About GAI
We went once with a girl in a nightclub, all of it happened spontaneously, I did not have time to put his Toyota. They came and decided to drink tequila, less than three hours as it natreskalas and so normal. I had to go home to me, and it's almost across the city.
Before reaching five meters from my parking lot (500 grams of tequila in me! But! Relatively sober so as not to shake so great is the weight and zakuson), the rear wheel was falling into a well and not in back than forward. Five in the morning the people there
And suddenly ...
Somewhere far away car rides on some dimensions. Thinking that this is my only chance to pull the car to take a desperate attempt by all means it did not stop this misguided car. I run stumble again and run like a tiger on the prowl in the jump block the road.
The machine stops and the lights go out in the cabin.
- Did you say something beguiled brother tells me the crew GAI
I would say "yes!" And apologized lamenting the fact that, well, wait a different type of fishing together. But there is 500 g of tequila say:
-Parni Let the machine turf, I failed.
All right, good man always glad to help meet them gathered his last strength, confident gait, I am going to take out the car jack and cable, catch your ship for the 9-weave DPS and they begin to help me but they can not. The senior goes out and comes to me. "It is a failure," I thought, and falling face in the clubs begin to exhaust the car jacks at the same time thanks to the good people for the help and sending them to the world.
Feeling not okay "good people" still left, giving me a second chance to close the car and hit the road. But no, the girl to pieces completely and can not be towed.
Again glimmer on the horizon, two pairs of headlights - that those traffic police dragged Honda Vietnam unfolding in the wrong place. And that naturally pulls me easily and leaves. Left alone and looking at each other in silence for a moment, the silence broke the question Policeman:
- The man you're sober?
And at this moment the girl opened the door and her vytashnivaet right between us.
- Noooo! I squeeze out of yourself
- Let's go in the car!
- Okay.
- Well, what do we do with you!
- Well, verbal warning will not get off course? I tried to joke.
- Mx, of course not!
Then I say a phrase that describes the whole the situation:
- Then I ask to issue a confession!
GAI in maturation - neigh over me. But one senior:
- Much has happened in my life chasing, shooting, but that would so us five hundred meters run with wild cries was not like this. Dap money with them?
- 1, 5 thousand
- Come and parked, HAPPY YOU ARE OUR.
Sent valera SMH
Before reaching five meters from my parking lot (500 grams of tequila in me! But! Relatively sober so as not to shake so great is the weight and zakuson), the rear wheel was falling into a well and not in back than forward. Five in the morning the people there
And suddenly ...
Somewhere far away car rides on some dimensions. Thinking that this is my only chance to pull the car to take a desperate attempt by all means it did not stop this misguided car. I run stumble again and run like a tiger on the prowl in the jump block the road.
The machine stops and the lights go out in the cabin.
- Did you say something beguiled brother tells me the crew GAI
I would say "yes!" And apologized lamenting the fact that, well, wait a different type of fishing together. But there is 500 g of tequila say:
-Parni Let the machine turf, I failed.
All right, good man always glad to help meet them gathered his last strength, confident gait, I am going to take out the car jack and cable, catch your ship for the 9-weave DPS and they begin to help me but they can not. The senior goes out and comes to me. "It is a failure," I thought, and falling face in the clubs begin to exhaust the car jacks at the same time thanks to the good people for the help and sending them to the world.
Feeling not okay "good people" still left, giving me a second chance to close the car and hit the road. But no, the girl to pieces completely and can not be towed.
Again glimmer on the horizon, two pairs of headlights - that those traffic police dragged Honda Vietnam unfolding in the wrong place. And that naturally pulls me easily and leaves. Left alone and looking at each other in silence for a moment, the silence broke the question Policeman:
- The man you're sober?
And at this moment the girl opened the door and her vytashnivaet right between us.
- Noooo! I squeeze out of yourself
- Let's go in the car!
- Okay.
- Well, what do we do with you!
- Well, verbal warning will not get off course? I tried to joke.
- Mx, of course not!
Then I say a phrase that describes the whole the situation:
- Then I ask to issue a confession!
GAI in maturation - neigh over me. But one senior:
- Much has happened in my life chasing, shooting, but that would so us five hundred meters run with wild cries was not like this. Dap money with them?
- 1, 5 thousand
- Come and parked, HAPPY YOU ARE OUR.
Sent valera SMH