There are very few sunny days in Sweden, but the Swedes have learned to fall asleep quickly and get enough sleep.
How to fall asleep and sleep in the rhythm of the modern world? There are special breathing exercises that help to relax the whole body and quickly go to sleep. But falling asleep fast doesn’t mean you’ll get enough sleep. It is necessary to develop a habit to go to bed earlier and give your body time to restore vitality, that is, sleep at least 6 hours a day. Today I want to talk about how the Swedes manage to get quality rest during sleep.
It is important to remember that every new day begins almost at the time we first go to bed! To stay active, cheerful all week and have time for everything, it is important to get enough sleep, and for this you should follow a number of simple rules, says Yulia Johanson, an expert on a healthy lifestyle. She lived in Sweden for 7 years, and Yulia noticed how the Swedes spend their day. It turned out that they pay special attention to rest, all over the country people go to bed at 22:00. But that’s not the only secret to quality sleep.
All windows in the house face east so that in the early morning you can get up from sunrise, because in Sweden it is dark most of the year. Swedes use masks for sleeping and hang tight curtains on the windows that do not let sunlight through, as in summer the sun can wake up ahead of time, so at 3 am. Scandinavian interior is not just so laconic and simple. White walls do not strain the mind, do not interfere with rest. Motley interior Swedes prefer a simple finish, white walls, wooden furniture. In all this simplicity there are bright accents in the form of red carpets, bright pillows or blankets.
Fresh air is scientifically proven to improve sleep. Swedes sleep with their windows open all year round. In order not to be cold, they have two blankets in their bedroom. There it is quite natural to sleep under your blanket, so that during sleep partners do not pull over the blanket in an attempt to warm up.
In addition, each person has different thermoregulation. Therefore, a thin blanket is enough for one, and the other may be too cold under it, because of which a person will not be able to sleep normally. Now there are even new blankets for people with different thermoregulation. Most Swedish families live outside the city, all of them are sure to walk in the fresh air in all weather. Forest air strengthens the immune system, increases the level of serotonin, so Swedes are always in a good mood.
Sleeping on an empty stomach will not work, but with a full stomach will be uncomfortable. Swedes have dinner early, around 17 hours. Thanks to this, the body has time to digest food and prepare for sleep. At night, you should give up heavy and fatty foods. Preference should be given to vegetables and protein products for dinner.
The working day of the Swedes is normalized. The working day begins at 8 a.m. and ends by 16:30. In Sweden, it is not customary to work overtime, people take care of their health and family, so they are released from work early, have a full leave to do more important than work, things that are family. Reliable medical care, providing people with parental leave, which is often taken by Swedish fathers, annual leave. All this eliminates overstrain and stress, a person can harmoniously build his schedule and do not rush anywhere, and most importantly - sleep.
Swedes are famous for their health and longevity. Perhaps the reason lies in their early sleep. As you know, melatonin is produced from 22:00 to 2 am. At 22:00, no one is partying or watching TV. Moreover, you will never see a Swede chatting on the phone at such a late hour. Everyone respects the rest of others.
Everything is really elementary. It is important to create an individual mode of the day. To begin with, you can try setting an alarm for half an hour early in the morning and be sure to remind your smartphone in the evening. Remember that no one will pat you on the head for processing, and the body will definitely work at its fullest if you give it a good rest. I wish you to find harmony in your daily routine and endless work and start enjoying every moment you live.

It is important to remember that every new day begins almost at the time we first go to bed! To stay active, cheerful all week and have time for everything, it is important to get enough sleep, and for this you should follow a number of simple rules, says Yulia Johanson, an expert on a healthy lifestyle. She lived in Sweden for 7 years, and Yulia noticed how the Swedes spend their day. It turned out that they pay special attention to rest, all over the country people go to bed at 22:00. But that’s not the only secret to quality sleep.

All windows in the house face east so that in the early morning you can get up from sunrise, because in Sweden it is dark most of the year. Swedes use masks for sleeping and hang tight curtains on the windows that do not let sunlight through, as in summer the sun can wake up ahead of time, so at 3 am. Scandinavian interior is not just so laconic and simple. White walls do not strain the mind, do not interfere with rest. Motley interior Swedes prefer a simple finish, white walls, wooden furniture. In all this simplicity there are bright accents in the form of red carpets, bright pillows or blankets.
Fresh air is scientifically proven to improve sleep. Swedes sleep with their windows open all year round. In order not to be cold, they have two blankets in their bedroom. There it is quite natural to sleep under your blanket, so that during sleep partners do not pull over the blanket in an attempt to warm up.

In addition, each person has different thermoregulation. Therefore, a thin blanket is enough for one, and the other may be too cold under it, because of which a person will not be able to sleep normally. Now there are even new blankets for people with different thermoregulation. Most Swedish families live outside the city, all of them are sure to walk in the fresh air in all weather. Forest air strengthens the immune system, increases the level of serotonin, so Swedes are always in a good mood.

Sleeping on an empty stomach will not work, but with a full stomach will be uncomfortable. Swedes have dinner early, around 17 hours. Thanks to this, the body has time to digest food and prepare for sleep. At night, you should give up heavy and fatty foods. Preference should be given to vegetables and protein products for dinner.

The working day of the Swedes is normalized. The working day begins at 8 a.m. and ends by 16:30. In Sweden, it is not customary to work overtime, people take care of their health and family, so they are released from work early, have a full leave to do more important than work, things that are family. Reliable medical care, providing people with parental leave, which is often taken by Swedish fathers, annual leave. All this eliminates overstrain and stress, a person can harmoniously build his schedule and do not rush anywhere, and most importantly - sleep.

Swedes are famous for their health and longevity. Perhaps the reason lies in their early sleep. As you know, melatonin is produced from 22:00 to 2 am. At 22:00, no one is partying or watching TV. Moreover, you will never see a Swede chatting on the phone at such a late hour. Everyone respects the rest of others.

Everything is really elementary. It is important to create an individual mode of the day. To begin with, you can try setting an alarm for half an hour early in the morning and be sure to remind your smartphone in the evening. Remember that no one will pat you on the head for processing, and the body will definitely work at its fullest if you give it a good rest. I wish you to find harmony in your daily routine and endless work and start enjoying every moment you live.
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