In one city, opened a shop where women can choose and buy a husband.
At the entrance hangs a set of rules of the shop, as follows:
1. You can visit the store ONLY ONCE.
2. The store 6 floors, the quality of men increases with increasing atomic number of floors.
3. You can choose any man, or to any floor or climb to the top floor.
4. Do not go back to the ground floor.
One woman decided to visit this very "Shop men" to find a companion.
After reading at the entrance to the first floor the sign: "Men with a job" - it goes directly to the second floor.
The sign on the second floor: "Men who have jobs and those who love children" .zhenschina goes to third.
A sign on the third floor: "Men who have a job, loving children and very beautiful." "Wow" - thought the woman, but still went to the fourth floor.
A sign on the third floor: "Men who have a job, loving children, a dazzling beauty and help around the house." "Unbelievable! - Cried the woman. - It is very difficult to resist! "But still rises to the fifth floor.
A sign on the fifth floor: "Men who have a job, loving children, a dazzling beauty and help around the house and very romantic».
The woman really wanted to stay on this floor and choose a mate, yet she overcame herself, went to the top floor. And on the sixth floor I saw a sign which read: "You are on this floor, the visitor number 31456012, there are no men, this floor exists only to prove once again that there is no limit women's demands. Thank you for visiting our shop! ».
And right in front of the store was opened 'Shop of wives. " On the ground floor there is a "beautiful woman." The second - "Beautiful women who love their husbands." What women have been on the other floors, it remains unknown. THERE no one has ever gone ...