HOW night's sleep?

Morning to feel refreshed and full of energy for new achievements, it is necessary to follow a few simple rules.
1. Dinner should be. Experts disagree on how it should be dinner - light, or vice versa plentiful, but the fact that sleep on an empty stomach will be much worse - it is a fact. More should be said that before going to bed is not recommended to drink tonic beverages such as coffee, strong tea and orange juice, but in the morning - it is desirable that it will raise your vitality.
2. Take a walk before bedtime. Very beneficial may affect a small (10-15 minutes) walk before going to sleep, because during a walk in the fresh air oxygenate the body, so necessary for sound sleep.
3. Ventilate the room. Certainly before going to bed, ventilate the room well, which are going to sleep. Large amounts of oxygen - a pledge of good sleep and good morning feeling.
4. Do not get the abundance of negative information before going to bed. In no case do not look directly at bedtime news, most likely they will be crammed with negative information, which prevent you fall asleep quickly. Look at something relaxing.
5. Go to bed before midnight. Doctors say that hour of sleep before midnight is two hours later. Ie if you go to bed at 22:00 and wake up at 4:00, your brain will think that you slept eight o'clock instead of six. Check it out yourself and you'll be surprised how much easier it was to get enough sleep.