Dagestan slaves. they were being taken out of Russia ....
Will 6 photos and text
Seven people were released from labor slavery in Dagestan civic activists together with police. Reporter PublicPost participated in the rescue operation and found that human trafficking - is an established business.
Lured to the match, "Anji»
Dmitry Ivanov (name changed at his request) ran away from his master's evening of the 12th of May. He got through to the other in Moscow, and the Internet have found contacts, Oleg Melnikov, a leader of the movement "Alternative". Oleg together with volunteers from Makhachkala late at night and took Dima found wandering along the mountain roads.
How 20-year-old Dima got the Nizhny Novgorod region of Dagestan? "I myself was in Moscow, I came to look for work. Walked near the metro station "Komsomolskaya" I was approached by a man who looked Caucasian, and I began to ask different questions - said Dima. - He asked me if I knew about the club "Anji" I want you to visit their game at the stadium, if I want to see the warm sea, and so on. D. That's all I have, of course, of little interest. But the guy offered me a good work: said housing and food will ensure that this work is in stone processing, and can earn a minimum of 30 thousand rubles. "
01. Russian slaves in Dagestan
On tempting job Dima agreed, but their documents still left in Moscow, another - just in case, he says. According to him, this guy, he went to the metro station "Teply Stan" - not far from this metro buses depart to Makhachkala. The bus Dima met with two people riding in Dagestan for the good work: one of them was an Uzbek, the other - Russian.
"Two days later, namely on March 26, we were in Makhachkala, we arrived at the bus station" Pyramid "- said Dima. - The bus approached us some men told us to go with them. On their machines, they took us from Makhachkala to some suburban town. Get us out of the cars. Came to work in Moscow in the end turned out to six: three Russian and three Uzbeks. To us began to approach some guys, we have examined. My friend, with whom we became friends, took to his one viewing. About me, this person said that "the young will not take." But my friend refused to go without me. As a result, the man took the two of us and one Uzbek. He planted into his car. We ask where we were going. He says he paid 15 thousand rubles for each of us, and we owe him the money to work ».
According to Dima, this man named Magomed-Shapi brought them in some mountainous areas - remember it is only that they are located near the village Mekegi.
"We were told that we will be working on the good plants, and those plants in the end it turned out - I do not know how to say - the production of the outdoors - said Dima. - Housing, too, we have shown that it is a small room where a huge wooden divan was piled mattresses. On these mattresses is a table where we dined ».
02.V of living conditions of release.
Solder, not to run away
The first three days he was seemingly satisfied with the work, says Dima, "Magomed-Shapi us talking normally, he showed us the work, meet other workers - there were four: two Uzbeks, one Ukrainian, one Russian. We were reassured that those 15,000 we quickly worked out. But we owe it to the owner somehow grew. We had to pay for piecework system - per square meter of stone will give 50 rubles, said Magomed-Shapi. It seems that you sawed stone, think, for example, worked for a thousand rubles, and in the Journal of workers who have been Magomedali, is the brother of the owner, it is written that we are still on top have a thousand rubles ».
According to Dima, they all worked from eight in the morning until nine at night, rest was given only during lunch: "Although we in Moscow and said that the feed will be free, but it turned out that we have to pay for food, and no checks have not shown . Once we were given clothes to work, she said that for her to retain salary. If we are outraged that Magomed-Shapi people came to us, shouting that he bought us that we are not wanted, that the police, prosecution of its people work. Yes, we had the opportunity to escape, but only at night. But where would we go? Around the mountain, unfamiliar terrain, the police are afraid to address. Here Volodya grandfather, who worked with us, wanted to leave. Magomed-Shapi took him by the scruff of the neck, obmateril and pushed back to the machine ».
