As the death of famous people affect the operation of Wikipedia
You can not love the creativity Prince, and may not know about it. In any case, he has made an invaluable contribution to contemporary culture. But the conversation is not about who he was and what he was doing, and how the death of a man affected by Wikipedia. Total page views performer and producer and a half hours after death to nearly 50,000 per minute, and for the first hour the page was visited by 1, 84 million times.
Name Prince made to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. In the video below - a great guitar solo in his performance with 3:28
. April 21, 2016 in Minnesota died Prince, is an American singer and multi-instrumentalist, performer in a variety of styles from funk and rhythm and blues to rock, has a huge impact on the music for a few decades. Information about the Prince's death appeared in the press at 16:49 at the UTC, and then for an hour devoted to his English-language Wikipedia page views 1, 84 million times, that is, 510 times per second.
Peak visits of the page fell on the 17:18, when she went to 48572 times per minute - 810 per second.
At Wikipedia, then there is a problem - a large number of people willing to correct the data on the page. This has led to conflict when one editor saves changes after it is made by someone else. After the death of Prince such errors occurred up to 15 per minute.
Page Prince opened so often that some people just could not go on it - it is not loaded. Acted PoolCounter tool designed to protect the resource servers after Michael Jackson's death in 2009, when the page was visited per day 5, 9 million people, of whom a million - in the first hour.
This seems unprecedented pic.twitter.com/QDkn5Lv79u- Nick Statt (@nickstatt) April 21, 2016
Similar bursts of activity were observed after the death of other famous performers. Within an hour on her page after Whitney Houston's death came 425 times per second. Amy Winehouse On July 23, 2011 would like to know more 377 people in a second. Steve Jobs, the figure for an hour after death - 295 times. This is one of the most popular "on the hour" of articles - pages that are visited by maximum number of people for one hour at any time in the history of Wikipedia
. January 10, 2016 the world has left another genius, British musician David Bowie - two days after the release of 26 studio albums. During the day, his page was viewed 7 million times. Before his death, Bowie released a video for the song Lazarus, which began with the words «Look up here, I'm in heaven. I've got scars that can not be seen. I've got drama, can not be stolen. Everybody knows me now ». So the musician said goodbye to us.
On this chart - page views David Bowie and actor Alan Rickman, who left the two a difference of a few days at the age of 69 years.
Within a few months, Wikipedia editors will discuss the facts in the articles of the Prince and complement it. Only for April 22, they made about 600 edits in the English version.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/274817/
Name Prince made to the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. In the video below - a great guitar solo in his performance with 3:28
. April 21, 2016 in Minnesota died Prince, is an American singer and multi-instrumentalist, performer in a variety of styles from funk and rhythm and blues to rock, has a huge impact on the music for a few decades. Information about the Prince's death appeared in the press at 16:49 at the UTC, and then for an hour devoted to his English-language Wikipedia page views 1, 84 million times, that is, 510 times per second.
Peak visits of the page fell on the 17:18, when she went to 48572 times per minute - 810 per second.

At Wikipedia, then there is a problem - a large number of people willing to correct the data on the page. This has led to conflict when one editor saves changes after it is made by someone else. After the death of Prince such errors occurred up to 15 per minute.

Page Prince opened so often that some people just could not go on it - it is not loaded. Acted PoolCounter tool designed to protect the resource servers after Michael Jackson's death in 2009, when the page was visited per day 5, 9 million people, of whom a million - in the first hour.
This seems unprecedented pic.twitter.com/QDkn5Lv79u- Nick Statt (@nickstatt) April 21, 2016
Similar bursts of activity were observed after the death of other famous performers. Within an hour on her page after Whitney Houston's death came 425 times per second. Amy Winehouse On July 23, 2011 would like to know more 377 people in a second. Steve Jobs, the figure for an hour after death - 295 times. This is one of the most popular "on the hour" of articles - pages that are visited by maximum number of people for one hour at any time in the history of Wikipedia
. January 10, 2016 the world has left another genius, British musician David Bowie - two days after the release of 26 studio albums. During the day, his page was viewed 7 million times. Before his death, Bowie released a video for the song Lazarus, which began with the words «Look up here, I'm in heaven. I've got scars that can not be seen. I've got drama, can not be stolen. Everybody knows me now ». So the musician said goodbye to us.
On this chart - page views David Bowie and actor Alan Rickman, who left the two a difference of a few days at the age of 69 years.

Within a few months, Wikipedia editors will discuss the facts in the articles of the Prince and complement it. Only for April 22, they made about 600 edits in the English version.
Source: geektimes.ru/post/274817/
To remember something, it is better not to write and draw
In this world there is only one consistency