First second...
When the lieutenant came to Afghanistan to give her, from nowhere who undertook, international duty, he was surprised to learn that instead of flying squadrons of hussars, he has to take some unknown outpost. This outpost was located on Mount Totahan (elev. 1641 m.) At Bagram. And consisted of the usual motorized infantry platoon. And also attached to the platoon: a tank crew, the mortar crew, the calculation of heavy machine gun infantry Vladimirova and monitoring stations (with the 4th Reconnaissance Company Bagram). But from an early age he wanted to command the hussars! Go to a dashing cavalry attack! Racing across the steppes and canyons of the robber bands. Or, as they are now called, mujaheds!
Alas, not all of our dreams come true. It is worth noting that the idea of lieutenant of the Hussars, and squads were not accidental. Because the school, which he graduated a year ago, the people called horse ballet. "Ballet" Moscow Higher Military Command School named after the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation called for the participation of its students in almost all military parades held on Red Square (with the exception of the November parade 1941 when cadets regiment heroically fought near Moscow). And, accordingly, for the exemplary drill training. A "horse" - for the excellent fire and athletic training graduates. For cadets shot-The Kremlin is not worse cinematic cowboys. And ran better than the cowboy horses. And it is not smaller. So it is understandable why a cavalry school graduates have always felt warm and almost family feeling.
All four years at the school inspired the students' will to live after the manner conquer glory and honor. " And strongly hinted that the statutes are written "blood." And not just written! However, service in Afghanistan was markedly different from what he had been taught. And what he was used in the Soviet Union. Even the guard duty was organized here somehow not so! After all, according to the Charter of the garrison and guard service hours for positions not only categorically forbidden: Eating, drinking, smoking, and talking. At the outpost sentries occasionally something to chew on, sometimes drank water from the canteens. The only thing - do not smoke in the posts (so as not to tempt unnecessarily Dukhovskoy snipers). But the funny thing was that, at that hour Totahane constantly conducted a roll call.
- The first - to distribute a observation post, equipped at the Office of the company.
- Second - Full voice cried mortar with mortar position.
- Third - match tanker carrying service the tank.
- Fourth - came the echo from the "dragon's teeth", small rocks on the southern slope Totahana.
First Lieutenant seemed that all this is somehow not right. And guard duty should be organized in strict accordance with the Charter of the garrison and guard service. But he soon realized that the Charter - not a dogma but a guide to action. And what better to leave everything as it is. Because when guard duty shall stretch the same platoon - to weaken vigilance still can not, but you can arrange it according to "local conditions". This roll was some kind of these "local conditions". Day service at the outpost were carrying two observers of the first post and the "Dragon's Teeth". At night, the four exposed and, if necessary, and five posts. The afternoon roll call was conducted not only at night. And when she calm down, the time that he heard the continuation of the roll, had to make a single shot (ring tone on duty at the outpost).
But until this case is usually not reached. Because when Totahanom was distributed over the roll call, the whole gate (except for guards at checkpoints and on duty at the outpost) slept well. Sweetly sniffing and seeing the brightest in the world of colorful dreams. But when the roll call to calm down, silence wake of better than long gunfire (alarm). And then from the Office of company immediately appeared sleepy head of the outpost, and the barracks - a disgruntled sergeant on duty at the outpost. Following was "debriefing" with the guilty. And over Totahanom again resounded:
- First.
- Second.
- The third.
- Fourth ...
The leader of a local gang Anwar usual rounds of their possessions. He was accompanied by three bodyguards with AKS74U trophy. 5, 45-mm Kalashnikov folding shortened at the time were "squealing" latest fashion Afghan bodyguards. But even these brand new machines, captured recently "bagramke" (the road from Kabul to Hairatan) when their squad attacked a small convoy "shuravi" as something not particularly pleased bodyguards. The Mujahideen were clearly not in the mood.
- Where are their jokes and cheerful disposition? - I think Anwar, looking at their Askerov (heroes, translated from Farsi).