Together with Dima escaped that night and Sergei Nikolayev. "In fact, want to escape everything, - says Sergey. - No one likes conditions. It turned out that the work for free. Others do not run away from us, because all there were always drunk. In the evening the owner brought the alcohol, it was diluted and drunk. All postponed for "tomorrow." Yes, and very afraid to run away. We were all reminded often that we bought, it is useless to run. And work in other departments were told that some have returned, beaten. We're just afraid. " Sergei said that he is from Mordovia, came to work in Moscow and Dagestan have persuaded him to go to the station: "In the area of three stations came up to me one man, asked if I am looking for a job. I speak what I wood carver. He says that just in Dagestan such specialists are needed. He said about the salaries, housing, food - everything will be fine. I did not know after all that get on stone-working ».
Dima and some of those who worked with him were phones. But the police are afraid to address. Of course, they could call relatives, friends. But Sergei says, often called his 80-year-old mother through the tubes comrades, but did not complain, afraid that her heart is bad: "On the day when I escaped, Magomed-Shapi number found my mom Andrew, with whom we worked together, called her, screaming that I will return home in zinc coffins, if not go back to the stone-working. Mom then became ill, it appears. They called her doctors ».
03.Eti booth - housing workers. Before you plan to stsuko slave owner, type niuchem not to blame, bleat!
Streamlined business slaves
Since September of last year in Dagestan movement "Alternative" and local volunteers were released from slavery by about 50 people, said Oleg Melnikov: "Almost all of these people in Dagestan were the same way - people came to them at bus stops, offered a good job. Those who did not want to go, solder, added in food sleeping pills. So they found themselves in Dagestan ».
According to Melnikov, in conjunction crime are several participants: "The man that finds people in Moscow and leads to the bus for each receiving at least a thousand rubles. The bus driver aware of everything, he, too, fall to from this piece. At the checkpoints is the drivers agree with the inspectors. Well, you understand how to negotiate - give a bribe. Already in Makhachkala these people, roughly speaking, snapping itself those who need cheap labor. Someone will pick up at the Brickyard, someone in the mountains in the stone processing. 15 thousand rubles, as we found out in conversations with the liberated, is the standard rate per man. For women pay more - about 150 thousand rubles ».
The fact that girls are more expensive, there is no discrimination: the girls are sold into sexual slavery, and they quickly pay for themselves, Melnikov said: "During our work in Dagestan, we released five girls. They were held in saunas, t. E. In the brothels. For sexual services quickly to earn as it turned out. Now the investigation of the cases of the five girls involved Department for Combating Organized Crime (OBOP) Ministry of Internal Affairs of Dagestan ».
During the conversation, Melnikov strongly emphasizes that Dagestan - this is not the most problematic region in Russia in terms of the use of slave labor: "In Moscow, the situation is much worse. For example, I participated in the liberation of the people, which ten years were held in slavery in the grocery store. It was in the Moscow area Golyanovo. Around this event was a lot of noise, almost all the media wrote about it. But what is the result? To bring a case, they closed it again aroused. Public organizations are suing those who wanted to cover up the hosts, who held these people. In general, business is slack. In Dagestan, we not only help the Interior Ministry and officials, but also ordinary people who call and report that in a certain place hold slaves. These volunteers at any time go disembarrass people ».
Dagestani volunteers help released and housing. For example, Madina Ismailova, one of the volunteers often provide shelter and food. "My son is helping Oleg goes with it, I try even once to seek help - told me Ismailova. - Dagestan is a great shame that there arrogantly use people, and so that the good life is not seen ».
04.Iz this mountain stone workers had to saw flat rectangles.
The third escaped
Volunteers are constantly keeping in touch with the Dagestani Interior Ministry - in case of problems Oleg Melnikov calls to mobile Deputy Minister Magomed Ismailov, and it helps. For example, when volunteers and rescue Dima delayed and would not let outfit DPS. Therefore, on May 13 volunteers with Dima came directly to the ministry. Minister Abdurashid Magomedov, when the deputy told him to run away, ordered his subordinates all to understand.
To start the police tried to organize an ambush. Dima host Magomed-Shapi ringing him with the request, the threats, so that Dima at the request of police told him that he would be waiting for him at the bus station "Pyramid" - Magomed-Shapi Dima promised to bring salaries.
