Visual bunks * Otik. Why is a man "loves his eyes"
Studies have shown that the attractiveness of a human face stimulates the same brain region that plague * s.
Psychologist at the University of Oslo Olga Chelnokova argues that "like good food and good music object lo * sualnogo strong attraction leads our brain into a state of euphoria, which is a kind of reward for finding the right partner for procreation».
Concepts like "please" and "want" - is not the same thing. The concept of "like" is a strong attraction to someone, then the concept of "want" describes the feeling of the need to seize anything, whether one likes it or not. Thus, the opioid system, which is part of the brain encodes the notion of "like" and siblings, yet separate from her dopamine system controls the area of the brain responsible for the concept of "want to."
"Most of the studies devoted to the human appeal, carried out by scanning the brain without the use of bunks * otic means. A number of recent studies generally have been tested on animals "- explains psychologist.
Itself Olga Chelnokova colleagues conducted an interesting experiment: they invited the participation of 30 men in their prime, and divided them into two groups. One group was given a small dose of mor * ina, which increases the activity of opioid receptors. The other group was given a drug that suppresses opioid sensitivity.
Then the researchers showed volunteers a series of images depicting female faces with varying degrees of attractiveness, and asked them to evaluate each of the girls, as well as pinpoint the time spent in thrall photos.
Those participants who received a dose of morphine, long look at pictures of pretty girls and give them higher marks, and seeing durnushek, on the contrary, tried to quickly change the image.
Men who, in contrast, took opioid suppressor (suppressor) were evaluated, even the most attractive and sexy face is not so high, and the time spent in their view, was reduced.
Scientists have noticed that the manipulation of the drug had a more pronounced effect when viewing the most pretty girls, which from the point of view of evolution are the most valuable.
Opioid system as it helps us to choose a more "suitable" partner by activating the "reward system" when looking at an object of sympathy, at the same time making the least desirable for us unattractive person.
Thus, the nature of craving for beautiful female face is the same, which makes use of some bunks * Otik.
The study's author Olga Chelnokova
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