GAI fined official wrongdoing after complaining about it on Facebook
GAI fined in respect of official wrongdoing traffic rules after Maidana activist Julia Kochergan complained about his boorish behavior in Facebook. Record scored 12 000 census, and some commentators have noted that the license plate belongs to quite another Toyota car. The incident drew the attention of management and hamovity GAI officer was fined for managing other people's cars with number.
The girl said she did not see the signals and suggested recording DVR. In addition, she said an emotional speech before the traffic police that the Maidan was not for the officials to Khamili and waving ksivu. After that, she described the incident on Facebook and asked users of social networks to help "celebrate" the offender. After some time, the traffic police has written administrative report in respect hamovity driver.
"We are grateful to citizens who report violations of the law. Partial road users multiplied by the cooperation with law enforcement, you can quickly identify the perpetrators and take the appropriate measures, "- commented the head of the Department of STI of MIA of Ukraine Anatoliy Sirenko.
Recall that in December 2013 earned site ukrpayment.com.ua, with which to pay the fines in the SAI entirely online, without the need to print out your receipt and bring it to the office. Create a service company "Electronic Card Payments» (e-CPayment) and "Fetpeyments».