What is the purpose of your relationship with a man
Every minute, remember what the purpose of your relationship with a man.
In normal people, the purpose of the relationship - to provide maximum comfort for a long time, that is, do yourself and your partner happy. Here and repeat it to yourself every time you have to hunt to teach, to heal, to criticize your man, take it out on him during PMS, violently jealous, try to find out about his leisure, to express an opinion about his friends, argue about politics, religion and color of his pants. Is it worth your rightness or interest in a particular situation of peace and joy, that you deprive a partner? Keep in mind that about two-thirds of sources of conflict are described scheme "woman problem came up out of the blue and inflated lack of response to her man to the scale of the tragedy».
Praise him!
If he is not worth all the praise and make crooked, what the hell do you do next with this loser? Go away, do not prolong the agony for each other, see para. 1. Do not be a grumpy for my mother, a strict boss, capricious daughter - all of these incarnations take only positive components: a constant but unobtrusive care, interest in his growth, his admiration slope . Many a child heard the expression, "to praise - has deteriorated," and so it is a myth, an adult sane man to praise is impossible, he has self-strap. And praise - not to flatter, it means looking at him with a desire to see the good. Praise pleasant to everyone, do not take it for service you - there are smarter people with whom he chooses to communicate.
Do not humiliate him and skandalte in humans.
Showdown in public places - a taboo, because the public image of a respectable and reliable for men are much more important than for a woman who under the current social system can still afford to be pretty giddy fool. When the "half" the most trusted person begins to undermine the authority of the men in front of his friends, colleagues or the crowd in the subway, it is perceived as a stab in the back. This often forgiven, but never forgotten. To force a man to lose face - one of the greatest strategic blunders woman in a relationship. You do the call, do not hesitate. So wait with claims to the house, cool down at the same time, to understand them, see para. 1.
Do not use appeals to him diminutivov (diminutive epithets).
Vitenka, chick, kotinka, hare, and Masya lapulya - it's not your guy who sees himself in a dream. It's as if he began to call you "mother", "friend", "soldier Jane", "supersiski" or "Miss blowjob 2013". Presented? Forget about the diminutive suffix forever, and caressing reserved for particularly udavshegosya sex.
Keep it endeavors, even the most idiotic.
When he takes your wedding rings, even a little bit to play on the machines is one thing. And when he is fond of ice fishing, playing the trombone, cross stitch, biathlon, collecting garden gnomes, sales adzhika own seaming via the Internet - is quite another. The desire to meet with hostility by the new initiatives in the nature of every human being, because any system tends to keep his balance, but then you have to be smarter than nature. Based on a realistic assessment of the maximum possible damage to you personally and obschesemeynomu welfare. You feel sorry for a couple of thousand dollars to be happy loved one with the fish, and then you wonder how vehemently he hates your trips to the shoe store? Well, gnomes cluttering the hallway and two balconies, and that - that's true, so terrible? Again: if you do not vote and do not support you - it will make someone else, and in this moment you are Depart.
The most breath-taking views - for him, not for meeting classmates.
Hunter syndrome is winning, losing interest in the game caught, peculiar to women no less than men. What you zahomutat it into cohabitation or tie the knot, does not mean that he is now in love with you forever. Yes, it's gone, vile and banal, but about half of my male patients complained of facts prenebreganiya woman in their appearance after the relationship entered a stable track. When he became interested in the physicist with gray hair, wearing a brown plaid vest and top-boots worn, he knew what was coming. But once you are in the wedding photo blonde curls and roses, but now shorn something in a comfortable suit, do not blame me if you cease to be perceived as an attractive female. Especially when you are painting on corporate parties and buying new clothes and go home a la naturel in the same pastel things (which are perceived as men's eyes faded and asexual). It's very simple, but women do not cease to make that mistake. You do not have to love this, what you have (in fact, you do not have to like a priori, see para. 1).
He - the main. And the point.
Seriously, it's so convenient. The main problem is trying to feminists, figuratively speaking, to unload the cars, when instead you can dance. Does evolution, social attitudes and education in most families, but for the grown man as problem solver, a leader, captain and so on. It does not humiliate you, if you do not decide what you want to be humiliated. One girl perceives filed arm when leaving the bus as the gallantry, the other - as an allusion to her inability to jump over a puddle of physical weakness due to the short legs. Clearly, some of them enjoys socializing with the opposite sex, and which is suffering from the oppression of the chauvinists. And it's for you to decide which girl to be. Give him a joy to be strong, act, think and play first fiddle. Give the man to lead, and the dance work. Let it is not always right, you can then quietly fix the situation: even when in fact you are doing the lion's share, if you love your partner - to simulate the painting "you're my hero, I'm just waiting in the wings," there is no trouble. Implement its will to power elsewhere. For example, gay. They do not care.
Talk about the important things directly, without hints.
Men understand the allusions, but more often it hints of other men or those hints that it is beneficial to understand. They (with the exception of the Japanese) not to talk about the fact Aesopian language. When your husband wants to sell the client party of motorcycles, he said: "We have a well-known brand, the warranty period the market average, and for the wholesale we will shall throw off 7%" and not "faded autumn leaf on a lonely elm that hill bleak up and it is time to harness horse iron reasonable creature, and these places to run quickly to the south. " Therefore presented in simple, but not globally, not "just say you stopped loving me, huh?", But "I'm tired of your collecting worms for ice fishing throughout the house, this is not for my mom raised, hiring a housekeeper».
Do not place it in the center of your universe, and do not ask him to put you in the center of his.
I do not mean the genuine concern for each other's needs and the depth of love and demands attention for detail. Half-hour phone calls five times a day for anything annoy almost any man. Psychological dependence on its opinion flattered him, but annoying too. Therefore, do not try to officially devote their lives, it's great scares and accusations of negligence in conjunction with meaningless emotional manifestations very quickly tired him, and you will be weeping and cries "ungrateful, I gave him all of myself." Let's be honest: you all, even to herself no longer needed. And it somehow all the more reasonable offer only the choicest parts.
Learn to cook.
And cook. It is not discussed. The equivalent of "it is not ready" for you to understand - is "he brings home less money than she." Well, we have the same equal rights, you're wanted?
In normal people, the purpose of the relationship - to provide maximum comfort for a long time, that is, do yourself and your partner happy. Here and repeat it to yourself every time you have to hunt to teach, to heal, to criticize your man, take it out on him during PMS, violently jealous, try to find out about his leisure, to express an opinion about his friends, argue about politics, religion and color of his pants. Is it worth your rightness or interest in a particular situation of peace and joy, that you deprive a partner? Keep in mind that about two-thirds of sources of conflict are described scheme "woman problem came up out of the blue and inflated lack of response to her man to the scale of the tragedy».