Under the old plane tree of his keen eye he saw a gray cat. Cat called Pischak (Cote, in Farsi). Afternoon heat was asleep, and Pischak could calmly lie in the shade and see your cat's dreams. But he did not sleep. The cat was obviously nervous. And hair on his nape stood on end?
Is the cause of the cat's anxiety was Sak (a dog named "Dog" in Farsi), wearily trudging down the road? Not hardly! Sack is obviously not been run over by whatever it was cats. The look betrayed a dog unthinkable universal longing and fatigue.
Anwar went to his fortress. At the entrance to her it was tied two of his camel and a cow. Their eyes were sad. He habitually stroked a cow's head.
- The trouble with it. Almost stopped giving milk. - I thought longingly Mujahid. - Yes, and the camels were falling from exhaustion. What they have to hold on? Not for long.
Anwar went to meet his wife. Unwashed, disheveled, angry.
- Looks like it again burnt dinner. Here it is not in the spirit. - I caught myself thinking Anwar. And just in case he pretended not to notice her. Even forces to punish his wife he did not have.
Because he himself had long been out of sorts. For a year, all valilos out of his hands. His people and his wife. Even the son could not resist, I went to a neighboring gang. The leader there was Ismad, evil-eyed old man. However, the son of a father exchanged this old man! I do not want to fight under the hand of his father ?! Or maybe it was much easier? Banda Ismada located in the "zelenke", about two kilometers from the Totahana. And he was in a gang, you can sleep peacefully. And then just try to go to sleep, when every night Totahana heard scream those damned-shuravi kafir (infidels shuravi).
- Evryi!
- Toro!
- Reti!
- Tvёrty!
Yes, it would be interesting to know what are these cries? On the bill it was not similar. Read in Russian Anwar was able to himself: "one, two, three, four ..." Any Bacha (boy) knows how to count in Russian! These same words Anwar did not know. But I guess that is - some cunning insidious shuravi to not to sleep his loyal soldiers, he himself and his wife. And even his camels, cows, dogs and a cat. The damned infidels (wrong) came up with this torture, to bring them all crazy!
Twilight began to envelop the surrounding mountains.
- Soon it will begin nightly torture. - With melancholy thought Anwar. Move another night like bullying, he was unable to. So do not hold back, I got out of bed and went outside. I decided to go to the mullah, to ask for advice. Fortunately, that Mullah lived nearby. Three bodyguard reluctantly rose from the mats. And as the shadows followed him. Mullah they met at the canal.
- Salam alleykum, Mokhtar Mirzo (Hello, dear Mirzo). - I greeted Mullah Anwar.
- Alleykum Assalam, Anwar Aziz (hello, dear Anwar) - Mullah replied and put his hands to his chest.
- Kar baretan chetourast (how are you)? Sehate Shoma chetourast (how are you)? - Anwar asked the old man.
- Tashakor, hubast (thank you, good). Kar baretan chetourast (how are you)? Sehate Shoma chetourast (as your health)?
With surprise and wistfully Anwar said that Mullah looks fresh and rested. It was pretty strange! And only nodded in response to questions the traditional greeting.
- We see great Mullah because Allah helps to endure the tortures of the damned infidels nightly! - Thought leader.
Conversation. Mullah Anwar told about the problem - that for several years he and his people are suffering from insomnia. And, at the end of their strength.
- Bismil-illallah-P-P-Rahmani-Rahim ... (In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful) - He replied Mullah. - I know how to help you and your people, my son. The other day I had a vision that will soon all change. And yesterday to visit me came traders from Kabul. We asked the blessing before a long journey. I complained to them for our hard life and these, screaming at night, shuravi children mule and donkey. Merchants have laughed in response. They said: "They have our problems!" And show me how to do birYushi (distorted by "birushi"). And yet, in gratitude for the blessing left me a bag of wool. Since then, I sleep like a baby!
