Huge creatures

tourist claims that he managed to make incredible images that serve as conclusive evidence of the existence of Bigfoot. Photographs already interested organizations involved in the study Yeti. 57-year-old John Stoneman (John Stoneman) back in his car from the festival, held in the US city of Bradford, in the woods when he saw the mysterious figure. The man silently pointed to the huge creatures to his girlfriend, and then out of the car, taking fotoapparat.

According to the Americans, he cautiously approached the furry inhabitants of the forest and took a few pictures. Stoneman was not able to get even closer, because they do not dare to move away from the car. "This pair is 200 yards (180 meters) from the road, so I had to get out of the car. I could not stay in that place too long, since the highway was too narrow, and I just blocked it. In order not to cause a traffic stop, I had to act quickly - the camera to click and get back behind the wheel, "- explains muzhchina.

Back home, the traveler examined the images on the computer screen and, according to him, I realized that captures not "strange" bears a pair of Bigfoot (the name of a large hairy hominid moved on two legs) .

Stoneman convinced that he had found strong evidence of the existence of the Yeti and ready to argue with anyone who dares to question the veracity of his words. The man said that he had already sent several copies of pictures organizations studying the Yeti.
Source: mirfactov.com/