Sleep deprivation or a Parent path to madness
Write, because is unbearable to look at mom. Dad's not getting through, but I believe that they is there, however is less common. We men still cherish, they have the average life expectancy less. But the brain is not too damaged, if not poisoned by the alcohol.
Almost every day I see at least one mother in a state of depression, with high levels of anxiety, which almost does not respond to my voice and monotonously saying the same complaints: "I'm yelling at the baby, I get annoyed, I'm sorry, I have a heartbeat and probably soon a heart attack, I don't know what's going on, if you can't get out, but always could", etc.
Post-partum depression? Almost. But not quite. This condition, which is caused by a trivial thing that almost all parents — sleep deprivation. Yes, a trivial constant lack of sleep maybe in a few months lead almost to madness. Call it whatever: postpartum depression (but it's not), panic attacks (they are not), VVD (Yes, as a symptom), anxiety phobic disorder, and even psychosis. It is known that sleep deprivation was used as torture and as a treatment for depression (in the case that the person sleeps all the time and it would be hard to Wake up). In the case of treating depression is to achieve a state of euphoria. Check for yourself, describe below.
Let's see what happens to a person deprived of sleep.
I'm not going to cite sources, I read a lot, experimented on myself (sleeping is my favorite, yeah) in the end give almost anything could get. So sleep deprivation is not only a total lack of sleep during the day and more, but constant interrupted sleep, not sleeping in a row over 3.5 — 4 hours. That is, many mothers now found himself, right?
So, the consequences are:
1. Increased irritability and aggressiveness.
Usually the aggression is directed at the object, which does not allow to sleep. In this case the child. This aggression is poorly controlled or almost controlled. Yes, mothers yelling at children. Believe me, not always because mothers are poorly educated. Sometimes because they just don't sleep for a couple of years.
2. Vegetative-vascular dystonia and its effects.
When the IRR resulting from sleep deprivation, you experience the following symptoms: vertigo, like intoxication, shortness of breath, dyspnea, shortness of breath, loss of coordination, weakness, weakness in the arms and legs, noise in the ears. Sometimes everything around seems unreal, and the body is light, the soil leaves from under feet, there is a feeling of fear. Colors, sounds, colours can be much brighter than usual, which is similar to the action of the drug. Can disrupt the sense of flow of time. May be feeling a strange presence in the apartment, non-existent sounds (footsteps, whispers, voices), peripheral vision picks up the non-existent objects. This leads to the development of phobias and obsessions, rituals.
It is also possible depersonalization — a loss or change of sense of self, as if everything that happens in life, happens to someone else, as if watching a movie. Depersonalization is accompanied by a loss of emotion, dulled color perception, everything around seems dead, flat, disappears the very notion of mood. The decline in the quality of memory, attention, distraction appears. It is interesting that self-control in the presence of these symptoms is always preserved, so others do not accept what is happening for a serious disorder.
3. As described above, on the background of sleep deprivation, develop anxiety and phobic disorders, obsessive behaviour.
4. Not the worst, but the bad is decreased libido. Common in young mothers. And birth by themselves, nothing to do with it — like after birth, decreased libido and all that).
5. Even less scary is the rapid aging of the skin, dark circles under the eyes, dry skin and wrinkles. Not that horrible, but the joy in life adds.
6. Also not too scary — the weight gain. Check for yourself, since I sleep little (nothing). As soon as there are visible extra pounds, I understand — no need to "stop to eat" (because I eat enough) and to START SLEEPING. By the way, the fat deposits in the sleep deficit accumulates, according to experts, primarily on the belly.
So what we have, if a young mother every night a few times gets up to the child, then some time feeding him and swayed, and then not sleeping during the day? We have anxious, irritable, screaming, tortured a woman with a lack of libido, often complaining of pain and discomfort in heart, panic attacks, constantly in a state of permanent anxiety and hysteria, in a state of derealization and depersonalization. I am greatly exaggerating, often these symptoms are still isolated, that is, do not develop all together, and only separate (thankfully). Her husband and other relatives it seems to be "sick", "inappropriate", "hysterical".
In this case, do relatives? Recommend "pull yourself together", "drink antidepressants," or at least "see a therapist". And almost never given the opportunity to just SLEEP.
That is, do not offer!
Not because relatives are bad, but because young mothers somehow "supposed" to sleep. Like, a small child, still can not sleep, and that nobody died. Died, the window jumped out or the other way did. In fact, in the complete absence of sleep over 10 days people can actually die.
For clarity, this is a small excerpt from the observation of a person who intentionally deprived themselves of sleep. After a few days sleeping less than 4 hours a day (!!! this is the "normal" mode mom!!!) he writes the following:
"I don't know how the others, but its condition can be described. It is like receiving a more severe hallucinogenic drugs.
The feeling of "unreality" is enhanced. Appear phobia of tracking, persecution. Obsessions like that someone's trying for something to catch. A stirred realities, the effect is "lost" – you constantly feel you fall asleep and Wake up, and in the process, I can not understand that dream and what's reality. Although you really don't sleep. Not observed a delayed, but it seems all the surrounding scenery. Hostile and suspicious attitude towards others. Auditory hallucinations – distorted sense of the words, the tone, causing frequent clashes with friends, family. Nervousness, jerking. Impossibility nor concentrate on anything. Complete loss of appetite and sleep. Sweating, feeling of fear because of the unknown.
