Arab "spread" on the 4 million rubles Russian woman and killed her
The woman died under mysterious circumstances, another 19 February and the investigation is still drawn to the analysis, expertise, "loses" interrogation reports, is not going to detain a suspect, "husband" -araba and generally persuades rather bury the body.
47 year old Elena Lobanov went to Hurghada for the late, long-awaited love. She was going to buy an apartment. Log into a profitable "leather" business, have a baby, and in whatever was to be happy. She died on February 19 in the early morning under a religious "weeping" muezzins, in the first rays so adored her holiday sun barely melt the glass sea horizon ... How exactly - still remains a mystery.
International call from Lena broke into the Egyptian room Moscow apartments of her son only at eight o'clock:
- Brother, your mother's heart - stop! - With a terrible accent wheezed handset. - I took her to the hospital! Already cold. Forgive me, brother! My house is your house! I loved Lena, my brother ...
It was Karim - 24-year-old Arab lover mothers. Of course, the 22-year-old Artem he could call except that the "brother» ...
Further gibberish Artem simply did not understand, as Kareem told to "hurgadinskom national" - "curly" hybrids Arabic, Russian and English languages. In addition, the phone now and then snatched his mother lamenting the Arabic ...
But Tema was not listening. He tried in vain to understand that my mother is no more. Mom, who was going about to return home, which they spoke on the phone yesterday, he was finally able to send money for a ticket as soon as the banks opened. [Next]
She really wanted to leave. In the past, my friends received SMS-kah despair: "All bad ... Artem can not send money - Western Union does not work ... I can not buy a ticket." But while Russian tourists massively fled the fierce Revolution in Egypt, much more frightened Lena something else ... What is it - it's almost never told. Neither son - how can you worry, though an adult, but the child. No girlfriends, apparently ashamed to show themselves, always strong and successful, with a weak and stupid hand ... to hide behind the neutral-steel "I do all right." And only occasionally, apparently by accident, uncontrollably, as if crying out in pain, dropped her, "I am a prisoner, two weeks did not go out on the street - it is my locks," or "he forbids me to call, passports," or "It's very bad, but I can not write. I will explain later, when I come ... ».
About what really were her last days, now we can only guess. Depletion skeletal state to an identified corpse in the morgue, in swollen face bruised and streaked from the mouth and nose. According to what her bank accounts, where in November 2010, lay nearly four million for the sale of apartments and land, there are only 400 rubles.
"You and ... You do not understand me»
Muscovite Elena could not be classified as accidents and unclaimed "sorokovushek" Living series about "Cinderella." No babskih kudelek color, colorful shapeless Balakhonov and "anti-stress" cakes, is lying redundant folds at the waist! Educated, always tightened, secured. Chief accountant of a large store, and then the famous cardiovascular center "Bakulevka" it has always been in good shape, inherent female executives. Well I earned, tastefully dressed, proud son of two-meter-student. That's just a personal life did not grow together.
- They Valery and divorced in 2002 - says Galina, best friend Lena. - He's a good guy, but drank. Encode, held for two or three years, and then three months are traditionally left in the bout. It is terribly enraged. Then, in 2002 we had returned from vacation and Valerik just went into another "spin". Well, Lena could not stand it - drove it. She said: "How can I? I am 38 years old, I'm still young, a little quiet for myself I will stay. " Divorce was given to all very difficult. They're 13 years earlier were together. The husband suffered terribly. Son got exhausted. But Lena's character has always been - the flint. I could not forgive.
Alas, maybe the same "flint" in the shower and did not allow the then young "divorcee" to establish relations with the new man. For Helen cared, but she was very picky and cleanliness links to disgust. Of course, it was tormented by loneliness, but for example, result in another woman's man in the house where the son is growing, it was taboo for her. For example, a friend recalled how she at some birthday party she was introduced to a man who she liked. As usual, talk to my friends, rejoice together new perspectives ... and then told how he called her:
- I have for you a beautiful bouquet of roses and a bottle of champagne now come - wait!
- I do not mind, but if on the contrary, do not you see me, and I to you - Lena snapped.
