Coordinates radars in Moscow
It's no secret that in Moscow there were automotive radars on the roads. Below is a table of their location.
The numbers - the coordinates, enter them into Google maps and get the location. This radar gaytsy for which a receipt will be coming from fines in the mail!
A-104 / P-113 55.99374, 37.53389
A-105 - on the intersection Ilinskoe 55.736848, 37.233672
A-105 Barvikha Razdory 55.74392, 37.283955
A-105 Discord 55.744738, 37.293822
A-105 Discord 55.745935, 37.30423
Stationary radar on the street. Moldagulova 55.720667, 37.827567
Stationary radar outside The Old Guy 55.74265, 37.831383
M7 (Balashikha 55.793883, 37.934183
M7. Bypass Rd. from Balashikha 55.789683, 37.893933
A 103 traffic police post 55.826577, 37.89867
A-9 101 km. to Moscow 55.54461, 37.4117
A-105 - West Hills 2 55.72317, 37.16791
A 105-Gorki-2 55.72415, 37.177957
Library proezd - Moscow 55.888087, 37.486635
Library proezd - Moscow ext. 55.885023, 37.474295
In Golyanovo 55.829368, 37.825248
The top of the field in front of Moscow 55.656692, 37.824002
The top of the field in front of Moscow 55.6576, 37.828585
The outer side of the Moscow Ring Road between Yaroslavl and Ostashkovskaya 55.894483, 37.6964
The inner side of the Moscow Ring Road after Schelkovskogo w 55.8127, 37.8389
Volgograd to Moscow 55.690383, 37.821133
Volgograd to Moscow 55.69664, 37.80639
Volokolamskoye. GAI post 55.831855, 37.400808
Entry g.Zhel.dor. Mosk. Str. 55.751062, 37.954578
Check Zhel.dor. Mosk.obl. 55.750268, 37.964368
Departure from Moscow Altufievskoe w. 55.907198, 37.587417
Departure from Moscow on Pyatnitskoe sh. 55.862005, 37.347265
Departure from Moscow to Yaroslavl 55.878585, 37.720887
G.Zhel.dor. Mosk.obl. crossroads of New Avtozavodskaya 55.747502, 38.008475
G.Zhel.dor. Mosk.obl. crossroad Nosovihinskoe Avtozavodskaya 55.750858, 38.008188
Gorky highway - Moscow 55.775583, 37.83685
Day mini traffic police post 55.744697, 37.602833
Day mini traffic police post 55.749497, 37.632422
DPC Post? 114 55.893673, 37.673589
DPC Rublevskoe w. 55.76402, 37.38256
Zvenigorod (Krasnopresnensky avenue intersection of the Moscow Ring Road 55.788483, 37.379483
Zelenograd "bayonets» 56.01183, 37.204513
GAI camera before Lent - Yaroslavl sh. 55.87631, 37.71823
Camera: Shelkovskoye to 55.812233, 37.822933
Kiev w. The entrance to Moscow. 55.638, 37.4577
Korovinskoe w. - Ring Road Ext. 55.893117, 37.498467
KP DPC - Ring-Leninist 55.6346, 37.46457
Krasnopresnensky ave. North-west tunnel. East 55.7723, 37.417583
Krasnopresnensky ave. North-west tunnel. West 55.78735, 37.385683
Leningrad sh. Bridge across the canal 55.871367, 37.458667
Lyubertsy - turn on Egoryevskoe w. P-105 55.658533, 37.91715
Lublin Street. departure to Moscow 55.619083, 37.7712
M1 Vnukovo 55.650557, 37.26278
M1 Minsk highway Bakovka 6 km from Moscow 55.680333, 37.3232
M-10 Chodnya 55.97399, 37.31304
M-5 Zhilino 55.63312, 37.94358
M5 to Moscow 55.687742, 37.828907
Moscow - Warsaw 55.57458, 37.62064
Moscow - Warsaw 55.57529, 37.60832
Moscow - Warsaw 55.5758, 37.59935
Moscow - Myakinino-Ctrogino 55.81211, 37.38947
Moscow - Teply Stan 55.62943, 37.47054
MKAD outer side 13 km 55.670478, 37.836533
MKAD outer side 14 km 55.663278, 37.839102
The inner side of the Moscow Ring Road 12 km 55.677232, 37.834142
Inside the Ring Road is 22 km 55.606675, 37.760477
Moscow Profsoyuznaya 55.6124, 37.494217
Mozhayskoye w. Before you post at the Moscow Ring Road. 55.715083, 37.395767
Mozhayskoye w. The intersection of the Moscow Ring Road 55.714533, 37.392083
Moscow Myakininskaya forth. 55.808423, 37.391278
Moscow. Volokolamskoye. Next to the Ring Road. 55.830717, 37.405483
