Why smiling Swedes are completely indifferent to luxury

Population of Sweden Today it is just over 10 million people. This is about the same as in neighboring Norway and Finland combined. Just a little. But we are never tired of being surprised how all these Scandinavian countries in the ranking of the happiest countries in the world annually occupy the first places. What's their secret?

We're in the newsroom. "Site" I am sure that the philosophy of the people themselves plays an important role here. And in addition to the concept of “hygge”, which took root in the Scandinavian countries and fell in love with local people, in the same Sweden has its own characteristic of the national mentality – lagom. This word means sufficiency, adequacy, not much and not little, just right. And this moderation permeates all aspects of the life of the average Swede.

At first glance, the Swedes seem quite similar to us. Ordinary, open, friendly people who will certainly come to the rescue if necessary. But there are differences. And if we talk about purpose, discipline and order, then the Swedes have gone far ahead. Although their modesty causes not only admiration, but also regret. It seems that these people are somehow boring, without a spark.

  1. Special relation to nature
    Swedes care about the environment. Their recycling system is one of the most progressive in the world. And to keep recycling plants running at full capacity, Swedes even have to buy up garbage across Europe (and in neighboring Norway, too). In Sweden, people like nature, but always clean up garbage.

    In general, quite unusual and the very attitude to the weather. Cold, wind or snow will not scare anyone and will not force you to abandon your plans. If the Swede decided to go for a walk or go on business, then he will not pay attention to the vagaries of nature. “Nature doesn’t have bad weather” is a line about people in Sweden.

    A good sunny day makes everyone happy. Swedes immediately go to the streets and even take off their clothes to at least briefly soak up the rays of the long-awaited sun. And if we take good weather for granted, then the people of Sweden are able to enjoy such trifles.

  2. Balance at work
    Moderation is also evident in work. Offices in Sweden open at 8am or earlier. But the working day ends about 16 hours. It is impossible to meet such workaholics as in Japan (or even here). And if someone stayed at work until six in the evening, it is perceived negatively. It is believed that the person simply worked poorly, so everything did not have time to do on time. There are a lot of people on the streets at 4-5 p.m. Walk, meet friends, ride bicycles and just relax. Banks and shops close early too. After all, sellers, bank workers, and everyone else want to be in the same conditions, not to overwork and not to sacrifice their personal lives.

    It is also interesting that the Swedes go on vacation at once for 4 weeks, and not for 7 or 10 days, as is often customary here. Such a long vacation allows Scandinavians to really distract from work, relax and go about their business. This is reminiscent of Soviet vacations, when workers went to sanatoriums for 24 days and during this time managed to put their body in order.

  3. Moderation in consumption
    In comfort, convenience and functionality, Swedes see more meaning than luxury. Here, even very wealthy people live quite modestly, drive used cars, weigh everything for a long time before deciding on large expenses. An inconspicuous house made of environmentally friendly materials for any Swede is preferable to a luxurious house, say, made of glued laminated timber. After all, people here primarily care about the health of their family, not about the admiring views of their neighbors.

In general, the Swedes are compromising people, and this is also what lies in it. one of the secrets of their well-being. They can defend their point of view, but they know how to understand the interlocutor. Therefore, they are able to find solutions that suit everyone. And this is manifested in business and in everyday affairs.

In this northern country not the most pleasant weather, not much sun. And it taught the Swedes to create a holiday for themselves. They decorate houses, hang lanterns and garlands to cheer themselves, neighbors, and casual passers-by.

Swedish people manage to find a reason for joy in a cup of coffee, a glass of strong drink, and in a meeting with a good person. It’s probably a skill that helps them be happy people.


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