Cavalier offense and hung up. They did not communicate.
Lena was proud. And pride, as you know - a favorite "treat" loneliness. It is the inaccessibility and harsh principles nourished this cruel "beast." And the worst thing is that sooner or later ends the principles of the stock, and then starved gnawing loneliness hurts the heart. This usually occurs just when a woman is already pleased would spit on the pride, the men rush to any call, so do not call. It happened with Lena.
- She did not go anywhere especially - Galia sighs. - Even companies not complain because did not like to drink. And where to get acquainted? Full circle: home, work, kitchen, where we had tea in a neighbor drove ... She began to cry often, "You do not understand me! You are all good - my husband is. " And I told her: "Yes, and here is my husband? We are also long stage of the novel came out - twenty years had together. Everything is the same: home, work ... "And she says:" Yes, of course ... But you are together! »
Business for feelings
Twenty Karim - swarthy, ox-eyed trader bags in Hurghada for Lena became the long-awaited "call of the male", which is psychologically ready to respond to any middle-aged single woman.
They met in 2008. It was the last day of vacation, when tanned, short skirt fluttering Lena was walking around the city in search of souvenirs. She knew that for his age looks great - few people can boast that easily carries jeans, seventeen of which are grown daughters girlfriends. Therefore, special attention of young and muscular shop owner apprehended for granted.
Not the first time with her flirting fun local "Mowgli". Another thing is that so far it did not take seriously these boys - men as potential for themselves. And then, suddenly, she felt like a fly in the jam and sweet thrilled choking in thick streams of mutual passion.
And despite the fact that the next morning the plane sped newly-Juliet in cold Moscow, the novel began a strong maritime hub. And, as usual, around the neck in love with a Russian woman, damn do not know anything about the culture and mentality of the Arab country, but firmly believes that "it habibi not like all these professional gigolo, which regularly say in the newspaper and on TV."
Since then, the entire history of the novel Lena and Karim can be easily entered into the anthology of Russian-Arab love. Classic! Endless SMSes, "Kiss Ai yu", "Miss Yu ah ..." And for the most part - on his part. He is something that - new passion pay. But she does not know. He looks at the small screen phone and said how much it cost, this machine-gun fire "ah-lava." Then imagine how a poor boy in love with Arabic chewing a crust of bread for dinner to save their pennies Egypt at exactly the same "place" tomorrow. And translate it runs one hundred dollars to pay for the phone. It reads sloppy, but this is even more precious as handmade soap, text, and do not realize that all of them, however, as the phones of some Russian girls were crammed into obterhanny "Siemens" even before he bought the the older the machine, has already made the first steps on the "career ladder" Gigolo other. And now a new journey towards love. And in a suitcase doroguschy smartphone him as a gift. Its "Siemens" he immediately sell the next younger "colleague" who wants a complete database SMS app in all languages. And the battle will 2tyazhelaya artillery ».
Week of love, again leaving. Then - with a touching request to help pay for treatment of her mother. Then - sms dream about to come on a visit to his beloved. To send him a ticket, a visa and a warm jacket 5000 dollars. Excuses that it is not yet able to come because they have to feed all his sisters, since my uncle was forced to go to work in Italy. The scandal because of the fact that "it was necessary to send 5000 dollars uncle, because he had terrible problems, but" I will give, do not be angry! "Her attempts to delete it from life. His cunning tactics wait period is calm and bored, and then suddenly reappear with a plea for love: "I have a lot of girls, but they do not cost you».
- She had even changed her number, so he could not find it - sadly grins Galya. - Vacationing not go to Egypt and Turkey. For six months he was not there. And then I look, Lena again scribbling text messages. Found to it!
In April 2010, "Carthage" was destroyed - Karim introduced Lena with his family and returned to Moscow, she called her friend Alena with the question of how to privatize the apartment, in order to sell it and move to a permanent place of residence in Egypt.
"I will be loved ... And no - kill myself!»
