, walked on a wire. I thought, thank God, that's it, I got much had to.
And I started. Silently, hard daily work on yourself. In the 16 years I won the amateur talent contest dedicated to the 50th anniversary of Soviet power. I was the first clown of the Soviet Union. And it was then that they took me to the circus school. I won.
It seemed that all the difficulties behind. But no. Further tests were even more. I took early - in March, although the entrance exams in July. But once adopted - it was a trouble: in training the bank fell and cut my leg. Prior to the bone. I cut my tibia nerve. So, everything. Leg, doctors say, is likely to remain for life senseless.
I had the surgery. And they say, "Now wait patiently. If the foot starts to hurt, then the nerve is recovering. And if not - I'm sorry, will remain an invalid. " And then I went to the pain. Ever fought with his elbow on the corner? Remember this sharp, burning pain? It hurts as well. I do not for one second, and constantly, constantly. The terrible pain begins at the feet and rises through the body to the neck and choked me. Stronger and stronger.
I have written an anesthetic injection. Morphine. The drug began to stab me in 16 years. And I sat down. I remember, as well as day-to-day, I flew like waiting for this injection is dependent on him. Well, that mother came. She saw me and was frightened: "Son, what's wrong? What are they doing here with you? "And when she learned that my prick, she said:" You wanted to be an artist? You'll never be them! You already after three injections are drawn to this drug. And they give you 15 injections prescribed. You podsyadesh so that never again will become a nobody, you're gone, you never will achieve nothing. If you want to get - be patient. " She left in tears.
Night has come. I endured. Nurses came. Offered injection. I refused. And all the pain intensified, I was burning all over, could not breathe. But suffered, I fought against this terror. By six in the morning just fell asleep. But that night I won. Because I had a purpose in life. I decided for her: "I will die, but will not be a drug addict. I have become an artist. No other way ».
Since then, I do not even drink. In general, a single gram. Because it interferes with achieving my goals. And there is nothing more important to her.

But in college I came on crutches. For four years I have tried to eliminate both incompetent. They did not want a disabled person. As a result, we wrote a joint letter with the request to expel me, handed him over to the director of the school. He collected a commission. He called me. I ran and I ask him: "Do not rule me! I want to learn! "He looked at me, took the paper and in the presence of the commission, in front of all those who demanded my expulsion, broke it:" Go my son, and learn. " Commission hissed, of course: "How so?" But he defended me, he said: "As long as I'm here, the boy will learn. He has the heart of a clown ».
Only thanks to him I graduated from college. He became a clown. The usual clowns clown. I know all genres. But I was the same as everyone else. Nothing special. And I have nowhere to work did not take. Because without me all is: folk artists, folk artists of the children ... And who am I? Nobody.
And again, I turned to the Lord. And again he helped. He sent me a skinny, wet, miserable, blind kitten. I found him on the street. He wanted to pass by. But he cried so pitifully that the heart has not allowed me to leave him. Brought home laundered, fed. And he stayed with me. Along with him came to the house of love. But the main thing - he helped me find myself again. I thought, "Well, of course! Correctly! No one is to me a number of cats did! Nobody in the world does not know how to train them ».
I tried. Did not work. But I'm stubborn. I have developed a program that approached the issue not like everything, but in a different way: the cat did not break down, forcing her to do something. I started watching her, looking for what she likes the most. In short, I'm not her, and she began to train me.
He came home once, but no cats. Disappeared. Searched-I searched, found in the kitchen, in the pan. He pulled her out - she's back. And then I realized. Here it is! Here is my number! Thus was born "The Cat and the Cook." We traveled with this number throughout the world. All prizes which are in the world, received.
I left the circus and created his own theater. But it was not easy. The idea was, the rooms were and the room was not. In 1990, the US sent me a contract. They called back to work. And I did not want to leave! The situation is hopeless. And all would be lost if one day I jumped out of bed at seven in the morning. An inner voice woke me up:
- What lie? Get up quickly and run!
- Where to run something?
- The Moscow City Council run.
- Why in the Moscow City Council?
- Do not ask, go. Time is running out!
I caught the car. Gone. I went into the building - and immediately met the mayor. I said, "Hello! Help. I contract came to America to work name. I did leave. And do not come back. Children learn to be there, where owning a home, farm. I can not be back ever. I want to stay here. For God's sake, give me a room. " It is to some subordinates povorachivatsya and suddenly said: "Yes, you give him the theater».
Honestly, it was. No ruble bribe I did not pay, no chocolates or a bottle of champagne no one slipped. And I was given a 2 sq. M. m. in the center of Moscow, opposite the White House. There were good people. For two days we did the scene. And they began to act.
Theatre for 25 years. I love him so much. It is beautiful - so, as I saw it in my dreams. I did it because for 25 years did not give anyone steal a penny. I'm like a beast, sitting on every ruble to anything past the theater, so that everything in it went.
I picked up the building. Even in the two thousandth banker in my theater encroached. Times were already others. The invaders took away my property intelligently, through the courts. They worked so beautifully, that the mosquito nose will not undermine. But we defended the theater. Good people helped. And the bank, which he attempted, was the first who took the license. God helped.
God - in all of us. He speaks to us through our conscience. If you hear it, it's okay. And if not - you trouble. At the grave, it is suitable, it will take by the neck and say, "Well, how are you, my friend, lived without me?»
Remember that the oligarch, who was born in Russia, was a good education here, intelligence, communications amassed, but to spend it on something, to deceive and plunder? Remember him? Remember, he went to England? That's where his conscience and strangled. At the last moment of his life, all the abomination, which he also gave birth, attacked him. That's when he realized the yacht, the house, the millions stolen from a Can not Take It. You came into this world naked, naked and leave. You will eat worms - and thy body, and soul. Also hate the mud and fighting for the inheritance of the children because he did not leave anything.
Because it is important that each of us has found himself, he understood his mission and lived honestly. Listen to your heart, but do not expect that everything will be easy. It will be very hard. Because it just so nothing is given.
Text Dmitry Shlykova source 66.ru
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