Praise him!
If he is not worth all the praise and make crooked, what the hell do you do next with this loser? Go away, do not prolong the agony for each other, see para. 1. Do not be a grumpy for my mother, a strict boss, capricious daughter - all of these incarnations take only positive components: a constant but unobtrusive care, interest in his growth, his admiration slope . Many a child heard the expression, "to praise - has deteriorated," and so it is a myth, an adult sane man to praise is impossible, he has self-strap. And praise - not to flatter, it means looking at him with a desire to see the good. Praise pleasant to everyone, do not take it for service you - there are smarter people with whom he chooses to communicate.

Do not humiliate him and skandalte in humans.
Showdown in public places - a taboo, because the public image of a respectable and reliable for men are much more important than for a woman who under the current social system can still afford to be pretty giddy fool. When the "half" the most trusted person begins to undermine the authority of the men in front of his friends, colleagues or the crowd in the subway, it is perceived as a stab in the back. This often forgiven, but never forgotten. To force a man to lose face - one of the greatest strategic blunders woman in a relationship. You do the call, do not hesitate. So wait with claims to the house, cool down at the same time, to understand them, see para. 1.

Do not use appeals to him diminutivov (diminutive epithets).
Vitenka, chick, kotinka, hare, and Masya lapulya - it's not your guy who sees himself in a dream. It's as if he began to call you "mother", "friend", "soldier Jane", "supersiski" or "Miss blowjob 2013". Presented? Forget about the diminutive suffix forever, and caressing reserved for particularly udavshegosya sex.

