76% of employees are dissatisfied with their work.

An interesting picture is received after the survey of readers of one large site on the theme of work, career and life goals.
The results are a bit shocked.
Interestingly, the survey was conducted among university students did not, and it is among adults, most of whom have long been "30, 40, 50».
As a rule, generally accepted view is that the people at that age have long chosen their path in life, find a favorite thing, and it is enjoying his life. Ideally, the way it should be.
But in reality ...
In reality the majority of respondents who participated in the poll closed, can not find their way, "what kind of work will bring me money, pleasure and joy of creativity».
76% of respondents said that "dissatisfied with his work»!
And all this for the most part comes from the fact that the profession and the work selected in accordance with established dogma: "Choose a profession to be in demand, when you're done learning" and "The main thing is that the work paid well and on time, but the fact that the institute received another specialty and general hate my job, it's all so ».
And what do you do if there is a clear awareness of the fact that the work or the one previously selected occupation deprives you to enjoy life the way you deserve that?
You agree that this fact deserves to be you have paid him the most attention.
The way out of this vicious circle can serve as a distant work.
Today, there are lots of demand, including the creative professions, such as the Internet. And learn any of them can be just a month, there is no need to wipe his pants 5 years at the institute.
Moreover, it can be done "on the job" - via the Internet at any time convenient for you. Of course, if you are interested in a chance to find a creative profession and highly paid job in the Internet.
Learn how to get the demanded web profession:
And here's the top 5 reasons to prefer telecommuting
1. Remote specialists have earnings directly proportional to their level.
For Work is almost impossible to imagine a situation where professionally for a long time, he outdid his superiors, but still sits in his place and continued to receive the same salary.
2. The work is enough to dedicate as much time as is necessary to carry out the work itself.
Remote workers do not need to waste time on smoke breaks, endless tea and discuss the indications boss. No need to create the appearance of intense activity. Remote workers pay for the amount of work performed. And if you completed it earlier - safely dispose of his time.
3. Free schedule.
The dream of many people, but especially mothers in the decree. Having the opportunity to be close to the child, without giving crumbs to kindergarten or grandmothers, earn and self-realization, is perfectly able to afford doing telework.
4. The time on the road.
Standard situation when on the road to work is spent at least 2 hours a day. Remote worker receives this time so to say "bonus." In one working week accumulates 10 hours. And if you count the year, you get almost 22 days. Want to additional leave in 22 days long?
5. Savings in fixed costs
Working in the office, we do not even think how much money we spend on it just to be at work. Good clothes, lunches in cafes, snack in the office - all these costs can be significantly reduced if you start to work remotely.
In the future, every third office worker in Russia will work remotely:
According to a study conducted by Vanson Bourne commissioned by Citrix, by 2020 one third of employees in Russia will not hold a full-time office. Employees of the companies will be able to work from home (38, 4%), or at the sites where the projects are carried out (26%) or at the customer premises (31%).
By 2020, one third of Russian office workers go to work remotely. Russian companies will provide an average of 7 jobs for 10 employees, each employee will have access to the corporate network from an average of six different devices.
Work will cease to be a place where a person spends 5 days a week.
But you can not wait for 2020. And get your dream job today.
Of course, if you are interested in a chance to find a creative profession and highly paid job in the Internet.
This winter, 15 people will spend 3 weeks in a hot country to start a new life. Each of them knows what he can do for the sake of their dreams, will master the new online career and find a job anywhere in the world in front of millions of viewers. You can do it with them and see them with my own eyes