- BirYushi? - I was surprised to suddenly awakened hope Anwar asked him. - What's that, dear?
Mulla explained. He showed how to do them. And Anwar gave half a bag of cotton. It was a truly royal gift!
All next evening askers Anwar engaged in manufacturing of the most mysterious "birYush." Inserted them into his ears, they joked, grimacing ...
And in the morning, Anvar woke up refreshed. For the first time in many years, he finally slept. The ringleader of a luxurious stretch and went out into the yard. Through the whole yard was important Pischak cat. We see ourselves represented the king of beasts ?! Well, what if he had not heard running behind him Saka! No matter what Sak did not understand more than anyone's commands. But he sported! How to play with his shadow! Bodyguards also not hear each other. But they are smiling and build each other funny faces! Meanwhile contented cow nibbling the grass under the rare plane tree. And playfully looked at the camels that drank water from the ditch!
This morning, his wife cooked the most delicious breakfast of those that Anwar had once tasted. And she was smiling! Anwar again with interest looked at her thin, girlish figure and thought ... Well, in general, you do not necessarily know what thought then Anwar.
The main thing is that he and all his people, his wife, cat, dog, cow and camel were happy. All of these pieces of cotton wool sticking out of his ears, but it was a little thing. The main thing that they get enough sleep!
- Thanks to Allah and the wise Mullah. - I thought with pride Anwar. - We were able to outwit these insidious shuravi. And God has not left us in difficult times!
Since then, it took more than twenty years. For a long time already left the country shuravi. In their place came the Americans, Germans, Italians. But there was no peace to Afghanistan! So many years Anwar fought for a peaceful life, and she did not come to his wounded land.
Anwar did not like the new "guests": either the Germans or the Italians or Americans. And the Americans for some reason did not like the most. If someone asked him why Americans - perhaps would have said something sensible. Just did not like them all!
All these years, he could not sleep properly. Other units of the Mujahideen fought the Italians, very noisy children. Near the Italians could sleep peacefully. Moreover, the Italians regularly paid "compensation" to the Mujahideen did not attack their positions and convoys. Those Mujahideen, which is adjacent to the Germans, too, could sleep peacefully. And the Germans could agree! In addition, when the Germans drink sharoba (schnapps, vodka), they also became quite noisy. When the enemy sharob drinks, can be saved easily!
Only the Americans on Tatahane all was quiet. From this silence could get crazy. This is when shuravi screaming at night, you could do birYushi. And sleep. And just try, go to sleep, when all night with Totahana not hear any sound! Yes, what kind of torture such ?! Damn Americans!
No, not like Anwar Americans. He arranged his men to ambush them. Especially stalking convoys striped flags on cars. The Americans suspected that it hunted for their convoys. And they know that the convoys on the flags! But put on your car flags allies somehow shy. And when intentionally "forgets" to put them Mujahideen immediately guessed - Whose car? And rained upon them all their firepower. And the anger of Allah!
Alas, military victories are not so pleased Anwar as before. And do not give peace of mind. From chronic insomnia, he again became nervous and irritable. As once upon a time. His grown old askers looked at it longingly. Old cat had disappeared. New dog has some night, somewhere to hide. And the eyes of cows and camels were again full of universal sadness. And his wife ...
- By the way, where did it go? - A little thought irritably Anwar. - Again, somewhere to hang out with her friends ?!
And his new young wife, meanwhile, went to the mullah for advice. Women turn to the mullah was somehow not accepted. But Leila (Anwar's wife) was an orphan. A mullah was her some distant relative. Therefore, without hiding anything, she told the old man about the problems of her husband.
Mullah long sigh and looked at the vast sky. As if remembering something long forgotten. Then he looked at the girl.
- You know, my daughter, once upon a time, when you had not yet been born, we were at war with shuravi. They were good soldiers. And fight with them was honorable. So these shuravi believed that besides Allah there are other gods. And when people are fighting for their gods, for the good it does not. But when the gods come together to help people, then they can accomplish the greatest deeds and actions.
