Sports coverage from amphorae to action-cameras

The fact that the sport - it's health and beauty, humanity learned thousands of years ago. Then it was reported by word of mouth or through the pictures and sculptures. Much later there were other means to report from the scene of sports - from professional TV coverage to homemade videos recorded sports camera. How did this genre developed over thousands of years?

In Egypt, thousands of years ago were widely distributed more than 400 kinds of physical exercises and games. The first drawings of athletes date back to IV-III millennium BC. e. Pictures were deposited on a stone, and on parchment, some very well preserved - they are still found in the excavation of ancient buildings and grobnitsah.

In 776 BC It begins the era of the Olympic Games, and the arena goes Ancient Greece. Here, the "reports" were mainly using fine art: the athletes depicted on pottery, bas-reliefs of buildings in interior painting, and of course in sculpture. For example, the sculptor Myron (middle of V in. BC) is famous for sculptures of athletes pobediteley.

The first sports reporting in the media can be considered as communication with boxing matches in the English newspapers of the XVIII century. Since 1819 there is periodic and sports press. The newspaper called "American Farmer" and to publish the results of competitions for hunting, fishing, shooting and cycling. Since the sport began to learn from the written word, which is accompanied by zarisovki.

One of the first athletes were sealed in the photo, was the Lewis Oliver (Oliver Lewis) - African-American jockey who won the Kentucky Derby in 1875. Later, the athletes are increasingly appearing in the photo intact komandami.

Sports photography has become popular among women in the late XVIII - early XIX vekov.

Another pro sports people told the radio. The first radio broadcast was carried out on the initiative of commentator John. Andrew White, July 2, 1921 in New York City (USA) with boxing matcha.

In 1933, the sport began to speak (and showed) TV. It was a film about a football match by Alexander Sapiens (USSR) with comments goalkeeper Valentin Granatkina.

The first line teleteletranslyatsiya sporting events held within 3 years - it was the XI Olympic Games in Germany. In Berlin, Potsdam and Leipzig are 28 television stations, and about 162 thousand spectators watched contests in bars, shops and other public mestah.

In 1998, there are the first in RuNet portals targeted to sports fans - demosport.ru and sports.ru with weekly (!) For updated information. Today, sporting events continually replace each other in the vast network, with themselves and the audience, even the athletes are the authors reports. They adopt even created special gadgets - action-camera. One of the first popular brand "sports cameras" was GoPro, which has become almost synonymous with action-camera (as Xerox and Jeep gave the name of all copying machines and off-road). Comply with big names and price tags on the camera GoPro - the newest model, a kind of "iPhone" among sports camcorders, with a full complement of accessories will cost about 18 thousand rubley.

In 2013 in Russia is represented by more than 20 brands of sports cameras. Including vehicles, not inferior in functionality GoPro at more affordable prices. For example, iON Air Pro Wi-Fi, which relieves under extreme conditions in Full HD with a viewing angle of 170 degrees, it is worth about 10 thousand. Mounted on this camera to any helmet, cycling or motorul using the universal mounting, plus iON withstand immersion to a depth of 10 m without any additional protection - the case itself is waterproof and shockproof. Camera conveniently controlled from the tablet or phone is connected via Wi-Fi - you can view all the video and immediately publish on the internet a couple of minutes after the recording of the tryuka.

It is difficult to predict what will be the sporting events of the future, but most likely the technology will be developed in three areas: firstly, improving definition video (now some sports cameras shoot video with a resolution of 4K), and secondly - increasing the angle of view (a panoramic record of cockpit Formula 1 car has been recorded), and thirdly - instantaneous translation of video anywhere shara.

Unchanged is only one thing: until someone one does what others can not afford, there are always those who are interested are watching.
Source: mirfactov.com/