Dissuades all. Even at the Lena quarreled with friends who were against her Egyptian happiness friendly "demonstration." Girlfriend Galya her ears buzzed notations. The only conclusion that Lena was doing - you need less frank with those who are too strongly presses. That is why, apparently, no one except a friend Alena, did not know the terrible secrets of Karimov, who herself learned Lena casually ...
- It was in August 2010, when Lena has put apartments for sale and went for a couple of weeks in Hurghada is not even a hotel, namely to visit Karim - says Alain. - It was a kind of "zeroing", a sample of life together. Then one day she found herself out of her purse money was gone. A small amount - a couple of hundred dollars, but the fact that ...
Moreover, the apartment was locked, the key is hidden, and the "habibi" lying in the bathtub with the empty syringe in a deep "high". Lenka then told how, sobbing instantly packed up and came down on the sheet from the window. I ran to her friend, who just had a rest in one of the hotels. But two days later, Karim found her, fell on his knees, begged forgiveness, saying that he would die without it. He told "horror story", as he was alone when she left him, and his uncle hoisted it on the needle to "cleared." Moreover, he dragged with a mother who was sobbing in the background and nodded, confirming that to blame the heart yearning for her son, and an unscrupulous relative. Lenka forgiven. Nobody but me spoke about it, apparently out of fear that more will be condemned. I could not blame her, very sympathetic, but also repeated that to go live with an addict - madness! But she was adamant: "It's my fault in his trouble! I brought him and now to help cope ».
In November, it sold Moscow apartment. I bought a one-bedroom in the area Artem. I collect all the things, put money on the card and arranged girlfriends' dump ».
- She was flying on the wings - says Galina. - I am making plans ... And he promised her a joint business. Lenka him before his departure 18 thousand euros transferred him to "its share" in the shop invested. Dreamed "Buy an apartment, I'll go with him to the store in the morning to work, and in the evening - to the sea." And how glad she was waving an extract from Bakulevki, which showed that she is healthy and it can still give birth! She said: "I am to meet with Karim five men did not see. I do not want this anymore ... That's how much is released, so many live, but as a human, loving and being loved. But it does not, - have laid hands on himself ».
What was it? Prediction? Perhaps the idea that she inadvertently filed a savvy young Alphonse? After all, the first thing he did after the death of Lena - the police brought a piece of paper, scribbled in English letters. Ostensibly Lena suicide note in which she begged her to forgive. That's just not like writing. And she did not know how to write in English ...
"I realized that it was used, but did not want to believe»
Who would have known that he was a cheerful, hopeful evening, as the legendary (separating the afterworld and the real worlds) the river Styx, will be abroad for Lena, which was to begin a long, painful death.
- She disappeared gradually - says Galina. - First, we endlessly copied sms-kami and talked on Skype. She was even happy. He wrote that at the request of Karim's mother taught her to cook Egyptian dishes. It is not so cheerful, but still laughing at the fact that Karim rejected almost all of her summer thing as too open and it has to go to a local clothing nightmare. And very sadly, that in spite of its investments at the store sells only his mother and Lena sits locked house. Then Lena began to disappear. This is explained by the fact that Karim did not like it when it spends money on chatter on the phone.
Most surprising of girlfriends, she is clearly moving away from talking about buying an apartment. In addition to "draw up documents" pull anything was impossible. By the New Year, after a long silence suddenly called Gale:
- We urgently need three thousand euros to buy a very nice apartment! The one which I hoped before, does not fit ... Well, come, please lend.
- Done that! - Polushutkoy troubled girlfriend. - Week silent, like a fish, and the money needed, immediately called. How you doing something?
- Okay ...
What else, besides, I could tell the poor woman, who seems to have realized that it took advantage of, but did not want to believe it?
This is also a pair of classic scenarios gigolo ... Speaking of the overall business, he "forgets" to say that without it open nothing you can. At least in the role of the Pound "Golden Calf", but the local should be among the founders of any business in Egypt.