Magomed-Shapi and then called Dima, they say, will soon be. We operatives stood twenty meters from Dima - watched. A few minutes later, Magomed-Shapi called Dima and said that he knew about the raid, he said something about it for the familiar, or a relative of the prosecutor's office.
The case went to the evening, so the investigators decided to go to the place of work escaped the next day - the more so that the fugitives could not tell exactly where they were.
Evening of May 13 with stonecutting escaped another forcibly held - Andrew. He decided to escape when Dima told him by telephone that he was taken to his volunteers. He told us that escaped and drove to Makhachkala ride to (the city and its volunteers have picked up). In the stone-working, he was almost in the same way as Dima and Sergei in Moscow on the area of three stations he was approached by some guy - his name is Andrew does not remember, but claims that he was a Russian, "We were just We talked about that, about this. Then we went to the cafe. Well, we drank and talked. He asked me about my work.
I told him that I was the master of finishing. He says that in Dagestan there is work for me, though, you can now go. I heard about the brick factories, but did not think that going to take me there, I thought that the construction site. And offers good conditions: the food was, housing - for free, as well as high wages like. In general, I woke up in the bus, which is already approaching to Makhachkala. Well, then what to talk? I bought for 15 thousand rubles, as I said Magomed-Shapi. He wins my passport. Probably for stone processing could earn good money if it were honest ».
Criminal cases of slave labor - "visyaki»
The next day, as it was agreed with the members of OBOP, we went to the village Mekegi Levashinskom district of Dagestan - not far from the village and is the place where escaped Dima, Sergei and Andrei.
Punished under the law of their host will be difficult, encouraged before leaving senior detective Mohammed Rashad Asadulaev: "Last year, I personally delivered somewhere in ten people who were held in slavery. These people used to hard physical work, not only in brick or stone processing plants, and they also work on the farm: dig up gardens, look after the cattle.
Punish those who keeps, you know, why difficult? Because freed leave home. In their statements to work hard then - they mostly do not live at the address, and for investigative activities they returned to Dagestan would not come - they all the same police who either laziness intimidated. Some owners even run away from the country. For example, I have 14 years of captivity in the Khasavyurt district released a single person. And whoever held it, he fled to the United Arab Emirates. How now to punish him? Inquiries to Interpol, and so on. N. - It is a stretch for years ».
Another employee OBOP, who asked not to be named, said that after the release of the application is usually very few people want to write, and the police did not insist on it, "Just the police understand that the criminal case of such application - 99%" visyak. " Here, for example, the case of the girls who was released from a sauna, a cost - these girls we can not find, they went to his home and the trail disappeared. And in this case we have to ask Moscow today. Now what do we do? »
Mekegi village is nearly a half-hour drive from Makhachkala. Around the solid mountains, non-local then it is almost impossible to navigate. Near the road, paved, along the outskirts of the village, just are the very stone treatment plant outdoors. At the sight of police officers, some people - as it turned out, the employees - fled into the mountains, while others hid.
They came from operatives to the place where they worked the three escapees: about dirty machine employs six people, sitting next to a young guy with a notebook in his hands - and then learned that it Magomedali, the brother of the owner. It was evident that he was confused. Questions about where Magomed-Shapi, said in Makhachkala on business. Reach him is impossible.
Those who worked near the machine, tell roughly the same story that escaped. When the police asked whether they kept anyone by force, some do not respond, silent, some slurred mumble something. But clearly they say they want to go home. Only two Uzbeks, who are near Magomedali claim that they have excellent facilities and a good job. The work on view, very heavy. Natural Stone points stretched ten kilometers along the road.
To gather surrounded by police at people. Among them it is how he introduced himself, a deputy district meeting. Posing as Magomed, he argues that all here legally, that these people "the best job and excellent conditions for living." Along with him we went to see a house workers - is close dirty shed, the smell in the room stuffy, no hygiene. "Well, I have at home a little bit better," - smiling deputy.
