Doctors do not have confidence in Wikipedia

American researchers have devoted a lot of time to the attentive study of online reference "Wikipedia" to come to the conclusion that nine out of ten articles written on the subject of medicine and health, contain inaccuracies. According to them, the portal does not is a reliable source of information, especially medical subjects.
Most doctors inaccuracies found in the pages of the encyclopedia on diseases of the pulmonary organs, heart and metabolism. Justified and approval of experts from the field of medicine have confirmed the above fact, stating that the predominant number of articles in the pages of the encyclopedia is false.
As further evidence here was the result of research, voiced in the pages of press releases of the international publishers. Recall that "Wikipedia" is a project created by exclusively from voluntary contributions and currently contains over thirty million articles.
The sex of the physician affects the efficiency. Researchers from the University of Montreal believe that the gender of the physician affects the quality and efficiency of its work. Analysis of information on the work of 870 middle-aged physicians who practice in the canadian province of Quebec showed that women doctors carefully follow all the recommendations regarding diagnosis and treatment, compared to their fellow men. For example, an eye examination in diabetes patients prescribed 75% of women, while the medical men do this in 70% of cases.
Source: globalscience.ru
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