Similarly, without the help of man is not easy to buy an apartment here and generally crank out any transaction. But the worst thing is that if your money into the hands of a man, he has the full right at any time to kick you, and no court will not force it to you anything back. The probability that it fell into the trap Lena - 99, 9%. After taking all the money, including the "apartment", he began to slowly compress it. Irritably reacted to her mention of the apartment: "We have the business is falling apart, and you're stuck with your apartment!»
And in order to squeeze it to the maximum, at some point begin to lie, it still looked after apartment, but it is slightly more expensive. Thus, an urgent need to call her friends asking for more money. And when will send, of course, to give him.
Galya first sent money, then Artem, and again, and again ... But even an apartment, as it turns out, Lena, and not bought. On New Year and birthdays threw girlfriends miserly greeting sms.
- With her, it does not seem to - sigh Galya. - Before Lena a "lighter" was! All greetings - in poetry, composing herself. I think he can have it on the pills or drugs planted, so that it becomes gradually "vegetable" and on what has already claimed?
Large dead child with his mother at the hands of ...
Just last week Artem arrived at the sunny resort with a heavy mission - "to identify the body moms." Thank you Lena's friend Alain, who volunteered to support Artem and went with him.
Recently, they were at Karim. It turned out that the house was not kept any thing Lena. That is something he documents the police took. And the thing - "has attached».
- Where's the computer?
- Broke.
- And the camera?
- Lena it to someone gave ...
- A gold jewelry? She also had a whole box ...
- I sold them.
- What do you have right?
- And it is them in the suicide note to my sister bequeathed.
- Where is the money for an apartment, you want to buy Lena?
- I have no idea.
- And last 500 euros for a ticket that Artem Lena sent where?
- To spend on bribes police to let me go ...
Simplicity worse than stealing! Artem Karim returned only gold pendant, which Lena wore tiny filial add pictures.
And if before leaving Subject speculated whether Karim blame for the death of my mother, but now he is sure of it.
But the worst thing that now the boy can not forgive myself that once stopped my mother:
- I watched her suffering, goes suffers Terrier has got ... and talks to him ... I decided that it just pulls this guy, so with him, she will be happier. It seemed to me that I sacrifice its interests for the sake of my mother. But it turned out that I sacrificed it. But I wanted only one thing - that she was happy. Before leaving, I dreamed my mother. Calm.
47 year old Elena Lobanov went to Hurghada for the late, long-awaited love. She was going to buy an apartment. Log into a profitable "leather" business, have a baby, and in whatever was to be happy. She died on February 19 in the early morning under a religious "weeping" muezzins, in the first rays so adored her holiday sun barely melt the glass sea horizon ... How exactly - still remains a mystery.
International call from Lena broke into the Egyptian room Moscow apartments of her son only at eight o'clock:
- Brother, your mother's heart - stop! - With a terrible accent wheezed handset. - I took her to the hospital! Already cold. Forgive me, brother! My house is your house! I loved Lena, my brother ...
It was Karim - 24-year-old Arab lover mothers. Of course, the 22-year-old Artem he could call except that the "brother» ...
Further gibberish Artem simply did not understand, as Kareem told to "hurgadinskom national" - "curly" hybrids Arabic, Russian and English languages. In addition, the phone now and then snatched his mother lamenting the Arabic ...
But Tema was not listening. He tried in vain to understand that my mother is no more. Mom, who was going about to return home, which they spoke on the phone yesterday, he was finally able to send money for a ticket as soon as the banks opened. [Next]
She really wanted to leave. In the past, my friends received SMS-kah despair: "All bad ... Artem can not send money - Western Union does not work ... I can not buy a ticket." But while Russian tourists massively fled the fierce Revolution in Egypt, much more frightened Lena something else ... What is it - it's almost never told. Neither son - how can you worry, though an adult, but the child. No girlfriends, apparently ashamed to show themselves, always strong and successful, with a weak and stupid hand ... to hide behind the neutral-steel "I do all right." And only occasionally, apparently by accident, uncontrollably, as if crying out in pain, dropped her, "I am a prisoner, two weeks did not go out on the street - it is my locks," or "he forbids me to call, passports," or "It's very bad, but I can not write. I will explain later, when I come ... ».
