Interesting psychological facts about which not all know
Minds of all time are clue to the human psyche. Despite the fact that at the moment scientists have known many human psychological characteristics, very much remains unexplored. We offer to your attention some of the psychological facts with which you will be able to better understand yourself.
1. People very poorly perceives the combination of blue and red colors. If a person sees nearby are the blue and red colors, his vision is very difficult it takes. This effect is called "cromoterapia".
In this effect, the following occurs: one color becomes the foreground, and the second – like retreats. Because of this, eyes irritated, and there is fatigue.
The strong action of this effect cause the combination of red and blue and green and red flowers nearby.
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2. 30% of our time we spend on dreams. All people love to dream. Psychologists say that to such a pleasant pastime for many, we spend 30% of the time. This is the average statistics. Because there are not enough such who spend on pipe dreams even further. Not to say that it's bad. The results of the research have shown that people who love to dream, better able to solve problems and more creative in life.
3. Man is not able not to pay attention to 3 things: danger, sex and food. Note: people will always stop, even if much hurry to look, for example, an accident. And all because the person is not able to ignore the dangerous situation.
More from our ancient ancestors we got a certain structure of the brain responsible for survival.
On a subconscious level, people are always thinking, "Edible? Is this dangerous for my life? Is it possible with this to have sex?".
These three things are, in fact, the only thing to seriously take care of our brain. All quite understandable: if a person does not eat, he will die.
If the person is not going to be having sex – end of the line. Well, in the case of the death of a man the first two points become meaningless.
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4. People become more happy when he's doing anything. Imagine the situation: you are at the airport and you need to get your stuff.
You'll need around 12 minutes to reach the area in which the issue of Luggage.
At that moment, when you get to the carousel, you try as soon as possible to pick up your "treasure".
Looking forward to what you cover? And now another situation: to reach the tape issue you could just 2 minutes, but 10 minutes you are expecting your Luggage.
Please note that you have left in both cases for 12 minutes until the baggage you have in your hands, but in the second case, you feel much impatient and, accordingly, neschastliva.
5. People tend to overestimate their reactions to events that only happens. People can't predict their future.
And would be correct to say that many people overestimate their reactions to the events in his life that just happens. While it does not matter bad things or good.
People, for some reason sure that such an important event in his life, like a wedding or rapid growth in career will make them happy. It's not always true.
The negativity can be attributed to the same.
For example, the person is sure that in the event of his dismissal, he will be very unhappy, but if it happens, it turns out it's not so bad.
6. Things look a little different than the person perceives them. "Nedavno in CACM podagra Pasolini of bkoby in sloe. SMOE vange is chatby of Parva and Pinesdale bcwwa blue swich matzah" — such conclusion was made by researchers at the University of Cambridge.
Even in that case, if you move all the letters a person can read the writing. And all because the brain does not read absolutely all of the letters, as it sees the whole word.
Human brain continuously processes information that comes to him through all the senses.
So it turns out that how you perceive information, not rarely different than how you see it.
(And now look at the first line of the paragraph — ))))))
7. People cannot simultaneously do several things. Some people are sure that they are able to do several things at once. This misconception.
Scientists have proved long ago that, for example, 2 or 3 things to do immediately man can do. No, of course we can, for example, to walk down the street and talking on a mobile phone, while the human brain focuses on one case at a specific point in time.
Also think of several things impossible.
8. People tend to alter their memories. Human memories can be regarded as a small "movie".
Remembering people play them in my head.
Some believe that memories are stored as well, such as video. But this view is mistaken.
Every time man reminiscing, he changes them every time. And all because each time the neural pathways are activated in different ways.
Most often, it affects the desire to fill in the missing gaps in memory.
9. It is human nature to blame the other, not the situation. Imagine a situation in which visited every. You agreed to meet.
But the man is delayed. Comes to mind the anger at the late person.
Usually, lateness is easiest to explain the disorganization and irresponsibility. But when you are late you are, it is due to external circumstances.
In psychology there is such term – "fundamental attribution error" — the tendency to blame people's behavior to internal characteristics of the person, and their personal behavior due to various external factors.
Even when we know about the human tendency to be a misconception, we tend still to this mistake.
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10. Human habit is formed within 66 days. Scientists managed to establish that certain actions, which will eventually become a habit, formed in about 66 days.
The number of days depends on how complex is the behavior that we want to buy. For example, if a person wishes to exercise became a habit, it takes 1.5 times more time than those who wish to entered into a habit by eating some fruit for lunch.
In that case, if for any reason you miss a day or two, this does not affect purchasing habits.
However, if the number of missed days is quite large, this will naturally affect the process of habituation.
Source: mif-facts.com.ua