The head of the village Mekegi Magomedzagid Abdurashidov, who also arrived, argues that people are working here illegally, "There are a lot of Uzbeks, Tajiks. How did they get here - the big question that our migration service does not answer the question to which the answer can not give the local police. For the villagers, who ply this business, affect I can not. They answer that otherwise are not able to earn ».
Employees OBOP bypass other points. Interrogate people if they wanted to leave. Uzbeks and Tajiks are hiding in the booth, do not understand the questions - in Russian almost none of them says.
Together with the four people who worked for Magomed-Shapi, went to Levashinskom District Police Department. There also brought Magomedali police. Workers Uzbeks did not want to go anywhere.
05.Odin exempt from
"Decent" pay ...
The department released the police brought in different rooms - they were taking testimony and statements. Head of Department, Abdul Omarov, went into the office, where police recorded statements from Dima and where we sat with the leader of "Alternatives" Melnikov.
"You also had a phone, why not call the police? Why I did not run to the village for help? "- Raised voice turned to the head of the Dime. He tried to say something, but pressed forward Omarov. "Well, we went to the police, the statements leave" - interjected Melnikov. The chief, changed his tone, assured that the police will make every effort to punish those responsible.
While the police were busy with the statements Melnikov, I am local journalist came twenty minutes to eat. And returning back found that the department came the same Magomed-Shapi. It turns out that his real name is Mohammed Said Magomedov, but people call him somehow Magomed-Shapi. He denied it and said that it for some reason, want to substitute, but why does not know: "No one is kept by force. They all lie. No they did not buy any debts they do not have work. I found them at the bus stop. Purely by chance I dropped in to two or three times about his business, and so all employees found ».
When asked how much he owed to employees, Magomed-Shapi said: "Everything is written in a notebook." The notebook, which was his brother Magomedali, it was written that almost all workers must master to 8 thousand. "This is a wrong calculation, there is another notebook" - Magomed-Shapi pulled out a crumpled notebook.
Seven people were released from labor slavery in Dagestan civic activists together with police. Reporter PublicPost participated in the rescue operation and found that human trafficking - is an established business.
Lured to the match, "Anji»
Dmitry Ivanov (name changed at his request) ran away from his master's evening of the 12th of May. He got through to the other in Moscow, and the Internet have found contacts, Oleg Melnikov, a leader of the movement "Alternative". Oleg together with volunteers from Makhachkala late at night and took Dima found wandering along the mountain roads.
How 20-year-old Dima got the Nizhny Novgorod region of Dagestan? "I myself was in Moscow, I came to look for work. Walked near the metro station "Komsomolskaya" I was approached by a man who looked Caucasian, and I began to ask different questions - said Dima. - He asked me if I knew about the club "Anji" I want you to visit their game at the stadium, if I want to see the warm sea, and so on. D. That's all I have, of course, of little interest. But the guy offered me a good work: said housing and food will ensure that this work is in stone processing, and can earn a minimum of 30 thousand rubles. "
01. Russian slaves in Dagestan

On tempting job Dima agreed, but their documents still left in Moscow, another - just in case, he says. According to him, this guy, he went to the metro station "Teply Stan" - not far from this metro buses depart to Makhachkala. The bus Dima met with two people riding in Dagestan for the good work: one of them was an Uzbek, the other - Russian.
"Two days later, namely on March 26, we were in Makhachkala, we arrived at the bus station" Pyramid "- said Dima. - The bus approached us some men told us to go with them. On their machines, they took us from Makhachkala to some suburban town. Get us out of the cars. Came to work in Moscow in the end turned out to six: three Russian and three Uzbeks. To us began to approach some guys, we have examined. My friend, with whom we became friends, took to his one viewing. About me, this person said that "the young will not take." But my friend refused to go without me. As a result, the man took the two of us and one Uzbek. He planted into his car. We ask where we were going. He says he paid 15 thousand rubles for each of us, and we owe him the money to work ».