I'll teach you, Laila, a prayer, which he had learned from shuravi. But before you read it, first you'll have to cook the most delicious dinner to her husband. Sing to him a beautiful song. Execute a beautiful dance. And then ... Memorize carefully, my daughter!
That same evening, she did all that taught her a mullah. During the most delicious dinner in the world, she sang a beautiful husband, comic song about a little donkey and unreasonable shuravi, who unsuccessfully tried to tame it. Then danced the fiery and passionate dance. After the dance, she put her husband to bed and began to gently stroke his head, shoulders and arms. Saying, unknown, but probably really magical spells.
- Ervy. Toro. Reti. Tvёrty.
She spoke these words over and over again, hard mispronouncing words. But very carefully. And, lo and behold! Soon after her husband fell asleep ...
The next morning, Anwar woke up unusually good mood. He reached into the bed. He looked at the sleeping beside his young wife. In the dream, she smiled sweetly.
- I think it is just before dawn a couple of times ... Ah, yes devil. And why only he took so much trouble ?! As the young. - With undisguised satisfaction, he thought. - No, it is still too early to rest. He still hoo!
Anwar left the house. He raised his head. Over Totahanom sun rose. Anwar did not yet know that soon he will be born another son. But his heart was light and joy. Life goes on! And the best he was still ahead!
It has long been grown gray, but still quite sturdy man of about fifty, for a moment, pulled a notebook. He leaned back in his chair. His eyes involuntarily caught on an old black and white photo standing on the table. The photo in the middle outpost was a young lieutenant. This picture was taken a long time, more than a quarter century ago. On Totahane at Bagram. In Afghanistan. He liked to look at this photograph. Remembering his combat youth.
Meanwhile, the door to his office opened and appeared in the slot ran his youngest granddaughter Anastasia. I looked around and, without hesitation, climbed onto his lap, hugging. Following ran Seryozhka average. Seniors - Sasha and Marina - came slowly, solidly. In the mornings, they always came to tell him: "Good morning!"
When they entered the room, a man involuntarily, out of habit, always considered them mentally.
- First. II. The third. Fourth. - He smiled. - All! Good morning!
© Alexander Kartcev
On the 8th outpost. Totahan Mountain (elev. 1641 m.) [Kartcev AI]
Alas, not all of our dreams come true. It is worth noting that the idea of lieutenant of the Hussars, and squads were not accidental. Because the school, which he graduated a year ago, the people called horse ballet. "Ballet" Moscow Higher Military Command School named after the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation called for the participation of its students in almost all military parades held on Red Square (with the exception of the November parade 1941 when cadets regiment heroically fought near Moscow). And, accordingly, for the exemplary drill training. A "horse" - for the excellent fire and athletic training graduates. For cadets shot-The Kremlin is not worse cinematic cowboys. And ran better than the cowboy horses. And it is not smaller. So it is understandable why a cavalry school graduates have always felt warm and almost family feeling.
All four years at the school inspired the students' will to live after the manner conquer glory and honor. " And strongly hinted that the statutes are written "blood." And not just written! However, service in Afghanistan was markedly different from what he had been taught. And what he was used in the Soviet Union. Even the guard duty was organized here somehow not so! After all, according to the Charter of the garrison and guard service hours for positions not only categorically forbidden: Eating, drinking, smoking, and talking. At the outpost sentries occasionally something to chew on, sometimes drank water from the canteens. The only thing - do not smoke in the posts (so as not to tempt unnecessarily Dukhovskoy snipers). But the funny thing was that, at that hour Totahane constantly conducted a roll call.
- The first - to distribute a observation post, equipped at the Office of the company.
- Second - Full voice cried mortar with mortar position.
- Third - match tanker carrying service the tank.
- Fourth - came the echo from the "dragon's teeth", small rocks on the southern slope Totahana.