About what really were her last days, now we can only guess. Depletion skeletal state to an identified corpse in the morgue, in swollen face bruised and streaked from the mouth and nose. According to what her bank accounts, where in November 2010, lay nearly four million for the sale of apartments and land, there are only 400 rubles.
"You and ... You do not understand me»
Muscovite Elena could not be classified as accidents and unclaimed "sorokovushek" Living series about "Cinderella." No babskih kudelek color, colorful shapeless Balakhonov and "anti-stress" cakes, is lying redundant folds at the waist! Educated, always tightened, secured. Chief accountant of a large store, and then the famous cardiovascular center "Bakulevka" it has always been in good shape, inherent female executives. Well I earned, tastefully dressed, proud son of two-meter-student. That's just a personal life did not grow together.
- They Valery and divorced in 2002 - says Galina, best friend Lena. - He's a good guy, but drank. Encode, held for two or three years, and then three months are traditionally left in the bout. It is terribly enraged. Then, in 2002 we had returned from vacation and Valerik just went into another "spin". Well, Lena could not stand it - drove it. She said: "How can I? I am 38 years old, I'm still young, a little quiet for myself I will stay. " Divorce was given to all very difficult. They're 13 years earlier were together. The husband suffered terribly. Son got exhausted. But Lena's character has always been - the flint. I could not forgive.
Alas, maybe the same "flint" in the shower and did not allow the then young "divorcee" to establish relations with the new man. For Helen cared, but she was very picky and cleanliness links to disgust. Of course, it was tormented by loneliness, but for example, result in another woman's man in the house where the son is growing, it was taboo for her. For example, a friend recalled how she at some birthday party she was introduced to a man who she liked. As usual, talk to my friends, rejoice together new perspectives ... and then told how he called her:
- I have for you a beautiful bouquet of roses and a bottle of champagne now come - wait!
- I do not mind, but if on the contrary, do not you see me, and I to you - Lena snapped.
Cavalier offense and hung up. They did not communicate.
Lena was proud. And pride, as you know - a favorite "treat" loneliness. It is the inaccessibility and harsh principles nourished this cruel "beast." And the worst thing is that sooner or later ends the principles of the stock, and then starved gnawing loneliness hurts the heart. This usually occurs just when a woman is already pleased would spit on the pride, the men rush to any call, so do not call. It happened with Lena.
- She did not go anywhere especially - Galia sighs. - Even companies not complain because did not like to drink. And where to get acquainted? Full circle: home, work, kitchen, where we had tea in a neighbor drove ... She began to cry often, "You do not understand me! You are all good - my husband is. " And I told her: "Yes, and here is my husband? We are also long stage of the novel came out - twenty years had together. Everything is the same: home, work ... "And she says:" Yes, of course ... But you are together! »
Business for feelings
Twenty Karim - swarthy, ox-eyed trader bags in Hurghada for Lena became the long-awaited "call of the male", which is psychologically ready to respond to any middle-aged single woman.
They met in 2008. It was the last day of vacation, when tanned, short skirt fluttering Lena was walking around the city in search of souvenirs. She knew that for his age looks great - few people can boast that easily carries jeans, seventeen of which are grown daughters girlfriends. Therefore, special attention of young and muscular shop owner apprehended for granted.
Not the first time with her flirting fun local "Mowgli". Another thing is that so far it did not take seriously these boys - men as potential for themselves. And then, suddenly, she felt like a fly in the jam and sweet thrilled choking in thick streams of mutual passion.
And despite the fact that the next morning the plane sped newly-Juliet in cold Moscow, the novel began a strong maritime hub. And, as usual, around the neck in love with a Russian woman, damn do not know anything about the culture and mentality of the Arab country, but firmly believes that "it habibi not like all these professional gigolo, which regularly say in the newspaper and on TV."
