
If you go abroad and do not know the language of the country you are visiting, then comes to the aid of sign language. However, the same gesture may be innocuous in one country and the other considered disrespectful and even vulgar. In this collection is for you collected the most famous such gestures. Gesture "thumbs up"

This gesture of consent and approval often erases language barriers, and fans often hitchhike on the way they vote. However, in Thailand, it is a sign of condemnation. Although the gesture more children like protruding tongue, it should be avoided. In Iran, it is offensive gesture, which is the equivalent of the middle finger exposed. The gesture of two fingers "Victory"

Gesture "Victoria", which shows the index and middle finger in the form of a letter V, in many countries means victory or peace. However, if this palm facing to the person in the UK, Ireland and Australia V-shaped gesture becomes offensive gesture, which is a non-verbal equivalent of the phrase "back off!". Gestures of hands ("Munz") 51,718,275
Outstretched palm, which is often used to say "stop" in Greece takes on a different meaning. Palms, directed to strontium source, called "Munz" are offensive gesture, which is used in the case when they want to express our strong indignation or roughly "send" interlocutor. This gesture was a Byzantine times when the offender's face smeared soot to make him an object of ridicule. The inviting gesture index paltsem

Sign beckons index finger, saying, "Come to me" is a taboo in Asian countries. In the Philippines, this gesture is only relevant in relation to dogs, and suggests that you consider inferior companion. Besides the use of the gesture can lead to the arrest in this country. Stroking of golove

Stroking the baby's head is usually a gesture of friendship and affection. However, in the Buddhist religion top is the highest point of the body, that is the place where the soul resides. Touching the top of an aggressive intrusion into space a child or adult. It is necessary to avoid this gesture in countries where most people profess the Buddhist religion. Gesture "OK"

A ring of thumb and index finger "OK", which means "all right!" Or "right" in France means "zero" or "worthless." In Greece and Turkey, the gesture is very vulgar, having a value of similar holes in the body or is a hint of homosexuality. In some Middle Eastern countries, such as Kuwait, "OK" means the evil eye. Gesture "the Fig"

Gesture "fig", "shish" or "fig" is not quite harmless in nature, and is often used in case of failure or disagreement. In Brazil, it is a benevolent gesture which is used for the wishes of good luck and protection from the evil eye. In Turkey, he has an aggressive and rough character, which is the equivalent of the middle finger. The gesture left rukoy

In many countries, people do not pay attention to which hand they offer something to other people. However, in India, Sri Lanka, Africa and the Middle East, the left hand is considered "dirty" designed to wipe away the the toilet. Even left-hander should have the right hand, as soon as it is considered to be suitable for eating. The same applies to shaking hands and transfer items. In Japan, polite considered giving with both hands, while the gesture with one hand may involve neglect. Crossing paltsev

In many Western countries, people cross their index and middle fingers for good luck or the evil eye. In Vietnam, the gesture is offensive, especially if you look at this and are addressing it to another person. It is thought that crossed fingers are female sex organs. Gesture "Goat"

Gesture "goat" or as it is called, "horns", "raspaltsovka" or "root" is often used by musicians and their fans. However, it is not necessary to show the gesture in Italy, especially the man, as he hints at his wife's infidelity ("cuckold"). Offensive gesture "middle finger"

It is the most famous and recognizable obscene gesture in the world, which in English corresponds to a curse »Fuck You» («went to ...!"). In addition he is one of the most ancient sign, which has been used by the ancient Greeks and Romans, as well as monkeys. Roughly speaking, a raised middle finger symbolizes the phallus, and pressed a finger - the scrotum. Showing him how would you propose to another man "male sex organ" or roughly deny the request. Also, an analog of this gesture is a gesture of the elbow, when the left hand is placed in the crook of his right hand. In Asian countries, however, sometimes use the middle finger to point at something.
Source: bor-odin.livejournal.com/2889264.html