Man, Money and Love ...
In 15 years, I appreciate men for external data. However, long ... exactly as long until she read Nikolai Ostrovsky's statement that "love for the beauty of a man - is immoral." In the 20 - for me the greatest value began to represent his purse, and the growth and color of eyes silently retreated to the second and even third plan. At 25, I became interested in his inner world. Exactly ... I began to be interested in learning them. And, learn anew ... because this basic women's ability to - to feel the heart - my own was buried under a pile of multicolored artificial tinsel, the scales at which at a certain moment of my youth has created a serious preponderance ...
Sometimes it happens that all the sincere and now representing the true significance in life, devalued and loses its priority. The reasons for this may be several. Of course, family programs ... we absorb like sponges between the ages of 3 to 5 years. And in the future and, of course, society ... has an impact on the formation of consciousness, adding a significant contribution prudence, pragmatism, cynicism, and God knows what ... And at some point get scared by the realization that this mass is so rasprostranitelna that already few who can hear the sound of his own heart for keeps talking without end "its artificial" head ...
The concepts of money and love have long been entwined and confidence go hand in hand on the road of a lifetime. And to distinguish between the "two poles" with each passing day it becomes more and more difficult. Perhaps we should come away not make the same mistake and go far more than one hundred roads before the truth in the storerooms of memory will begin to take their familiar contours. Before re awake interest in the ability to attach importance to something previously completely forgotten.
Money ... We live in a country where the ball is ruled by money. We live in a city where the first thing people are starting to think in the morning, it's about money. We go to work, in its most enviable for money. We are getting married (by the way, getting married, too) and even have children, often on the basis of, again, mercantile purposes ... But the main "plugging" is that the commission of all these manipulations with such a stimulus is not much fun for the most human. And at some point it becomes a performance of regular duties. Why? Yes, because we need! So motivated by his family, society and the immediate environment. So it is dictated by the laws of nature, according to which the survival of the fittest. But how did it happen that between the concepts of power and money was equal sign? Where, then, life in all of this? The one that is real, and not imaginary ... that which is his own, and not someone else's ... that which is a pleasure, and not in the "obyazalovke" ... that which is from the heart, not from the head, regenerating naked calculation 24 hours per day ...? And where is, in fact, love ?!
Man ceases to play a major role in a woman's life and turns into a source of wealth. The woman gradually loses its natural ability to sense and begins more and more to think and calculate. A woman's heart, not realizing its main task - to love - gradually begins to close. A man's fear ... that too, invariably leads to blockage of the senses. People are slowly turning into robots, and their programs more and more simplified, is reduced to the banal.
But sooner or later in everyone's life there comes a moment of epiphany. When he begins to remember that the same ... to feel. What's next is, he or she is. And what it's just good together. Just fine. And just comfortable. Good and comfortable even just shut up together. At these moments, it dissolves and payment plans, because it included internal security, locking head in the birth of all these thoughts. Its action is similar to white blood cells, designed to destroy foreign substances that enter the body ...
That is what fills and helps to realize the main function in full - to live and love. Not only women, but men ... Sooner or later, but it happens in the life of each. It's just a matter of time ... But happy is he who is able to hear yourself as soon as possible and feel the need to revive this ...
Sometimes it happens that all the sincere and now representing the true significance in life, devalued and loses its priority. The reasons for this may be several. Of course, family programs ... we absorb like sponges between the ages of 3 to 5 years. And in the future and, of course, society ... has an impact on the formation of consciousness, adding a significant contribution prudence, pragmatism, cynicism, and God knows what ... And at some point get scared by the realization that this mass is so rasprostranitelna that already few who can hear the sound of his own heart for keeps talking without end "its artificial" head ...

The concepts of money and love have long been entwined and confidence go hand in hand on the road of a lifetime. And to distinguish between the "two poles" with each passing day it becomes more and more difficult. Perhaps we should come away not make the same mistake and go far more than one hundred roads before the truth in the storerooms of memory will begin to take their familiar contours. Before re awake interest in the ability to attach importance to something previously completely forgotten.
Money ... We live in a country where the ball is ruled by money. We live in a city where the first thing people are starting to think in the morning, it's about money. We go to work, in its most enviable for money. We are getting married (by the way, getting married, too) and even have children, often on the basis of, again, mercantile purposes ... But the main "plugging" is that the commission of all these manipulations with such a stimulus is not much fun for the most human. And at some point it becomes a performance of regular duties. Why? Yes, because we need! So motivated by his family, society and the immediate environment. So it is dictated by the laws of nature, according to which the survival of the fittest. But how did it happen that between the concepts of power and money was equal sign? Where, then, life in all of this? The one that is real, and not imaginary ... that which is his own, and not someone else's ... that which is a pleasure, and not in the "obyazalovke" ... that which is from the heart, not from the head, regenerating naked calculation 24 hours per day ...? And where is, in fact, love ?!

Man ceases to play a major role in a woman's life and turns into a source of wealth. The woman gradually loses its natural ability to sense and begins more and more to think and calculate. A woman's heart, not realizing its main task - to love - gradually begins to close. A man's fear ... that too, invariably leads to blockage of the senses. People are slowly turning into robots, and their programs more and more simplified, is reduced to the banal.
But sooner or later in everyone's life there comes a moment of epiphany. When he begins to remember that the same ... to feel. What's next is, he or she is. And what it's just good together. Just fine. And just comfortable. Good and comfortable even just shut up together. At these moments, it dissolves and payment plans, because it included internal security, locking head in the birth of all these thoughts. Its action is similar to white blood cells, designed to destroy foreign substances that enter the body ...

That is what fills and helps to realize the main function in full - to live and love. Not only women, but men ... Sooner or later, but it happens in the life of each. It's just a matter of time ... But happy is he who is able to hear yourself as soon as possible and feel the need to revive this ...
Premieres of new products from Opel and Volkswagen in the «Paris Autoshow 2010"
Maurizio Cattelan (Maurizio Cattelan) - Master showing the middle finger