Moscow. Departure to Moscow from warm Stan 55.629433, 37.472633
Moscow. Leninsky Prospect. The intersection of the Moscow Ring Road 55.641667, 37.465433
Moscow. Molodogvardiis'ka Street. Departure for Moscow. 55.732388, 37.37983
Moscow. Molodogvardiis'ka Street. before Moscow 55.73318, 37.386133
Moscow. Ethusiasts' highway. In Moscow 55.774167, 37.831133
On the outskirts of the city - Ostashkovskaya Street. 55.890767, 37.674383
In front of Lenin Moscow 55.64014, 37.45809
At the intersection of ul. Cuban and Mozhaiskogo w. 55.717017, 37.40845
Neman fare - Radar 55.810732, 37.391873
Ostrovtsy M5 32 km 55.589343, 38.008275
Picket GAI 55.900667, 37.519833
Post GAI 55.593817, 37.532183
Post GAI 55.665878, 37.441192
Internal traffic police post in front of the Moscow Ring Road Mink 55.703633, 37.396583
Traffic police post on the inner side of the Moscow Ring Road Schelkovskoe enthusiasts 55.8048, 37.839567
Post ul.Cvobody 55.875217, 37.432817
Raar outer side of the Moscow Ring Road after Volokolamke 55.819383, 37.391783
Radar outer side of the Moscow Ring Road 55.890183, 37.710467
Radar outer side of the Moscow Ring Road after Minky 55.708083, 37.390517
Radar inside is MKAD before Ctrogino 55.805533, 37.387083
Radar inside is MKAD before Mink 55.697417, 37.405017
Radar inner side MKAD 55.894933, 37.685917
Radar on the outside of the Moscow ring road after sh.Entuziastov 55.79755, 37.84035
Radar on the bridge across the Moscow Ring Road 55.7698, 37.36962
Radar to the KP on Rublevsky w. 55.75956, 37.3916
Radar ul.Cvobody 55.873783, 37.43745
Reutov Str. Radar 55.742983, 37.833233
Rublevskoe w. - Entry into Moscow from the ruble 55.76675, 37.37618
Ryazan prospectus - Moscow 55.709083, 37.828817
Motorway M6 Moscow-Volgograd (Prominent 55.54916, 37.77359
ul.Gorbunova - Moscow 55.72351, 37.38236
st. Dybenko 55.88, 37.482667
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The numbers - the coordinates, enter them into Google maps and get the location. This radar gaytsy for which a receipt will be coming from fines in the mail!
A-104 / P-113 55.99374, 37.53389
A-105 - on the intersection Ilinskoe 55.736848, 37.233672
A-105 Barvikha Razdory 55.74392, 37.283955
A-105 Discord 55.744738, 37.293822
A-105 Discord 55.745935, 37.30423
Stationary radar on the street. Moldagulova 55.720667, 37.827567
Stationary radar outside The Old Guy 55.74265, 37.831383
M7 (Balashikha 55.793883, 37.934183
M7. Bypass Rd. from Balashikha 55.789683, 37.893933
A 103 traffic police post 55.826577, 37.89867
A-9 101 km. to Moscow 55.54461, 37.4117
A-105 - West Hills 2 55.72317, 37.16791
A 105-Gorki-2 55.72415, 37.177957
Library proezd - Moscow 55.888087, 37.486635
Library proezd - Moscow ext. 55.885023, 37.474295
In Golyanovo 55.829368, 37.825248
The top of the field in front of Moscow 55.656692, 37.824002
The top of the field in front of Moscow 55.6576, 37.828585
The outer side of the Moscow Ring Road between Yaroslavl and Ostashkovskaya 55.894483, 37.6964
The inner side of the Moscow Ring Road after Schelkovskogo w 55.8127, 37.8389
Volgograd to Moscow 55.690383, 37.821133
Volgograd to Moscow 55.69664, 37.80639
Volokolamskoye. GAI post 55.831855, 37.400808
Entry g.Zhel.dor. Mosk. Str. 55.751062, 37.954578
Check Zhel.dor. Mosk.obl. 55.750268, 37.964368
Departure from Moscow Altufievskoe w. 55.907198, 37.587417
Departure from Moscow on Pyatnitskoe sh. 55.862005, 37.347265
Departure from Moscow to Yaroslavl 55.878585, 37.720887
G.Zhel.dor. Mosk.obl. crossroads of New Avtozavodskaya 55.747502, 38.008475
G.Zhel.dor. Mosk.obl. crossroad Nosovihinskoe Avtozavodskaya 55.750858, 38.008188
Gorky highway - Moscow 55.775583, 37.83685