First Lieutenant seemed that all this is somehow not right. And guard duty should be organized in strict accordance with the Charter of the garrison and guard service. But he soon realized that the Charter - not a dogma but a guide to action. And what better to leave everything as it is. Because when guard duty shall stretch the same platoon - to weaken vigilance still can not, but you can arrange it according to "local conditions". This roll was some kind of these "local conditions". Day service at the outpost were carrying two observers of the first post and the "Dragon's Teeth". At night, the four exposed and, if necessary, and five posts. The afternoon roll call was conducted not only at night. And when she calm down, the time that he heard the continuation of the roll, had to make a single shot (ring tone on duty at the outpost).
But until this case is usually not reached. Because when Totahanom was distributed over the roll call, the whole gate (except for guards at checkpoints and on duty at the outpost) slept well. Sweetly sniffing and seeing the brightest in the world of colorful dreams. But when the roll call to calm down, silence wake of better than long gunfire (alarm). And then from the Office of company immediately appeared sleepy head of the outpost, and the barracks - a disgruntled sergeant on duty at the outpost. Following was "debriefing" with the guilty. And over Totahanom again resounded:
- First.
- Second.
- The third.
- Fourth ...
The leader of a local gang Anwar usual rounds of their possessions. He was accompanied by three bodyguards with AKS74U trophy. 5, 45-mm Kalashnikov folding shortened at the time were "squealing" latest fashion Afghan bodyguards. But even these brand new machines, captured recently "bagramke" (the road from Kabul to Hairatan) when their squad attacked a small convoy "shuravi" as something not particularly pleased bodyguards. The Mujahideen were clearly not in the mood.
- Where are their jokes and cheerful disposition? - I think Anwar, looking at their Askerov (heroes, translated from Farsi).
Under the old plane tree of his keen eye he saw a gray cat. Cat called Pischak (Cote, in Farsi). Afternoon heat was asleep, and Pischak could calmly lie in the shade and see your cat's dreams. But he did not sleep. The cat was obviously nervous. And hair on his nape stood on end?
Is the cause of the cat's anxiety was Sak (a dog named "Dog" in Farsi), wearily trudging down the road? Not hardly! Sack is obviously not been run over by whatever it was cats. The look betrayed a dog unthinkable universal longing and fatigue.
Anwar went to his fortress. At the entrance to her it was tied two of his camel and a cow. Their eyes were sad. He habitually stroked a cow's head.
- The trouble with it. Almost stopped giving milk. - I thought longingly Mujahid. - Yes, and the camels were falling from exhaustion. What they have to hold on? Not for long.
Anwar went to meet his wife. Unwashed, disheveled, angry.
- Looks like it again burnt dinner. Here it is not in the spirit. - I caught myself thinking Anwar. And just in case he pretended not to notice her. Even forces to punish his wife he did not have.
Because he himself had long been out of sorts. For a year, all valilos out of his hands. His people and his wife. Even the son could not resist, I went to a neighboring gang. The leader there was Ismad, evil-eyed old man. However, the son of a father exchanged this old man! I do not want to fight under the hand of his father ?! Or maybe it was much easier? Banda Ismada located in the "zelenke", about two kilometers from the Totahana. And he was in a gang, you can sleep peacefully. And then just try to go to sleep, when every night Totahana heard scream those damned-shuravi kafir (infidels shuravi).
- Evryi!
- Toro!
- Reti!
- Tvёrty!
Yes, it would be interesting to know what are these cries? On the bill it was not similar. Read in Russian Anwar was able to himself: "one, two, three, four ..." Any Bacha (boy) knows how to count in Russian! These same words Anwar did not know. But I guess that is - some cunning insidious shuravi to not to sleep his loyal soldiers, he himself and his wife. And even his camels, cows, dogs and a cat. The damned infidels (wrong) came up with this torture, to bring them all crazy!
Twilight began to envelop the surrounding mountains.