According to Dima, this man named Magomed-Shapi brought them in some mountainous areas - remember it is only that they are located near the village Mekegi.
"We were told that we will be working on the good plants, and those plants in the end it turned out - I do not know how to say - the production of the outdoors - said Dima. - Housing, too, we have shown that it is a small room where a huge wooden divan was piled mattresses. On these mattresses is a table where we dined ».
02.V of living conditions of release.

Solder, not to run away
The first three days he was seemingly satisfied with the work, says Dima, "Magomed-Shapi us talking normally, he showed us the work, meet other workers - there were four: two Uzbeks, one Ukrainian, one Russian. We were reassured that those 15,000 we quickly worked out. But we owe it to the owner somehow grew. We had to pay for piecework system - per square meter of stone will give 50 rubles, said Magomed-Shapi. It seems that you sawed stone, think, for example, worked for a thousand rubles, and in the Journal of workers who have been Magomedali, is the brother of the owner, it is written that we are still on top have a thousand rubles ».
According to Dima, they all worked from eight in the morning until nine at night, rest was given only during lunch: "Although we in Moscow and said that the feed will be free, but it turned out that we have to pay for food, and no checks have not shown . Once we were given clothes to work, she said that for her to retain salary. If we are outraged that Magomed-Shapi people came to us, shouting that he bought us that we are not wanted, that the police, prosecution of its people work. Yes, we had the opportunity to escape, but only at night. But where would we go? Around the mountain, unfamiliar terrain, the police are afraid to address. Here Volodya grandfather, who worked with us, wanted to leave. Magomed-Shapi took him by the scruff of the neck, obmateril and pushed back to the machine ».
Together with Dima escaped that night and Sergei Nikolayev. "In fact, want to escape everything, - says Sergey. - No one likes conditions. It turned out that the work for free. Others do not run away from us, because all there were always drunk. In the evening the owner brought the alcohol, it was diluted and drunk. All postponed for "tomorrow." Yes, and very afraid to run away. We were all reminded often that we bought, it is useless to run. And work in other departments were told that some have returned, beaten. We're just afraid. " Sergei said that he is from Mordovia, came to work in Moscow and Dagestan have persuaded him to go to the station: "In the area of three stations came up to me one man, asked if I am looking for a job. I speak what I wood carver. He says that just in Dagestan such specialists are needed. He said about the salaries, housing, food - everything will be fine. I did not know after all that get on stone-working ».
Dima and some of those who worked with him were phones. But the police are afraid to address. Of course, they could call relatives, friends. But Sergei says, often called his 80-year-old mother through the tubes comrades, but did not complain, afraid that her heart is bad: "On the day when I escaped, Magomed-Shapi number found my mom Andrew, with whom we worked together, called her, screaming that I will return home in zinc coffins, if not go back to the stone-working. Mom then became ill, it appears. They called her doctors ».
03.Eti booth - housing workers. Before you plan to stsuko slave owner, type niuchem not to blame, bleat!

Streamlined business slaves
Since September of last year in Dagestan movement "Alternative" and local volunteers were released from slavery by about 50 people, said Oleg Melnikov: "Almost all of these people in Dagestan were the same way - people came to them at bus stops, offered a good job. Those who did not want to go, solder, added in food sleeping pills. So they found themselves in Dagestan ».
According to Melnikov, in conjunction crime are several participants: "The man that finds people in Moscow and leads to the bus for each receiving at least a thousand rubles. The bus driver aware of everything, he, too, fall to from this piece. At the checkpoints is the drivers agree with the inspectors. Well, you understand how to negotiate - give a bribe. Already in Makhachkala these people, roughly speaking, snapping itself those who need cheap labor. Someone will pick up at the Brickyard, someone in the mountains in the stone processing. 15 thousand rubles, as we found out in conversations with the liberated, is the standard rate per man. For women pay more - about 150 thousand rubles ».
