Error women that they made her husband the source of his happiness.

- It turns out, women mistake that they made her husband source of his happiness and refused to fill ourselves emotions and experiences from other sources of happiness?
Yes I Am. This world is full of different sources of happiness. Creativity, associates ...
Developing a new faces, talents, skills a person becomes self-sufficient.
Self-sufficient person is able to create a harmonious relationship, because he was not tormented by the question: "where to get?". On the contrary, he thinks, "how to give." Women often respond to this: "We are ready to give. We give, give, and they sit on the head and legs hang down. " This happens because you do not give it. "And what do we have to give?».
To be happy and satisfied - that's what you need to give a man. If a man sees a woman next to him becoming happier and happier, he becomes the most enthusiastic.
Even if the whole world is telling him that he is a failure, that it will expel from work, he would still find a way, find a way to work, place, country, etc. Just because of the blessings of his wife. This is not mysticism.
There is a Vedic aphorism: "A truly happy is he who is satisfied with what he has, and wants more." This laid the secret of women and men the secret of success. If a man meets a woman, his success is guaranteed.
Woman as much as possible is important to communicate with those who will give her selfless warm fellowship. More important activity that makes her happy and charming in his own eyes, not in the eyes of the dean or director of the plant. Charm of its own to make sure the woman that she deserves to be cared for. Decent woman does not need to ask for anything, it is worth all willing to help and protect. If women are engaged, all are happy and thriving society. Woman bakes beautiful cake, but only a man decorates his cherries. From the fact that he decorated with cherries, dry cake cake will not. In this sense, the responsibility certainly lies on women. And here they are outraged: "Once again we - women are to blame?" Of course, you are guilty. Because I do not want to reveal their miraculous nature, do not understand its greatness. How can respect and appreciate a woman who does not respect and appreciate yourself?
Ruslan Narushevich, part 3