... Foothills of the Himalayas. November 3, 1988. Prior to the Kara-Kum was a few kilometers away. And then our column came under fire from "spirits". BMP head was hit and burned. The remaining cars slowly moved back along the mountain road back. Just a few seconds - and the "spirits" hurl all the firepower to unprotected tankers. And then ...
Instantly assess the situation, the platoon commander of a separate cover Ensign Shipunov decides to divert the enemy's attention from "nalivnikov." Even if it cost their lives. "The crew, to fight! Forward! "Continuously firing machine guns and machine guns, BTR-80" flies "on an open patch of a mountain next to a damaged BMP and takes the power of fire" spirits "themselves. Constantly maneuvering, the APC does not thrower "spirits" to make an accurate shot - grenades tearing rocks nearby. And the commander, not looking up from a large-caliber machine gun, time to pinpoint the enemy firing points, and transmits by radio their position unfolded gunners. BTR hit. Ammunition ran out. The crew leaves the vehicle. Shipunov opening door armored APCs, jumps to the ground - there is a bullet hit the seat, where he had been sitting. More time to pass, where a sniper hiding, saw anti-aircraft gunners worked well. A mine explosion - and the silence ...
Five hours to continue the fight in a mountain gorge. The wounded and shell-shocked soldiers commander had taken out of the bag on fire another APC. I woke up on the armor. The head is buzzing. From hip big splinter sticks mines. Asked vodka ... Detoxifies her wound, he pulls out a splinter from the body ... The hospital refused to go, lie down in his cockpit. Details of the battle told the men: a column of nearly perished. While he was fighting, "spirits" still burned tanker. Minute delay - the explosion of fuel and the fire spread to the rest of the machine ... but not taken aback fighter platoon Dmitry Arnau. I managed to jump into the car and dump "KAMAZ" into the abyss.
For this feat Shipunov Ensign introduced the fighter to the medal "For Courage". But even before the new year demobilized hero, he did not receive the award. Already in the Union through the newspaper commander found his fighter ...
"Senior Warrant Officer Shipunov AI with 7.19.97 he served as part of the Collective Peacekeeping Forces in the conflict zone in Abkhazia, Georgia. During that time, he proved to be a competent, disciplined and executive ensign. By the execution of his duty treated with high responsibility. With honor and dignity fulfilled peacekeeping mission in the conflict zone.
For exemplary performance of military duty, with the highest rates in the performance management and exemplary military discipline in the performance of the peacekeeping mission in the conflict zone in Abkhazia, Georgia, I order:
1. Senior ensign Shipunova Alexander Ivanovich award certificates and submit to the state awards: the Order "For Military Merit". Give a badge "For the implementation of the peacekeeping mission».
2. Order to bring to the personnel.
Commander of the Collective Peacekeeping Forces in the conflict zone in Abkhazia, Georgia
Major General S. Korobko
Head OSHK CPF in the conflict zone in Abkhazia, Georgia, Major-General N.Suryadny. "
Posted in [mergetime] 1394092953 [/ mergetime]
The order is, and award Shipunov did not get to this day ...
Wounds and contusions done their dirty deed. When he returned to the Urals, in April 1999, for health reasons, he was the reserve.
He could dwell in a military pension. But no. Since 2003, he passes his extensive experience of young people - commanded a company of young cadets in STC "Cadet" Sysert. Under his 120 children, students grades 5-11. Often, the lessons and in their spare time, they are asked to tell his mentor about the war. And again, his memory returns in the heat of battle. Again, make survive what will be with him always ...
God grant that the boys did not have to go through it.

Instantly assess the situation, the platoon commander of a separate cover Ensign Shipunov decides to divert the enemy's attention from "nalivnikov." Even if it cost their lives. "The crew, to fight! Forward! "Continuously firing machine guns and machine guns, BTR-80" flies "on an open patch of a mountain next to a damaged BMP and takes the power of fire" spirits "themselves. Constantly maneuvering, the APC does not thrower "spirits" to make an accurate shot - grenades tearing rocks nearby. And the commander, not looking up from a large-caliber machine gun, time to pinpoint the enemy firing points, and transmits by radio their position unfolded gunners. BTR hit. Ammunition ran out. The crew leaves the vehicle. Shipunov opening door armored APCs, jumps to the ground - there is a bullet hit the seat, where he had been sitting. More time to pass, where a sniper hiding, saw anti-aircraft gunners worked well. A mine explosion - and the silence ...
Five hours to continue the fight in a mountain gorge. The wounded and shell-shocked soldiers commander had taken out of the bag on fire another APC. I woke up on the armor. The head is buzzing. From hip big splinter sticks mines. Asked vodka ... Detoxifies her wound, he pulls out a splinter from the body ... The hospital refused to go, lie down in his cockpit. Details of the battle told the men: a column of nearly perished. While he was fighting, "spirits" still burned tanker. Minute delay - the explosion of fuel and the fire spread to the rest of the machine ... but not taken aback fighter platoon Dmitry Arnau. I managed to jump into the car and dump "KAMAZ" into the abyss.
For this feat Shipunov Ensign introduced the fighter to the medal "For Courage". But even before the new year demobilized hero, he did not receive the award. Already in the Union through the newspaper commander found his fighter ...
"Senior Warrant Officer Shipunov AI with 7.19.97 he served as part of the Collective Peacekeeping Forces in the conflict zone in Abkhazia, Georgia. During that time, he proved to be a competent, disciplined and executive ensign. By the execution of his duty treated with high responsibility. With honor and dignity fulfilled peacekeeping mission in the conflict zone.
For exemplary performance of military duty, with the highest rates in the performance management and exemplary military discipline in the performance of the peacekeeping mission in the conflict zone in Abkhazia, Georgia, I order:
1. Senior ensign Shipunova Alexander Ivanovich award certificates and submit to the state awards: the Order "For Military Merit". Give a badge "For the implementation of the peacekeeping mission».
2. Order to bring to the personnel.
Commander of the Collective Peacekeeping Forces in the conflict zone in Abkhazia, Georgia
Major General S. Korobko
Head OSHK CPF in the conflict zone in Abkhazia, Georgia, Major-General N.Suryadny. "
Posted in [mergetime] 1394092953 [/ mergetime]
The order is, and award Shipunov did not get to this day ...
Wounds and contusions done their dirty deed. When he returned to the Urals, in April 1999, for health reasons, he was the reserve.
He could dwell in a military pension. But no. Since 2003, he passes his extensive experience of young people - commanded a company of young cadets in STC "Cadet" Sysert. Under his 120 children, students grades 5-11. Often, the lessons and in their spare time, they are asked to tell his mentor about the war. And again, his memory returns in the heat of battle. Again, make survive what will be with him always ...
God grant that the boys did not have to go through it.