The fact that girls are more expensive, there is no discrimination: the girls are sold into sexual slavery, and they quickly pay for themselves, Melnikov said: "During our work in Dagestan, we released five girls. They were held in saunas, t. E. In the brothels. For sexual services quickly to earn as it turned out. Now the investigation of the cases of the five girls involved Department for Combating Organized Crime (OBOP) Ministry of Internal Affairs of Dagestan ».
During the conversation, Melnikov strongly emphasizes that Dagestan - this is not the most problematic region in Russia in terms of the use of slave labor: "In Moscow, the situation is much worse. For example, I participated in the liberation of the people, which ten years were held in slavery in the grocery store. It was in the Moscow area Golyanovo. Around this event was a lot of noise, almost all the media wrote about it. But what is the result? To bring a case, they closed it again aroused. Public organizations are suing those who wanted to cover up the hosts, who held these people. In general, business is slack. In Dagestan, we not only help the Interior Ministry and officials, but also ordinary people who call and report that in a certain place hold slaves. These volunteers at any time go disembarrass people ».
Dagestani volunteers help released and housing. For example, Madina Ismailova, one of the volunteers often provide shelter and food. "My son is helping Oleg goes with it, I try even once to seek help - told me Ismailova. - Dagestan is a great shame that there arrogantly use people, and so that the good life is not seen ».
04.Iz this mountain stone workers had to saw flat rectangles.

The third escaped
Volunteers are constantly keeping in touch with the Dagestani Interior Ministry - in case of problems Oleg Melnikov calls to mobile Deputy Minister Magomed Ismailov, and it helps. For example, when volunteers and rescue Dima delayed and would not let outfit DPS. Therefore, on May 13 volunteers with Dima came directly to the ministry. Minister Abdurashid Magomedov, when the deputy told him to run away, ordered his subordinates all to understand.
To start the police tried to organize an ambush. Dima host Magomed-Shapi ringing him with the request, the threats, so that Dima at the request of police told him that he would be waiting for him at the bus station "Pyramid" - Magomed-Shapi Dima promised to bring salaries.
Magomed-Shapi and then called Dima, they say, will soon be. We operatives stood twenty meters from Dima - watched. A few minutes later, Magomed-Shapi called Dima and said that he knew about the raid, he said something about it for the familiar, or a relative of the prosecutor's office.
The case went to the evening, so the investigators decided to go to the place of work escaped the next day - the more so that the fugitives could not tell exactly where they were.
Evening of May 13 with stonecutting escaped another forcibly held - Andrew. He decided to escape when Dima told him by telephone that he was taken to his volunteers. He told us that escaped and drove to Makhachkala ride to (the city and its volunteers have picked up). In the stone-working, he was almost in the same way as Dima and Sergei in Moscow on the area of three stations he was approached by some guy - his name is Andrew does not remember, but claims that he was a Russian, "We were just We talked about that, about this. Then we went to the cafe. Well, we drank and talked. He asked me about my work.
I told him that I was the master of finishing. He says that in Dagestan there is work for me, though, you can now go. I heard about the brick factories, but did not think that going to take me there, I thought that the construction site. And offers good conditions: the food was, housing - for free, as well as high wages like. In general, I woke up in the bus, which is already approaching to Makhachkala. Well, then what to talk? I bought for 15 thousand rubles, as I said Magomed-Shapi. He wins my passport. Probably for stone processing could earn good money if it were honest ».
Criminal cases of slave labor - "visyaki»
The next day, as it was agreed with the members of OBOP, we went to the village Mekegi Levashinskom district of Dagestan - not far from the village and is the place where escaped Dima, Sergei and Andrei.
Punished under the law of their host will be difficult, encouraged before leaving senior detective Mohammed Rashad Asadulaev: "Last year, I personally delivered somewhere in ten people who were held in slavery. These people used to hard physical work, not only in brick or stone processing plants, and they also work on the farm: dig up gardens, look after the cattle.
