Celebrities and their mothers (14 photos)
A small selection of well-known people and their mothers.
Mom Antonino Banderas
David Beckham mom
Mom Orlando Bloom
Barbara Bush, wife of the 41st Prezdineta US and mother 43rd
Mom Jake Dzhilinghalla
Matt Damon's mom
Mom Johnny Depp
Mama Angelina Jolie
Mom Tom Cruise
Mom Tom Cruise
Stanley Ann Dunham, and at the hands of none other than Barack Obama.
Mom Pierce Brosnan
Mom Brad Pitt
Mom Sylvester Stallone
Mom Antonino Banderas
David Beckham mom
Mom Orlando Bloom
Barbara Bush, wife of the 41st Prezdineta US and mother 43rd
Mom Jake Dzhilinghalla
Matt Damon's mom
Mom Johnny Depp
Mama Angelina Jolie
Mom Tom Cruise
Mom Tom Cruise
Stanley Ann Dunham, and at the hands of none other than Barack Obama.
Mom Pierce Brosnan
Mom Brad Pitt
Mom Sylvester Stallone