Since then, the entire history of the novel Lena and Karim can be easily entered into the anthology of Russian-Arab love. Classic! Endless SMSes, "Kiss Ai yu", "Miss Yu ah ..." And for the most part - on his part. He is something that - new passion pay. But she does not know. He looks at the small screen phone and said how much it cost, this machine-gun fire "ah-lava." Then imagine how a poor boy in love with Arabic chewing a crust of bread for dinner to save their pennies Egypt at exactly the same "place" tomorrow. And translate it runs one hundred dollars to pay for the phone. It reads sloppy, but this is even more precious as handmade soap, text, and do not realize that all of them, however, as the phones of some Russian girls were crammed into obterhanny "Siemens" even before he bought the the older the machine, has already made the first steps on the "career ladder" Gigolo other. And now a new journey towards love. And in a suitcase doroguschy smartphone him as a gift. Its "Siemens" he immediately sell the next younger "colleague" who wants a complete database SMS app in all languages. And the battle will 2tyazhelaya artillery ».
Week of love, again leaving. Then - with a touching request to help pay for treatment of her mother. Then - sms dream about to come on a visit to his beloved. To send him a ticket, a visa and a warm jacket 5000 dollars. Excuses that it is not yet able to come because they have to feed all his sisters, since my uncle was forced to go to work in Italy. The scandal because of the fact that "it was necessary to send 5000 dollars uncle, because he had terrible problems, but" I will give, do not be angry! "Her attempts to delete it from life. His cunning tactics wait period is calm and bored, and then suddenly reappear with a plea for love: "I have a lot of girls, but they do not cost you».
- She had even changed her number, so he could not find it - sadly grins Galya. - Vacationing not go to Egypt and Turkey. For six months he was not there. And then I look, Lena again scribbling text messages. Found to it!
In April 2010, "Carthage" was destroyed - Karim introduced Lena with his family and returned to Moscow, she called her friend Alena with the question of how to privatize the apartment, in order to sell it and move to a permanent place of residence in Egypt.
"I will be loved ... And no - kill myself!»
Dissuades all. Even at the Lena quarreled with friends who were against her Egyptian happiness friendly "demonstration." Girlfriend Galya her ears buzzed notations. The only conclusion that Lena was doing - you need less frank with those who are too strongly presses. That is why, apparently, no one except a friend Alena, did not know the terrible secrets of Karimov, who herself learned Lena casually ...
- It was in August 2010, when Lena has put apartments for sale and went for a couple of weeks in Hurghada is not even a hotel, namely to visit Karim - says Alain. - It was a kind of "zeroing", a sample of life together. Then one day she found herself out of her purse money was gone. A small amount - a couple of hundred dollars, but the fact that ...
Moreover, the apartment was locked, the key is hidden, and the "habibi" lying in the bathtub with the empty syringe in a deep "high". Lenka then told how, sobbing instantly packed up and came down on the sheet from the window. I ran to her friend, who just had a rest in one of the hotels. But two days later, Karim found her, fell on his knees, begged forgiveness, saying that he would die without it. He told "horror story", as he was alone when she left him, and his uncle hoisted it on the needle to "cleared." Moreover, he dragged with a mother who was sobbing in the background and nodded, confirming that to blame the heart yearning for her son, and an unscrupulous relative. Lenka forgiven. Nobody but me spoke about it, apparently out of fear that more will be condemned. I could not blame her, very sympathetic, but also repeated that to go live with an addict - madness! But she was adamant: "It's my fault in his trouble! I brought him and now to help cope ».
In November, it sold Moscow apartment. I bought a one-bedroom in the area Artem. I collect all the things, put money on the card and arranged girlfriends' dump ».
- She was flying on the wings - says Galina. - I am making plans ... And he promised her a joint business. Lenka him before his departure 18 thousand euros transferred him to "its share" in the shop invested. Dreamed "Buy an apartment, I'll go with him to the store in the morning to work, and in the evening - to the sea." And how glad she was waving an extract from Bakulevki, which showed that she is healthy and it can still give birth! She said: "I am to meet with Karim five men did not see. I do not want this anymore ... That's how much is released, so many live, but as a human, loving and being loved. But it does not, - have laid hands on himself ».
