100 crazy Wikipedia articles

We chose the most bizarre of the materials from the free encyclopedia. Happy birthday, Vicky! H3> British scientists Larry Sanger (Larry Sanger) and Jimmy Wales (Jimmy Wales) dreamed of creating a universal encyclopedia, the amount of data that could not be compared to any one of the pre-existing. And they succeeded: January 15, 2001, they launched the site "Wikipedia". Today there is hardly a man who would use the Internet, but never thumbed the free encyclopedia Wiki. It is one of the ten most visited online resources in the world.
In honor of the birth of Wikipedia Website has chosen the most amazing and bizarre articles in this site. Make it your own, you will find fascinating reading.
Interesting geography h3> Even if you do not want to go to these places, you will probably be interested to know more about them.
Weißwurstäquator Most of Bitch Buchloe roach and Ublya Galim Kozloduy Moskal Khokhlov Najera anywhere Isle of Misunderstandings Petting < Heaven Happiness Тауматауакатангиангакоауауотаматеатурипукакапикимаунгахоронукупокануэнуакитанатаху Ydzhydvozh e The history and time h3> It turns out we missed a huge number of strange and improbable, but still very real historical events and facts.
Pineapple Manifesto Labial Tselovalnik Fat people Beaver Wars Battle of the Herrings Ear War February 30 May 32 The Fall Yeltsin bridge Chernomyrdinki Political lesbianism < / Pornokratiya Title List Kim Culture and Society h3> Of course, we have already seen a lot. But to show that ... Wikipedia, which means "culture shock».
How To Eat With Your Butt Global Orgasm Chewbacca Defense Babai The ban on the death li > Competition Israeli anti-Semitic cartoons The international standard brewing tea Russia - the native land of elephants Fictional people of Russia Belarusian Arabic alphabet The letter sic Glock Kuzdra Pig Latin Lion-Eating Poet in the Stone Den Art h3> Do you think you know about the art of almost all? Most likely, wrong.
Geostationary Banana Over Texas E * vivo Recording the heir cub Monument Mytishchi water supply The inscriptions on the desks Gavnø Crap Artist The Kandy-Kolored Tangerine-Flake Streamline Baby The answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe and Everything Porno Holocaust The Longest Most Meaningless Movie in the World Science and Technology h3> The amazing discovery, great inventions and the facts that do not fit in my head.
gay bomb vampire squid forgetful dog The theorem of the infinite monkeys Green glowing piglets Rain of animals goat sanguisorba Brain Bubbles The observation of homosexual behavior in sheep < Spectacled tsvetosos anti-tank dog Fallologichesky Museum The algorithm Führer Esoteric programming languages Negative and positive zero 65537-gon maggot therapy fatal familial insomnia List of non-existent chemical elements Paradox cats with oil Tailings Big stupid media Flying Tank krakozyabrami Stalin vs. Martians People h3> The historical or fictional personality who attracted the attention of the users of Wikipedia.
Santa Pihto Baba Adam Bede Buka Suka Dimka Valentin Khristoforovich Columbus Petrovichi Pop Poher Rush asshole Other h3>
World Toilet Organization Gold toilet picking your nose Islamic toilet etiquette You're not here! < Forest swastika Nothing and nowherevia ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/%D0%9D%D0%B8%D0%B3%D0%B4%D0%B5