But, of course, the most interesting is visual hallucinations... the hallucinations are of an associative nature, in particular, is a violation (due to the depletion of psycho-fiziologicheskikh reserves of the body) coming in along the optic nerve signal, the perversion of the image among hunters called the "eye fever" – when the eye sees one, but because of disturbances in the psyche, gives the brain a signal of another object.
My personal quirks:
a rotting corpse on the street (canvas bag and plastic bags)
moving people in the store (mannequins, standing still)
worms in the noodles (just the noodles)
brandishing something people on the periphery of our vision (no one was)
referring to me people (no one asked in reality)
my decaying hand (shadow fell)
same with the face
melting in the hand the fountain pen (nothing)
blood, spread on the surface (red cloth)
some vague figures in the crowd, among friends (was empty)
and so on, just can not remember. But most often, hallucinations are unpleasant, shallow, and a lot of them. It acts powerfully on the psyche.
The incessant feeling of despair, melancholia, persecution gradually roll to madness, and it's very serious. IF you started the sleep deprivation in a state of severe depression, psychosis or neurosis, remember that the fourth stage augments existing disturbances in the psyche, and it can reach even to death. Your or someone else's".
From personal experience me as extremely malopasso person. Yes, everything described is true. Yes, after the first night, if slept more or less normally — the euphoria and enthusiasm of forces, the joy and the tale of how, after Energetyka. And after a few days of deprivation starts trash.
Total, I'm that mom was asleep. I do not care if this needs to go to sleep in the armpit or with a pacifier, or eat at night blend if in another way. Yes, I am for GW, if that, BUT. Believe me, a healthy psyche is so much more important.
Naturally, cool if it turns out to put the baby with him, almost not Wake up when feeding to sleep a couple of times per day 4-5 hours in a row or several times in 3 hours. Then everything is easier. Cool, if you help imakane baby at night, then he sleeps. Or motion sickness. Or something else. Always looking for a way, even if it doesn't fit into your system of natural or other parenthood. Believe me, no theory is more important than your sleep, because the child needs a healthy (!) mother. And Yes, you can always sleep in the Department of neuroses, in fact.
And yet. Dads, imagine what a zombie is near your baby, if it didn't get enough sleep. This, of course, a joke, but only partly. Take care of mom for your children. published
Author: Nadezhda navrotskaya P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
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Source: navrotska-ya.livejournal.com/19488.html

Almost every day I see at least one mother in a state of depression, with high levels of anxiety, which almost does not respond to my voice and monotonously saying the same complaints: "I'm yelling at the baby, I get annoyed, I'm sorry, I have a heartbeat and probably soon a heart attack, I don't know what's going on, if you can't get out, but always could", etc.
Post-partum depression? Almost. But not quite. This condition, which is caused by a trivial thing that almost all parents — sleep deprivation. Yes, a trivial constant lack of sleep maybe in a few months lead almost to madness. Call it whatever: postpartum depression (but it's not), panic attacks (they are not), VVD (Yes, as a symptom), anxiety phobic disorder, and even psychosis. It is known that sleep deprivation was used as torture and as a treatment for depression (in the case that the person sleeps all the time and it would be hard to Wake up). In the case of treating depression is to achieve a state of euphoria. Check for yourself, describe below.
Let's see what happens to a person deprived of sleep.
I'm not going to cite sources, I read a lot, experimented on myself (sleeping is my favorite, yeah) in the end give almost anything could get. So sleep deprivation is not only a total lack of sleep during the day and more, but constant interrupted sleep, not sleeping in a row over 3.5 — 4 hours. That is, many mothers now found himself, right?
So, the consequences are:
1. Increased irritability and aggressiveness.
Usually the aggression is directed at the object, which does not allow to sleep. In this case the child. This aggression is poorly controlled or almost controlled. Yes, mothers yelling at children. Believe me, not always because mothers are poorly educated. Sometimes because they just don't sleep for a couple of years.
2. Vegetative-vascular dystonia and its effects.
When the IRR resulting from sleep deprivation, you experience the following symptoms: vertigo, like intoxication, shortness of breath, dyspnea, shortness of breath, loss of coordination, weakness, weakness in the arms and legs, noise in the ears. Sometimes everything around seems unreal, and the body is light, the soil leaves from under feet, there is a feeling of fear. Colors, sounds, colours can be much brighter than usual, which is similar to the action of the drug. Can disrupt the sense of flow of time. May be feeling a strange presence in the apartment, non-existent sounds (footsteps, whispers, voices), peripheral vision picks up the non-existent objects. This leads to the development of phobias and obsessions, rituals.
It is also possible depersonalization — a loss or change of sense of self, as if everything that happens in life, happens to someone else, as if watching a movie. Depersonalization is accompanied by a loss of emotion, dulled color perception, everything around seems dead, flat, disappears the very notion of mood. The decline in the quality of memory, attention, distraction appears. It is interesting that self-control in the presence of these symptoms is always preserved, so others do not accept what is happening for a serious disorder.
