Lasagna for slimming

-600 grams minced chicken (preferably independently of the breast);
fresh mushrooms - 400 grams;
pepper -150 grams;
cherry tomatoes - 200 grams (you can take the usual);
sour cream (10-15%) - 250 grams;
low-fat yogurt - 400 grams;
onion -100 grams;
hard cheese - 40 grams;
sheets for lasagna (manufacturer Barilla, Italy) - 9 pieces.
Parsley and cilantro
To start prepare filling for lasagna.
To do this, fry the minced meat to the state polugotovnosti.Otdelno fry onions, mushrooms and bell pepper to the state polugotovnosti.Soedinyaem prepared with minced meat and vegetables, give ostyt.Teper prepare the sauce for lasagna. The sauce that we prepare will be deprived of these nedostatkov.Dlya cooking lite sauce for lasagna mix sour cream, yogurt, finely chopped herbs, add salt, pepper, spices (hops-suneli, coriander, oregano).
Sauce for lasagna gotov.Teper proceed to the assembly blyuda.Na bottom of a lasagna sheets lay ready lasagna. In my case it is enough 3 sheets. The company produces Barilla lasagna sheets, which do not need to pre-boil that great simplifies the recipe and time prigotovleniya.Esli you can not find ready-made sheets for lasagna can be prepared samostoyatelno.Dlya, take 3 cups of flour and gradually add 1 cup of cold water, then 2 eggs, 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil and salt to taste. Knead the dough thoroughly and leave for 1 hour in the refrigerator. Then the dough is rolled out into thin plate (2 mm) cut into wide strips and dehumidified. Before laying in the form of such "home plates" you need to boil in plenty of water until soft (minuty2) .On lasagna sheets spread with minced vegetables, tomatoes and poured the first layer of prepared sauce. The operation is repeated 3 raza.Posledny layer of lasagna sheets do not close, and sprinkle with grated on a fine grater syrom.Otpravlyaem dish in the oven and bake 30 minutes at 220 degrees.