Punish those who keeps, you know, why difficult? Because freed leave home. In their statements to work hard then - they mostly do not live at the address, and for investigative activities they returned to Dagestan would not come - they all the same police who either laziness intimidated. Some owners even run away from the country. For example, I have 14 years of captivity in the Khasavyurt district released a single person. And whoever held it, he fled to the United Arab Emirates. How now to punish him? Inquiries to Interpol, and so on. N. - It is a stretch for years ».
Another employee OBOP, who asked not to be named, said that after the release of the application is usually very few people want to write, and the police did not insist on it, "Just the police understand that the criminal case of such application - 99%" visyak. " Here, for example, the case of the girls who was released from a sauna, a cost - these girls we can not find, they went to his home and the trail disappeared. And in this case we have to ask Moscow today. Now what do we do? »
Mekegi village is nearly a half-hour drive from Makhachkala. Around the solid mountains, non-local then it is almost impossible to navigate. Near the road, paved, along the outskirts of the village, just are the very stone treatment plant outdoors. At the sight of police officers, some people - as it turned out, the employees - fled into the mountains, while others hid.
They came from operatives to the place where they worked the three escapees: about dirty machine employs six people, sitting next to a young guy with a notebook in his hands - and then learned that it Magomedali, the brother of the owner. It was evident that he was confused. Questions about where Magomed-Shapi, said in Makhachkala on business. Reach him is impossible.
Those who worked near the machine, tell roughly the same story that escaped. When the police asked whether they kept anyone by force, some do not respond, silent, some slurred mumble something. But clearly they say they want to go home. Only two Uzbeks, who are near Magomedali claim that they have excellent facilities and a good job. The work on view, very heavy. Natural Stone points stretched ten kilometers along the road.
To gather surrounded by police at people. Among them it is how he introduced himself, a deputy district meeting. Posing as Magomed, he argues that all here legally, that these people "the best job and excellent conditions for living." Along with him we went to see a house workers - is close dirty shed, the smell in the room stuffy, no hygiene. "Well, I have at home a little bit better," - smiling deputy.
The head of the village Mekegi Magomedzagid Abdurashidov, who also arrived, argues that people are working here illegally, "There are a lot of Uzbeks, Tajiks. How did they get here - the big question that our migration service does not answer the question to which the answer can not give the local police. For the villagers, who ply this business, affect I can not. They answer that otherwise are not able to earn ».
Employees OBOP bypass other points. Interrogate people if they wanted to leave. Uzbeks and Tajiks are hiding in the booth, do not understand the questions - in Russian almost none of them says.
Together with the four people who worked for Magomed-Shapi, went to Levashinskom District Police Department. There also brought Magomedali police. Workers Uzbeks did not want to go anywhere.
05.Odin exempt from

"Decent" pay ...
The department released the police brought in different rooms - they were taking testimony and statements. Head of Department, Abdul Omarov, went into the office, where police recorded statements from Dima and where we sat with the leader of "Alternatives" Melnikov.
"You also had a phone, why not call the police? Why I did not run to the village for help? "- Raised voice turned to the head of the Dime. He tried to say something, but pressed forward Omarov. "Well, we went to the police, the statements leave" - interjected Melnikov. The chief, changed his tone, assured that the police will make every effort to punish those responsible.
While the police were busy with the statements Melnikov, I am local journalist came twenty minutes to eat. And returning back found that the department came the same Magomed-Shapi. It turns out that his real name is Mohammed Said Magomedov, but people call him somehow Magomed-Shapi. He denied it and said that it for some reason, want to substitute, but why does not know: "No one is kept by force. They all lie. No they did not buy any debts they do not have work. I found them at the bus stop. Purely by chance I dropped in to two or three times about his business, and so all employees found ».
When asked how much he owed to employees, Magomed-Shapi said: "Everything is written in a notebook." The notebook, which was his brother Magomedali, it was written that almost all workers must master to 8 thousand. "This is a wrong calculation, there is another notebook" - Magomed-Shapi pulled out a crumpled notebook.