Russia's first dirizhabledrom
On Thursday, the official presentation of the first in Russia "dirizhabledroma" in Kirzhach Vladimir region. One of the aeronautic centers presented the Russian-made airship AU-30.
Aeronautic Center presented the Russian production airship AU-30.
The Center also presented the restored aeronautical base, which was built at the beginning of the last decade.
Unfortunately, after the financial crisis of 2008, the base came to a complete desolation, part of the equipment has been stolen, a part fell into decline under the influence of time and inadequate storage conditions. As soon as possible to restore the database experts and one of the stored here airship AU-30.
In the future we plan to create on the basis of "Kirzhach" test, experimental aeronautic division, whose task will include the flight test and operation of aeronautical technology, created by.
The potential is enormous database in the future it will become a test platform for new, innovative project, this project involves the creation of economical, roomy vehicle airship capable of transporting loads over long distances. It stated that, depending on the modification project will raise on board to 250 tons of cargo, transporting them to a distance of 5,000 thousand. Km. The developers say that this device will combine the best qualities of the airship, aircraft, helicopters and hovercraft, and, among other things, be able to take off and landing from any surface, including water.
The second airship AU-30 are based on the "Kirzhach" will be modified into a flying laboratory - "Atlant-6." Its task will include testing of components, assemblies and systems, which will later be installed on the ultramodern aircraft "Atlant».
Use a lighter-than-air is expected to carry out technical work, transportation of goods and for tourism purposes.
Project leaders have promised that, although the company and earns mainly on supplying military aerostats, airships will also generate income. The first commercial supply contracts airships plans to conclude in September.
Chairman of the Board of Directors Gennady Verba.
The company says that the AU-30 meets the most modern standards airship: its shell is made of composite material, it is very economical in terms of consumption of expensive helium: first, he flies without spending a lifting gas, and secondly, the natural leakage the gas is minimal.
The airship has the capability of vertical takeoff and navigation equipment of this unit allows it to operate at any time of the day.
It is expected that the AU-30 will be used to patrol the areas of technical monitoring, rescue, photos and video and for tourism.
"We work closely with many of the administrations of the northern regions, but most of the interest is the administration of Yakutia. We wanted to expand aviation center near Yakutsk and perform there a wide range of aerial work: geological, technical monitoring of vast territories "- shared his plans for the commercial director Mikhail Talesnikov.
According to him, for these purposes airship fits much better helicopter. He cited the example of monitoring power lines. Today in Russia more than 100 thousand. Km of transmission lines. Their condition is monitored at 150 parameters. It uses a laser scanner and a set of sensors. These devices work properly when the high vibration that creates a helicopter flying at low speed. Moreover, such work is now often carried out with the use of Mi-8 helicopter, which is no different fuel efficiency and environmental friendliness: AU-30 burns up to 20 times less fuel.
The airship is certified to fly at temperatures up to -40 degrees and gasoline fueled automobile.
The second scope of the AU-30 - an elite tourism. On the one hand, such a use of airships less profitable for the company, on the other hand, dirizhabelny tourism will remain fun for ensuring the public - as calculated by the company to the business to pay off, a ticket for the hour-long flight on the airship should cost around 400 euros, provided that the board placed ads .
It is planned that the airship can fly, for example, on the "Golden Ring" - its speed from 60 to 100 km / h, depending on the wind direction. The use of the airship as a commuter transport impractical - AU-30 can carry eight people.
But yet any plans for a bright future rest on the lack of an airship type certificate, and the company - operator certificate. The necessary documents can be filed within the next year. During this time, the company must obtain a certificate of IAC and validate it in the EASA.
After going through the necessary procedures airships will be shipped abroad. According M.Talesnikova, products interested in several dozens of foreign customers. In total in the world, according to his estimates, the demand for this type of airships is approximately 200 pieces.
In Russia, can work about 100 such machines. "When you need, we can go out on the production of 10-12 vehicles per year. Already 4-5 can do "- says M.Talesnikov. Cost airship AU-30, depending on the configuration, starts at $ 3 million.
For journalists yesterday held a demonstration flight. AU-30 rolls out of the hangar with two special trucks.
One of the towing remains in the hangar, and the other carries the AU-30 to the launch pad. On truck mounted boom, which is attached to the airship.
Truck driving on the road thumb, and the airship "sausage" in the wind and it moves through the grass on a single chassis. I successfully stood operators and a huge tail AU-30 sailed over us like a giant white whale.
Design details.
Before the start of a special person unhooks the ropes from the "muzzle" airship.
By itself, the airship weighs about 3000 kg. But, filled with helium, its real weight in the air is only 400. From there and volatility. Soaring raised his face up pretty quickly, 20-30 km / h.
After landing, a car drove up, from which the ballast was loaded in an airship.
And again in the hangar.
Again, wait for the flight.
In general, of course, beauty! But ...
a major attraction for me was at the invitation of the phrase "It is possible that we will be able to take on board a number of photographers and cameramen, if weather conditions allow." Weather conditions have allowed - you can see it in the photos. But the fact that no one on board was not going to take, it became known only on arrival. "The device is not certified, so that the passengers on board to take have no right."
Source: fotografersha.livejournal.com

Aeronautic Center presented the Russian production airship AU-30.