3. As described above, on the background of sleep deprivation, develop anxiety and phobic disorders, obsessive behaviour.
4. Not the worst, but the bad is decreased libido. Common in young mothers. And birth by themselves, nothing to do with it — like after birth, decreased libido and all that).
5. Even less scary is the rapid aging of the skin, dark circles under the eyes, dry skin and wrinkles. Not that horrible, but the joy in life adds.
6. Also not too scary — the weight gain. Check for yourself, since I sleep little (nothing). As soon as there are visible extra pounds, I understand — no need to "stop to eat" (because I eat enough) and to START SLEEPING. By the way, the fat deposits in the sleep deficit accumulates, according to experts, primarily on the belly.
So what we have, if a young mother every night a few times gets up to the child, then some time feeding him and swayed, and then not sleeping during the day? We have anxious, irritable, screaming, tortured a woman with a lack of libido, often complaining of pain and discomfort in heart, panic attacks, constantly in a state of permanent anxiety and hysteria, in a state of derealization and depersonalization. I am greatly exaggerating, often these symptoms are still isolated, that is, do not develop all together, and only separate (thankfully). Her husband and other relatives it seems to be "sick", "inappropriate", "hysterical".
In this case, do relatives? Recommend "pull yourself together", "drink antidepressants," or at least "see a therapist". And almost never given the opportunity to just SLEEP.
That is, do not offer!
Not because relatives are bad, but because young mothers somehow "supposed" to sleep. Like, a small child, still can not sleep, and that nobody died. Died, the window jumped out or the other way did. In fact, in the complete absence of sleep over 10 days people can actually die.
For clarity, this is a small excerpt from the observation of a person who intentionally deprived themselves of sleep. After a few days sleeping less than 4 hours a day (!!! this is the "normal" mode mom!!!) he writes the following:
"I don't know how the others, but its condition can be described. It is like receiving a more severe hallucinogenic drugs.
The feeling of "unreality" is enhanced. Appear phobia of tracking, persecution. Obsessions like that someone's trying for something to catch. A stirred realities, the effect is "lost" – you constantly feel you fall asleep and Wake up, and in the process, I can not understand that dream and what's reality. Although you really don't sleep. Not observed a delayed, but it seems all the surrounding scenery. Hostile and suspicious attitude towards others. Auditory hallucinations – distorted sense of the words, the tone, causing frequent clashes with friends, family. Nervousness, jerking. Impossibility nor concentrate on anything. Complete loss of appetite and sleep. Sweating, feeling of fear because of the unknown.
But, of course, the most interesting is visual hallucinations... the hallucinations are of an associative nature, in particular, is a violation (due to the depletion of psycho-fiziologicheskikh reserves of the body) coming in along the optic nerve signal, the perversion of the image among hunters called the "eye fever" – when the eye sees one, but because of disturbances in the psyche, gives the brain a signal of another object.
My personal quirks:
a rotting corpse on the street (canvas bag and plastic bags)
moving people in the store (mannequins, standing still)
worms in the noodles (just the noodles)
brandishing something people on the periphery of our vision (no one was)
referring to me people (no one asked in reality)
my decaying hand (shadow fell)
same with the face
melting in the hand the fountain pen (nothing)
blood, spread on the surface (red cloth)
some vague figures in the crowd, among friends (was empty)
and so on, just can not remember. But most often, hallucinations are unpleasant, shallow, and a lot of them. It acts powerfully on the psyche.
The incessant feeling of despair, melancholia, persecution gradually roll to madness, and it's very serious. IF you started the sleep deprivation in a state of severe depression, psychosis or neurosis, remember that the fourth stage augments existing disturbances in the psyche, and it can reach even to death. Your or someone else's".
From personal experience me as extremely malopasso person. Yes, everything described is true. Yes, after the first night, if slept more or less normally — the euphoria and enthusiasm of forces, the joy and the tale of how, after Energetyka. And after a few days of deprivation starts trash.
Total, I'm that mom was asleep. I do not care if this needs to go to sleep in the armpit or with a pacifier, or eat at night blend if in another way. Yes, I am for GW, if that, BUT. Believe me, a healthy psyche is so much more important.
Naturally, cool if it turns out to put the baby with him, almost not Wake up when feeding to sleep a couple of times per day 4-5 hours in a row or several times in 3 hours. Then everything is easier. Cool, if you help imakane baby at night, then he sleeps. Or motion sickness. Or something else. Always looking for a way, even if it doesn't fit into your system of natural or other parenthood. Believe me, no theory is more important than your sleep, because the child needs a healthy (!) mother. And Yes, you can always sleep in the Department of neuroses, in fact.
And yet. Dads, imagine what a zombie is near your baby, if it didn't get enough sleep. This, of course, a joke, but only partly. Take care of mom for your children. published
Author: Nadezhda navrotskaya P. S. And remember, just changing your mind — together we change the world! ©
Join us in Facebook , Vkontakte, Odnoklassniki
Source: navrotska-ya.livejournal.com/19488.html