What was it? Prediction? Perhaps the idea that she inadvertently filed a savvy young Alphonse? After all, the first thing he did after the death of Lena - the police brought a piece of paper, scribbled in English letters. Ostensibly Lena suicide note in which she begged her to forgive. That's just not like writing. And she did not know how to write in English ...
"I realized that it was used, but did not want to believe»
Who would have known that he was a cheerful, hopeful evening, as the legendary (separating the afterworld and the real worlds) the river Styx, will be abroad for Lena, which was to begin a long, painful death.
- She disappeared gradually - says Galina. - First, we endlessly copied sms-kami and talked on Skype. She was even happy. He wrote that at the request of Karim's mother taught her to cook Egyptian dishes. It is not so cheerful, but still laughing at the fact that Karim rejected almost all of her summer thing as too open and it has to go to a local clothing nightmare. And very sadly, that in spite of its investments at the store sells only his mother and Lena sits locked house. Then Lena began to disappear. This is explained by the fact that Karim did not like it when it spends money on chatter on the phone.
Most surprising of girlfriends, she is clearly moving away from talking about buying an apartment. In addition to "draw up documents" pull anything was impossible. By the New Year, after a long silence suddenly called Gale:
- We urgently need three thousand euros to buy a very nice apartment! The one which I hoped before, does not fit ... Well, come, please lend.
- Done that! - Polushutkoy troubled girlfriend. - Week silent, like a fish, and the money needed, immediately called. How you doing something?
- Okay ...
What else, besides, I could tell the poor woman, who seems to have realized that it took advantage of, but did not want to believe it?
This is also a pair of classic scenarios gigolo ... Speaking of the overall business, he "forgets" to say that without it open nothing you can. At least in the role of the Pound "Golden Calf", but the local should be among the founders of any business in Egypt.
Similarly, without the help of man is not easy to buy an apartment here and generally crank out any transaction. But the worst thing is that if your money into the hands of a man, he has the full right at any time to kick you, and no court will not force it to you anything back. The probability that it fell into the trap Lena - 99, 9%. After taking all the money, including the "apartment", he began to slowly compress it. Irritably reacted to her mention of the apartment: "We have the business is falling apart, and you're stuck with your apartment!»
And in order to squeeze it to the maximum, at some point begin to lie, it still looked after apartment, but it is slightly more expensive. Thus, an urgent need to call her friends asking for more money. And when will send, of course, to give him.
Galya first sent money, then Artem, and again, and again ... But even an apartment, as it turns out, Lena, and not bought. On New Year and birthdays threw girlfriends miserly greeting sms.
- With her, it does not seem to - sigh Galya. - Before Lena a "lighter" was! All greetings - in poetry, composing herself. I think he can have it on the pills or drugs planted, so that it becomes gradually "vegetable" and on what has already claimed?
Large dead child with his mother at the hands of ...
Just last week Artem arrived at the sunny resort with a heavy mission - "to identify the body moms." Thank you Lena's friend Alain, who volunteered to support Artem and went with him.
Recently, they were at Karim. It turned out that the house was not kept any thing Lena. That is something he documents the police took. And the thing - "has attached».
- Where's the computer?
- Broke.
- And the camera?
- Lena it to someone gave ...
- A gold jewelry? She also had a whole box ...
- I sold them.
- What do you have right?
- And it is them in the suicide note to my sister bequeathed.
- Where is the money for an apartment, you want to buy Lena?
- I have no idea.
- And last 500 euros for a ticket that Artem Lena sent where?
- To spend on bribes police to let me go ...
Simplicity worse than stealing! Artem Karim returned only gold pendant, which Lena wore tiny filial add pictures.
And if before leaving Subject speculated whether Karim blame for the death of my mother, but now he is sure of it.
But the worst thing that now the boy can not forgive myself that once stopped my mother:
- I watched her suffering, goes suffers Terrier has got ... and talks to him ... I decided that it just pulls this guy, so with him, she will be happier. It seemed to me that I sacrifice its interests for the sake of my mother. But it turned out that I sacrificed it. But I wanted only one thing - that she was happy. Before leaving, I dreamed my mother. Calm.