- Soon it will begin nightly torture. - With melancholy thought Anwar. Move another night like bullying, he was unable to. So do not hold back, I got out of bed and went outside. I decided to go to the mullah, to ask for advice. Fortunately, that Mullah lived nearby. Three bodyguard reluctantly rose from the mats. And as the shadows followed him. Mullah they met at the canal.
- Salam alleykum, Mokhtar Mirzo (Hello, dear Mirzo). - I greeted Mullah Anwar.
- Alleykum Assalam, Anwar Aziz (hello, dear Anwar) - Mullah replied and put his hands to his chest.
- Kar baretan chetourast (how are you)? Sehate Shoma chetourast (how are you)? - Anwar asked the old man.
- Tashakor, hubast (thank you, good). Kar baretan chetourast (how are you)? Sehate Shoma chetourast (as your health)?
With surprise and wistfully Anwar said that Mullah looks fresh and rested. It was pretty strange! And only nodded in response to questions the traditional greeting.
- We see great Mullah because Allah helps to endure the tortures of the damned infidels nightly! - Thought leader.
Conversation. Mullah Anwar told about the problem - that for several years he and his people are suffering from insomnia. And, at the end of their strength.
- Bismil-illallah-P-P-Rahmani-Rahim ... (In the Name of Allah, Most Gracious, Most Merciful) - He replied Mullah. - I know how to help you and your people, my son. The other day I had a vision that will soon all change. And yesterday to visit me came traders from Kabul. We asked the blessing before a long journey. I complained to them for our hard life and these, screaming at night, shuravi children mule and donkey. Merchants have laughed in response. They said: "They have our problems!" And show me how to do birYushi (distorted by "birushi"). And yet, in gratitude for the blessing left me a bag of wool. Since then, I sleep like a baby!
- BirYushi? - I was surprised to suddenly awakened hope Anwar asked him. - What's that, dear?
Mulla explained. He showed how to do them. And Anwar gave half a bag of cotton. It was a truly royal gift!
All next evening askers Anwar engaged in manufacturing of the most mysterious "birYush." Inserted them into his ears, they joked, grimacing ...
And in the morning, Anvar woke up refreshed. For the first time in many years, he finally slept. The ringleader of a luxurious stretch and went out into the yard. Through the whole yard was important Pischak cat. We see ourselves represented the king of beasts ?! Well, what if he had not heard running behind him Saka! No matter what Sak did not understand more than anyone's commands. But he sported! How to play with his shadow! Bodyguards also not hear each other. But they are smiling and build each other funny faces! Meanwhile contented cow nibbling the grass under the rare plane tree. And playfully looked at the camels that drank water from the ditch!
This morning, his wife cooked the most delicious breakfast of those that Anwar had once tasted. And she was smiling! Anwar again with interest looked at her thin, girlish figure and thought ... Well, in general, you do not necessarily know what thought then Anwar.
The main thing is that he and all his people, his wife, cat, dog, cow and camel were happy. All of these pieces of cotton wool sticking out of his ears, but it was a little thing. The main thing that they get enough sleep!
- Thanks to Allah and the wise Mullah. - I thought with pride Anwar. - We were able to outwit these insidious shuravi. And God has not left us in difficult times!
Since then, it took more than twenty years. For a long time already left the country shuravi. In their place came the Americans, Germans, Italians. But there was no peace to Afghanistan! So many years Anwar fought for a peaceful life, and she did not come to his wounded land.
Anwar did not like the new "guests": either the Germans or the Italians or Americans. And the Americans for some reason did not like the most. If someone asked him why Americans - perhaps would have said something sensible. Just did not like them all!
All these years, he could not sleep properly. Other units of the Mujahideen fought the Italians, very noisy children. Near the Italians could sleep peacefully. Moreover, the Italians regularly paid "compensation" to the Mujahideen did not attack their positions and convoys. Those Mujahideen, which is adjacent to the Germans, too, could sleep peacefully. And the Germans could agree! In addition, when the Germans drink sharoba (schnapps, vodka), they also became quite noisy. When the enemy sharob drinks, can be saved easily!
