Any article Wikipedia eventually lead you to the article "Philosophy"

There is a theory that absolutely any article on Wikipedia chain leads to the article "Philosophy". To do this, click on the first link in the chain of each article. Note: the reference should be in brackets and italic. If the link is repeated, should click the following after it, otherwise you'll be walking in a circle.
So: the first link in the article, then the first link in the next article and so on, until you reach the philosophy, and you are sure you reach to it :)
Editorial Faktruma test this theory on the example article about an asteroid J002E3, and this looked like a chain.
J002E3, an asteroid, planet, orbit, material point, the physical model, a tsunami, a wave, a continuous medium, mechanical systems, mechanical movement, the body (physics), physics, science, science, knowledge, technique, organize, set theory, math, ( here we met the second time, "science", so we skip it and click the link below) idealization of reality and - bingo! - Philosophy.
There is even a Wikipedia article dedicated to this theory - "Wikipedia: how to get to philosophy." It says that philosophy are 94, 5% of all the articles, others simply contain broken links. Explains this phenomenon is quite simple: as you can see for example the reduced chain, Wikipedia has a tendency to move up the classification circuit, which is getting wider and wider and eventually leads to philosophy.
via factroom.ru
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