Secrets of Successful Women:

1) Successful women are active, are constantly in action, try the new features are not afraid to take risks. These women are not afraid to make mistakes, they know that a mistake - it is a valuable experience that will help them to rise even higher.
2) They first develop yourself, your skills and abilities. They do not spare the money for useful workshops and seminars, no matter who they are: the director of a major shopping department or nanny at home. They read a lot in the course of political, social and cultural events that leads to the development of their extreme intuition. "Knowledge - force!" - This is their motto.
3) Another secret of successful women is that they never think that they will or not, or whether they fail, they know - of course, everything will come out the way they want! They believe in themselves.
4) Women who have achieved success, never carry a burden of the past behind. This applies to all spheres of life, from business to personal relationships. If the case is clearly burned, they will not batter the wall, like sheep, and will seek a new opportunity.
5) The secret of successful women is, of course, their positivity. They love life, are able to notice the little things and enjoy them, they know how to smile and sincerely sympathize with, they are sociable and open. At each event they look to an optimistic point of view.
6) Successful women have their own, independent of other views. They often swim against the tide, and in the end turn out to be right. They know how to hear and listen to others, but the final decision only on their own.
7) Independent women build businesses on respect and trust, often their work is for the good of society, so naturally flourishes and acquires beneficial ties. By the way, the farther away, the more it will be valued socially useful act, people are willing to pay for good money, Blow this.
8) Women who have achieved success, a flexible approach to each case. If they can not win one way, then find another way around, and eventually win. They are persistent and tenacious.
9) Successful women can alternate between work and leisure. You can not sit for days in the workplace, productivity of work in four hours of continuous operation will inevitably decline. Change of activity, by the way, a good rest. If you inhabit the computer, then every two hours, get up, do the exercise, walk the dog or wash the dishes.
10) Successful women are willing to take responsibility for their decisions. That is why they achieve outstanding results, they are willing to take risks and be responsible for it, and fortune favors the bold and responsible.