Strength in contact

As a rule, rise through the ranks people who know their job and are able to get results from subordinates. When at one point they go beyond their department and are faced with the problems of business in general, did not immediately realize that the most important thing is not to master the methods of system analysis, and learn how to build links and maintain relationships. Meeting with people who are interested in their projects, or can take part in them in the future - do not waste time, distract from the "real business", and the most that neither is a major work, the essence of their new responsibilities.
Most bosses believe newly forming ties with the "right" people unenviable thing, they say, at best, a chat - it looks very decent way to use a person in their own interests. Not surprisingly, only a few easy to make acquaintances - most beginners is not easy to overcome this prejudice. But nowhere to go: any person acquires beneficial ties, or he will face continuous failure: his or promoted to a managerial position, or it will not comply with it.
Watching how the leaders are taken for the implementation of this frightening their tasks, we realized that there are three kinds of social networks: the workers, personal and strategic. First aid in current affairs and the latter are necessary for personal development, and others - to enter new lines of business and people who would be good to attract new projects.
The working relationship
Leaders must maintain a good business relationship with all on whom to some extent depend on the results of work - this is the work of a social network. Many boast a huge number of business contacts, because in a working network does not just subordinates and superiors, but also our colleagues, reputable staff who can block or, on the contrary, to support the project; customers and others. People working together, need to get used to each other - and then between them will be mutual trust. This task is not as simple as it seems, but at least it is clear to whom it is necessary to "make friends". In its network need to include all those who can do the job and who need for business success - a criterion that defines membership in the production network, it is straightforward.
Error majority leaders - to rely on the people with whom they are day-to-day working shoulder to shoulder. With them well to solve specific problems, but to lay a strategic course. Even informal working relationship tied to short-term goals. Potential production network depends on mutual understanding and mutual trust of its members. But any, even the most strong working relationships are unlikely to help the manager to a new level - because these contacts are focused on current problems.
Personal communication
When the head of the newly finally realizes that his obsession with the department before a fall, he starts looking for like-minded people on the side. And then it becomes clear how imperfect his idea of business and underdeveloped social skills, in particular, that he knows a little something about the other professional spheres. Because of this, it is difficult to find a common language with the people with whom he is not related daily work. It is necessary to expand their horizons, this is to join a professional association or a club, for example. It is formed and a network of personal acquaintances.
Many managers are perplexed: why spend precious time on all this fuss, just a direct relationship to the work she does not have? It's simple: the new people may have someone introduced himself, open up new horizons, to learn something and to help with advice. Through personal acquaintances man not only develops itself, but acquires strategic ties.
More often than not we start out, we friends of work: we are looking for those with whom we have something in common. And they can already connect us with the right people, and in this sense, personal social networks have considerable potential. And the value of our contacts is determined by how many people we can reach, the one we need.
Strategic communication
When the young leader, first ran a small department, appointed to a higher position, it has to be reconstructed - learn to think strategically. What kind of contribution to the common cause will personally it largely depends on how he will build relationships with other leaders, and what takes place in a strategic network with its extensive system of communication and information exchange.
Influence many different - in terms of profession, position, experience, goals and motivation - people may be the one who offers ideas for the entire company, not just for their department. In order to "sell" the idea of leadership and to seek his need to join the coalition and to click on all the available levers.
A true leader is different from an ordinary leader that knows where to go, and is able to gather under the banners of the right people. Win over the influential employees, surround yourself with loyal followers, a gut feeling the situation, to reduce together the right people - all this is an integral part of his work. But not everyone understands this newcomer. As career someone aware of their increasing dependence on others, and trying to make others dependent on themselves.
People masterly build strategic communication, not just affect their environment but actively shape it: collected and transferred to the key positions of their subordinates, finding new sources of funding for employment have the patronage of the right people and even make changes in the board of directors for the sake of prosperity business. Young manager is not easy to acquire strategic ties - it takes a lot of time and effort, and it and so is hardly enough. But the reward of such short-sightedness catches up at the wrong time - when in their unit fails. It was then that we must encourage them and help from the outside, but they tend to attempt to save the situation, and it is clear that while it is not involving all hands to the "idle" communication. The trick is not to withdraw into its production network, and gradually add new links and turn it into a strategic.
Just do it
The relationship with the people you need to cherish, otherwise they wither. This is real work, sometimes quite heavy. What can we do to bring her pleasure and benefit? Change your settings. Most managers dismiss the problem: "I and so cases of throat." Someone thinks that traveling by Me indecent. Be that as it may, if the aspiring leaders do not understand that building relationships with people - one of the key moments of a new job, he does not give it enough time and effort, and thus cuts off the branch on which it sits. The ability to make and maintain contacts, to treat people with respect, rather than manipulating them like pawns in his game - a question of common sense and intuition. Much can be learned, scrutinizing and listening to those who are especially gifted with this talent.
Make the connection in the organization through the "external" friends. Tie strategically important dating is not easy, do not always have a "natural" cause for communicating with a person from another department if he also placed higher than you, position. When there is no general problem or an excuse to meet, create them yourself.
Do not spare the time to chat. If the young leader learns to delegate some of its responsibilities to subordinates, he will always find a good reason to evade dialogue, formal and informal, with colleagues from other departments, because it really takes time away from work. But the less we practice in any case, the worse it is given to us. So a vicious circle.
Constantly updating their communications. If you have created a large database of business contacts, constantly refreshing your phone book, it does not mean that you have an extensive social network. Many start from that, but then it slows - to support the introduction of the phone is difficult. Therefore, the majority of recalls, but when the thunder clap and the right person will need, they say, badly. But virtuoso dialogue act differently. They seize every opportunity to remind myself to get or give advice to friends.
To remove a good crop, you need to constantly cultivate the soil. The same is true in relationships with people. About us not forget, as we seen and heard everywhere. Do not be afraid to once again ask for a small favor, take the initiative themselves - pinch together the people who, in your opinion, might be useful to each other. Do anything - no matter what. The main thing is do not let your PR rust, make people believe that getting to know you is useful to them.
To create a reliable social network, it is necessary not only to be able to much want to do. When initial efforts do not bring quick results, many give up. This is followed by a hasty conclusion: the work - not for them. But in fact, there is not need special innate talents, and not have to be an extrovert sverhobschitelnym. This - a skill he works enough constant training.
You can not become a true leader, he will not go beyond its production network. A budding leader will weave its own strategic network, to include the people who are not related to his profession or business and does not work in his company. This transition - from working in the specialty, bringing rapid practical results, to such an ephemeral activity as communication - very few people come easy. We have to rethink their objectives and build relationships in accordance with its new status. Young executives to be aware that in his new role, he would have to form a wide circle of acquaintances, and so this work, he must devote so much time and effort it takes to get a return.