Keep it endeavors, even the most idiotic.
When he takes your wedding rings, even a little bit to play on the machines is one thing. And when he is fond of ice fishing, playing the trombone, cross stitch, biathlon, collecting garden gnomes, sales adzhika own seaming via the Internet - is quite another. The desire to meet with hostility by the new initiatives in the nature of every human being, because any system tends to keep his balance, but then you have to be smarter than nature. Based on a realistic assessment of the maximum possible damage to you personally and obschesemeynomu welfare. You feel sorry for a couple of thousand dollars to be happy loved one with the fish, and then you wonder how vehemently he hates your trips to the shoe store? Well, gnomes cluttering the hallway and two balconies, and that - that's true, so terrible? Again: if you do not vote and do not support you - it will make someone else, and in this moment you are Depart.
The most breath-taking views - for him, not for meeting classmates.
Hunter syndrome is winning, losing interest in the game caught, peculiar to women no less than men. What you zahomutat it into cohabitation or tie the knot, does not mean that he is now in love with you forever. Yes, it's gone, vile and banal, but about half of my male patients complained of facts prenebreganiya woman in their appearance after the relationship entered a stable track. When he became interested in the physicist with gray hair, wearing a brown plaid vest and top-boots worn, he knew what was coming. But once you are in the wedding photo blonde curls and roses, but now shorn something in a comfortable suit, do not blame me if you cease to be perceived as an attractive female. Especially when you are painting on corporate parties and buying new clothes and go home a la naturel in the same pastel things (which are perceived as men's eyes faded and asexual). It's very simple, but women do not cease to make that mistake. You do not have to love this, what you have (in fact, you do not have to like a priori, see para. 1).

He - the main. And the point.
Seriously, it's so convenient. The main problem is trying to feminists, figuratively speaking, to unload the cars, when instead you can dance. Does evolution, social attitudes and education in most families, but for the grown man as problem solver, a leader, captain and so on. It does not humiliate you, if you do not decide what you want to be humiliated. One girl perceives filed arm when leaving the bus as the gallantry, the other - as an allusion to her inability to jump over a puddle of physical weakness due to the short legs. Clearly, some of them enjoys socializing with the opposite sex, and which is suffering from the oppression of the chauvinists. And it's for you to decide which girl to be. Give him a joy to be strong, act, think and play first fiddle. Give the man to lead, and the dance work. Let it is not always right, you can then quietly fix the situation: even when in fact you are doing the lion's share, if you love your partner - to simulate the painting "you're my hero, I'm just waiting in the wings," there is no trouble. Implement its will to power elsewhere. For example, gay. They do not care.

Talk about the important things directly, without hints.
Men understand the allusions, but more often it hints of other men or those hints that it is beneficial to understand. They (with the exception of the Japanese) not to talk about the fact Aesopian language. When your husband wants to sell the client party of motorcycles, he said: "We have a well-known brand, the warranty period the market average, and for the wholesale we will shall throw off 7%" and not "faded autumn leaf on a lonely elm that hill bleak up and it is time to harness horse iron reasonable creature, and these places to run quickly to the south. " Therefore presented in simple, but not globally, not "just say you stopped loving me, huh?", But "I'm tired of your collecting worms for ice fishing throughout the house, this is not for my mom raised, hiring a housekeeper».

Do not place it in the center of your universe, and do not ask him to put you in the center of his.
I do not mean the genuine concern for each other's needs and the depth of love and demands attention for detail. Half-hour phone calls five times a day for anything annoy almost any man. Psychological dependence on its opinion flattered him, but annoying too. Therefore, do not try to officially devote their lives, it's great scares and accusations of negligence in conjunction with meaningless emotional manifestations very quickly tired him, and you will be weeping and cries "ungrateful, I gave him all of myself." Let's be honest: you all, even to herself no longer needed. And it somehow all the more reasonable offer only the choicest parts.

Learn to cook.
And cook. It is not discussed. The equivalent of "it is not ready" for you to understand - is "he brings home less money than she." Well, we have the same equal rights, you're wanted?