30 facts about Sweden

30 facts about Sweden and Swedes eyes of Russians.
1. The Swedes are not accepted to come to visit without a call.
2. Sweden is divided into 21 counties - county (län).
3. In each region - their dialect. When I was in college, we had a math teacher who lisp and otherwise mangled the letter "p." It seemed to me that it's just a - a speech impediment, but once in the south of Sweden, in the city of Malmö, I realized that this is one of the dialects.
4. The Swedes do not like to cook at home, so they often hold a family hike on all kinds pizzeria burgenkingam and McDonald's.
5. What is your most favorite dish is the Swedes - kebab pizza (dough, cheese, meat and special sauce kebab). There is even one site, which identifies the pizzeria, where they sell the most delicious pizza-kebab.
6. All pizzeria Sweden positioning themselves as exclusively Italian, but I have never seen them work in Italian. As a rule - Arabs or Kurds.
7. In Sweden you can not find decent sushi bars. While the Swedes are very fond of Japanese cuisine.
8. In the status of social networks such as facebook Swedes usually write about all sorts of little things, it looks very funny and naive. For example, a certain Kevin Lundell wrote: "Tonight will be a pizza with his wife under the transmission Idol - how cool." In general, write everything that happens in life is momentary.
9. In Sweden, there are two language - easy and difficult. Usually 70% of the population do not use the "difficult" words in speech and often does not even know the meaning of these words. And if you learn a few words and insert them into the offer, everyone will think you're super-erudite man. In a note to the "difficult" words, translating them into Russian include: "The raid" "objective," "subjective" ... That is, the words that we use in everyday life.
10. Leo Tolstoy also exists in difficult and easy translation.
11. I once translated into Swedish our saying: "Free cheese only in a mousetrap" and said it with everyone in the company. The effect was stunning, everyone started clapping, and some even write to her phone. After that, I began to flaunt sayings everywhere.
12. The Swedes - very sporty nation. It is often so that people are 80, and he did not give and 50.
13. The Swedes - centenarians. Often this is due to the rhythm, stress-free way of life and the environment.
14. If you decide to quickly organize business and rent a room, it is not so simple. Here everything is done slowly. With our pace of life (when it is necessary all at once), get used to it will not be easy.
15. The Swedes are obsessed with ecology.
16. It is also very Swedes cherish animals. There was a case where someone killed a sparrow in the woods of brass rifle and it said one of the bystanders - a man was given 6 months penal colony and a fine.
17. In Sweden, it is not accepted immediately after graduation to enter the university. As a rule, they first go to work, and then in 20-25 years, come to the university.
18. In general, 25-30 years for Sweden - not age. You can often find the desk of the university students of all ages.
19. At the age of 18 young people tries to isolate themselves from their parents and live separately, as it is here can afford almost every.
20. Instead of cigarettes Swedes prefer snus. Snus - a kind of tobacco product. It is a crushed moist snuff, which is placed between the upper (sometimes - lower) lip and gum.
21. Movie watching in the original with subtitles.
22. Most Swedes are afraid to go to Russia because of the mafia.
23. If you have completed a probationary period, and entered into an employment contract with an employer, you are virtually impossible to fire from work, even if you have done something out of the hands of the ordinary - so strong union of Sweden.
24. The Swedes - very kind and helpful people. If you have trouble occurred, and at work found out about it, then it becomes a problem of the whole team.
25. Prior to the twenty years of the teeth can be treated free of charge. The most interesting thing is that you can make an appointment almost every week for all sorts of reasons - whether to remove the stone or simply whiten your teeth.
26. The Swedish, Norwegian and Danish languages are very similar.
27. The Swedes - an avid fisherman. But catch fish tend to not catch, and for sport. So instead of having to go home and melt smokehouse, they quietly let the fish back into the water, previously photographed with her. By the way, pike they do not relate to the edible fish disdain. So I always came away with a wonderful catch.
28. From Monday to Friday you will not find on the street drunk people. And if you meet and it will be some alcoholic (who were few in Sweden). But from Friday to Sunday, the drunken street percent 80.
29. In Sweden, alcohol is controlled and implemented exclusively by the state. Alcohol is not sold to persons under the age of 20 years. Also, if you come three times a day, you will most likely be denied in the purchase, saying it that "you are too frequent" - because the state controls the consumption of alcohol. Note, a liquor store is designed for 20 thousand people, while we have one tent with swill is designed for 200-400 people. And let us, then do not prove that it is not genocide ...
30. The apartment buildings are not made to have its own washing machine. This is due to the fact that in the homes of the HOA, a special washing room in which recording can be washed, drier and pet clothes. This is done to save electricity.