men smarter than women
debate about who is smarter - men or women - has been going on for decades. Over the past hundred years, scientists believed that there is no difference in intelligence between the sexes, however, Canadian psychologists have decided to put that view into question. Scientists led by Philippe Rushton, a psychologist at the University of Western Ontario in Canada, conducted a series of academic tests for admission to the university with the young people of 17-18 years of both sexes. After processing the tests, researchers found that the average IQ in boys at 3, 6 points higher than that of girls. It showed the so-called "common factor", which is present in all tests IQ. According to the theory of intelligence quotient, this factor shows the overall level of intellectual development of man. "You say the last four digits of your phone, and then ask them to repeat or summarize in reverse order. So, the latter requires more intellectual effort to faithfully carry out the task ", - said Rushton on tests conducted. Psychologists suggest that the higher the IQ of men determined a large number of brain tissue, which determines the speed of information processing. It is known that on average, larger than men women, respectively, and the magnitude of the brain have different. The brain of the average male is heavier than the female about 100 grams. American Bruce Bracken, a psychologist at the College of William and Mary in Williamsburg (Va.) Said that in this case, the findings of scientists concerning the differences in IQ are valid. However, he questioned the findings. "Perhaps the reason lies in the variables that the researchers did not consider" - he suggests. For example, the unequal number of women and men, are being tested. "It is possible that the young men who were not confident in their abilities, did not pass the test, and the girl did not hold out on a level, decided to try his luck." According to him, the study would have merited more credibility if it involved the same number of men and women, the same intellectual level. At the same time he Rushton does not believe that the results of his experiment must somehow influence education policy. Moreover, it recognizes that the academic performance of women is on average higher than those of men. However, even a low IQ does not prevent many achieve great social success and a prominent position in society. A striking example of this - US President George W. Bush, whose IQ does not even reach the average.
Source: mirfactov.com/