The Center also presented the restored aeronautical base, which was built at the beginning of the last decade.

Unfortunately, after the financial crisis of 2008, the base came to a complete desolation, part of the equipment has been stolen, a part fell into decline under the influence of time and inadequate storage conditions. As soon as possible to restore the database experts and one of the stored here airship AU-30.
In the future we plan to create on the basis of "Kirzhach" test, experimental aeronautic division, whose task will include the flight test and operation of aeronautical technology, created by.

The potential is enormous database in the future it will become a test platform for new, innovative project, this project involves the creation of economical, roomy vehicle airship capable of transporting loads over long distances. It stated that, depending on the modification project will raise on board to 250 tons of cargo, transporting them to a distance of 5,000 thousand. Km. The developers say that this device will combine the best qualities of the airship, aircraft, helicopters and hovercraft, and, among other things, be able to take off and landing from any surface, including water.
The second airship AU-30 are based on the "Kirzhach" will be modified into a flying laboratory - "Atlant-6." Its task will include testing of components, assemblies and systems, which will later be installed on the ultramodern aircraft "Atlant».

Use a lighter-than-air is expected to carry out technical work, transportation of goods and for tourism purposes.

Project leaders have promised that, although the company and earns mainly on supplying military aerostats, airships will also generate income. The first commercial supply contracts airships plans to conclude in September.
Chairman of the Board of Directors Gennady Verba.

The company says that the AU-30 meets the most modern standards airship: its shell is made of composite material, it is very economical in terms of consumption of expensive helium: first, he flies without spending a lifting gas, and secondly, the natural leakage the gas is minimal.

The airship has the capability of vertical takeoff and navigation equipment of this unit allows it to operate at any time of the day.

It is expected that the AU-30 will be used to patrol the areas of technical monitoring, rescue, photos and video and for tourism.

"We work closely with many of the administrations of the northern regions, but most of the interest is the administration of Yakutia. We wanted to expand aviation center near Yakutsk and perform there a wide range of aerial work: geological, technical monitoring of vast territories "- shared his plans for the commercial director Mikhail Talesnikov.

According to him, for these purposes airship fits much better helicopter. He cited the example of monitoring power lines. Today in Russia more than 100 thousand. Km of transmission lines. Their condition is monitored at 150 parameters. It uses a laser scanner and a set of sensors. These devices work properly when the high vibration that creates a helicopter flying at low speed. Moreover, such work is now often carried out with the use of Mi-8 helicopter, which is no different fuel efficiency and environmental friendliness: AU-30 burns up to 20 times less fuel.

The airship is certified to fly at temperatures up to -40 degrees and gasoline fueled automobile.

The second scope of the AU-30 - an elite tourism. On the one hand, such a use of airships less profitable for the company, on the other hand, dirizhabelny tourism will remain fun for ensuring the public - as calculated by the company to the business to pay off, a ticket for the hour-long flight on the airship should cost around 400 euros, provided that the board placed ads .

It is planned that the airship can fly, for example, on the "Golden Ring" - its speed from 60 to 100 km / h, depending on the wind direction. The use of the airship as a commuter transport impractical - AU-30 can carry eight people.

But yet any plans for a bright future rest on the lack of an airship type certificate, and the company - operator certificate. The necessary documents can be filed within the next year. During this time, the company must obtain a certificate of IAC and validate it in the EASA.

After going through the necessary procedures airships will be shipped abroad. According M.Talesnikova, products interested in several dozens of foreign customers. In total in the world, according to his estimates, the demand for this type of airships is approximately 200 pieces.
In Russia, can work about 100 such machines. "When you need, we can go out on the production of 10-12 vehicles per year. Already 4-5 can do "- says M.Talesnikov. Cost airship AU-30, depending on the configuration, starts at $ 3 million.

For journalists yesterday held a demonstration flight. AU-30 rolls out of the hangar with two special trucks.
One of the towing remains in the hangar, and the other carries the AU-30 to the launch pad. On truck mounted boom, which is attached to the airship.

Truck driving on the road thumb, and the airship "sausage" in the wind and it moves through the grass on a single chassis. I successfully stood operators and a huge tail AU-30 sailed over us like a giant white whale.

Design details.

Before the start of a special person unhooks the ropes from the "muzzle" airship.

By itself, the airship weighs about 3000 kg. But, filled with helium, its real weight in the air is only 400. From there and volatility. Soaring raised his face up pretty quickly, 20-30 km / h.

After landing, a car drove up, from which the ballast was loaded in an airship.

And again in the hangar.

Again, wait for the flight.

In general, of course, beauty! But ...

a major attraction for me was at the invitation of the phrase "It is possible that we will be able to take on board a number of photographers and cameramen, if weather conditions allow." Weather conditions have allowed - you can see it in the photos. But the fact that no one on board was not going to take, it became known only on arrival. "The device is not certified, so that the passengers on board to take have no right."
Source: fotografersha.livejournal.com