Day mini traffic police post 55.744697, 37.602833
Day mini traffic police post 55.749497, 37.632422
DPC Post? 114 55.893673, 37.673589
DPC Rublevskoe w. 55.76402, 37.38256
Zvenigorod (Krasnopresnensky avenue intersection of the Moscow Ring Road 55.788483, 37.379483
Zelenograd "bayonets» 56.01183, 37.204513
GAI camera before Lent - Yaroslavl sh. 55.87631, 37.71823
Camera: Shelkovskoye to 55.812233, 37.822933
Kiev w. The entrance to Moscow. 55.638, 37.4577
Korovinskoe w. - Ring Road Ext. 55.893117, 37.498467
KP DPC - Ring-Leninist 55.6346, 37.46457
Krasnopresnensky ave. North-west tunnel. East 55.7723, 37.417583
Krasnopresnensky ave. North-west tunnel. West 55.78735, 37.385683
Leningrad sh. Bridge across the canal 55.871367, 37.458667
Lyubertsy - turn on Egoryevskoe w. P-105 55.658533, 37.91715
Lublin Street. departure to Moscow 55.619083, 37.7712
M1 Vnukovo 55.650557, 37.26278
M1 Minsk highway Bakovka 6 km from Moscow 55.680333, 37.3232
M-10 Chodnya 55.97399, 37.31304
M-5 Zhilino 55.63312, 37.94358
M5 to Moscow 55.687742, 37.828907
Moscow - Warsaw 55.57458, 37.62064
Moscow - Warsaw 55.57529, 37.60832
Moscow - Warsaw 55.5758, 37.59935
Moscow - Myakinino-Ctrogino 55.81211, 37.38947
Moscow - Teply Stan 55.62943, 37.47054
MKAD outer side 13 km 55.670478, 37.836533
MKAD outer side 14 km 55.663278, 37.839102
The inner side of the Moscow Ring Road 12 km 55.677232, 37.834142
Inside the Ring Road is 22 km 55.606675, 37.760477
Moscow Profsoyuznaya 55.6124, 37.494217
Mozhayskoye w. Before you post at the Moscow Ring Road. 55.715083, 37.395767
Mozhayskoye w. The intersection of the Moscow Ring Road 55.714533, 37.392083
Moscow Myakininskaya forth. 55.808423, 37.391278
Moscow. Volokolamskoye. Next to the Ring Road. 55.830717, 37.405483
Moscow. Departure to Moscow from warm Stan 55.629433, 37.472633
Moscow. Leninsky Prospect. The intersection of the Moscow Ring Road 55.641667, 37.465433
Moscow. Molodogvardiis'ka Street. Departure for Moscow. 55.732388, 37.37983
Moscow. Molodogvardiis'ka Street. before Moscow 55.73318, 37.386133
Moscow. Ethusiasts' highway. In Moscow 55.774167, 37.831133
On the outskirts of the city - Ostashkovskaya Street. 55.890767, 37.674383
In front of Lenin Moscow 55.64014, 37.45809
At the intersection of ul. Cuban and Mozhaiskogo w. 55.717017, 37.40845
Neman fare - Radar 55.810732, 37.391873
Ostrovtsy M5 32 km 55.589343, 38.008275
Picket GAI 55.900667, 37.519833
Post GAI 55.593817, 37.532183
Post GAI 55.665878, 37.441192
Internal traffic police post in front of the Moscow Ring Road Mink 55.703633, 37.396583
Traffic police post on the inner side of the Moscow Ring Road Schelkovskoe enthusiasts 55.8048, 37.839567
Post ul.Cvobody 55.875217, 37.432817
Raar outer side of the Moscow Ring Road after Volokolamke 55.819383, 37.391783
Radar outer side of the Moscow Ring Road 55.890183, 37.710467
Radar outer side of the Moscow Ring Road after Minky 55.708083, 37.390517
Radar inside is MKAD before Ctrogino 55.805533, 37.387083
Radar inside is MKAD before Mink 55.697417, 37.405017
Radar inner side MKAD 55.894933, 37.685917
Radar on the outside of the Moscow ring road after sh.Entuziastov 55.79755, 37.84035
Radar on the bridge across the Moscow Ring Road 55.7698, 37.36962
Radar to the KP on Rublevsky w. 55.75956, 37.3916
Radar ul.Cvobody 55.873783, 37.43745
Reutov Str. Radar 55.742983, 37.833233
Rublevskoe w. - Entry into Moscow from the ruble 55.76675, 37.37618
Ryazan prospectus - Moscow 55.709083, 37.828817
Motorway M6 Moscow-Volgograd (Prominent 55.54916, 37.77359
ul.Gorbunova - Moscow 55.72351, 37.38236
st. Dybenko 55.88, 37.482667
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