Only the Americans on Tatahane all was quiet. From this silence could get crazy. This is when shuravi screaming at night, you could do birYushi. And sleep. And just try, go to sleep, when all night with Totahana not hear any sound! Yes, what kind of torture such ?! Damn Americans!
No, not like Anwar Americans. He arranged his men to ambush them. Especially stalking convoys striped flags on cars. The Americans suspected that it hunted for their convoys. And they know that the convoys on the flags! But put on your car flags allies somehow shy. And when intentionally "forgets" to put them Mujahideen immediately guessed - Whose car? And rained upon them all their firepower. And the anger of Allah!
Alas, military victories are not so pleased Anwar as before. And do not give peace of mind. From chronic insomnia, he again became nervous and irritable. As once upon a time. His grown old askers looked at it longingly. Old cat had disappeared. New dog has some night, somewhere to hide. And the eyes of cows and camels were again full of universal sadness. And his wife ...
- By the way, where did it go? - A little thought irritably Anwar. - Again, somewhere to hang out with her friends ?!
And his new young wife, meanwhile, went to the mullah for advice. Women turn to the mullah was somehow not accepted. But Leila (Anwar's wife) was an orphan. A mullah was her some distant relative. Therefore, without hiding anything, she told the old man about the problems of her husband.
Mullah long sigh and looked at the vast sky. As if remembering something long forgotten. Then he looked at the girl.
- You know, my daughter, once upon a time, when you had not yet been born, we were at war with shuravi. They were good soldiers. And fight with them was honorable. So these shuravi believed that besides Allah there are other gods. And when people are fighting for their gods, for the good it does not. But when the gods come together to help people, then they can accomplish the greatest deeds and actions.
I'll teach you, Laila, a prayer, which he had learned from shuravi. But before you read it, first you'll have to cook the most delicious dinner to her husband. Sing to him a beautiful song. Execute a beautiful dance. And then ... Memorize carefully, my daughter!
That same evening, she did all that taught her a mullah. During the most delicious dinner in the world, she sang a beautiful husband, comic song about a little donkey and unreasonable shuravi, who unsuccessfully tried to tame it. Then danced the fiery and passionate dance. After the dance, she put her husband to bed and began to gently stroke his head, shoulders and arms. Saying, unknown, but probably really magical spells.
- Ervy. Toro. Reti. Tvёrty.
She spoke these words over and over again, hard mispronouncing words. But very carefully. And, lo and behold! Soon after her husband fell asleep ...
The next morning, Anwar woke up unusually good mood. He reached into the bed. He looked at the sleeping beside his young wife. In the dream, she smiled sweetly.
- I think it is just before dawn a couple of times ... Ah, yes devil. And why only he took so much trouble ?! As the young. - With undisguised satisfaction, he thought. - No, it is still too early to rest. He still hoo!
Anwar left the house. He raised his head. Over Totahanom sun rose. Anwar did not yet know that soon he will be born another son. But his heart was light and joy. Life goes on! And the best he was still ahead!
It has long been grown gray, but still quite sturdy man of about fifty, for a moment, pulled a notebook. He leaned back in his chair. His eyes involuntarily caught on an old black and white photo standing on the table. The photo in the middle outpost was a young lieutenant. This picture was taken a long time, more than a quarter century ago. On Totahane at Bagram. In Afghanistan. He liked to look at this photograph. Remembering his combat youth.
Meanwhile, the door to his office opened and appeared in the slot ran his youngest granddaughter Anastasia. I looked around and, without hesitation, climbed onto his lap, hugging. Following ran Seryozhka average. Seniors - Sasha and Marina - came slowly, solidly. In the mornings, they always came to tell him: "Good morning!"
When they entered the room, a man involuntarily, out of habit, always considered them mentally.
- First. II. The third. Fourth. - He smiled. - All! Good morning!
© Alexander Kartcev
On the 8th outpost. Totahan Mountain (elev. 1641 m.) [Kartcev AI]
