The character of the handwriting
Contact handwriting with character studies the science of graphology. It allows you to identify the handwriting of man's mind, will power, self-esteem, emotional and much more. Here we look at the main features that allow you to draw conclusions about the personal qualities of the person. The size of handwriting says about human sociability. So, the owner of a large handwriting can easily find common language with different people and have a lot of friends. Small handwriting indicates the isolation and secrecy. Angular letters characteristic of selfish people, and rounded - for the people kind and sympathetic. Strong pressure - a sign of strength of will and perseverance. Pale letters peculiar pushover. Calligraphy characterizes man as necessarily accurate, but non-self. Correct handwriting indicates the calm and poise. Sprawling handwriting in humans is active, inquisitive, with a cheerful disposition. Illegible handwriting says about energy, carelessness, as well as nervousness.
The pool handwriting, when all the letters in a word are connected to each other, is a sign of good logical thinking. If the letters are not connected to each other, it indicates the development of intuition. Fields left by the left in the letter to indicate a person's attitude to material values. Narrow the field talk about frugality, and wide - about generosity. If the left edge of the downwardly expands, it underscores the extravagance. A tapering left edge gives the mean and greedy person. Optimists line rising from the beginning to the end, while the pessimist - fall. Straight-line characteristic of the people calm, thoughtful, realistic assessment of their capabilities. Uneven, undulating line - a sign of cunning and possibly lack of conscience. You can tell a lot about a person's signature. On it you can find out even those character traits that a person hides from himself and others.
Standard, uncomplicated signature indicates the confidence and courage. The signature, consisting of loops occurs in observation and cunning people. Strikeout signature speaks of impulsivity and vigor, and underlined - about the enterprise. Timid and reserved person encircles signature or several of its letters in a circle. The zigzag stroke indicates unbalance. Stroke in the form of features - a sign of emotion. And if there is no stroke, it characterizes a person as an intelligent and prudent. Handwriting may vary depending on the situation, mood and other factors. For example, when a person is experiencing strong emotions, he writes with great pressure than usual. If a man each time writing different styles of writing, it shows his sensitivity and creativity.
Source: mirfactov.com/