10 secrets of love

1.Sila thought. Love begins with a thought. We become what we think. Loving thoughts create a loving life and loving relationships. Affirmations can change our beliefs and thoughts about themselves and others. If you want someone to love, it is necessary to take into account their needs and desires. Thoughts about your ideal partner will help you learn it when you meet. Future partner to visualize as detailed as possible.
2. The power of respect. The first thing to learn to respect themselves. Find, for which you can respect yourself, and look for other people traits for which you can respect them. To love a person, you have to respect him.
3. The power of giving. If you want love, you just need to give it without payment and reservations. Practice random acts of kindness for a reason. Before you enter into a relationship, ask yourself what you can give this person.
4. The power of friendship. To find true love, you need to find a true friend. To love is not to look at each other, and together look in one direction. Gotta love partner should love him for who he is and not for what he looks like. Friendship - is the soil in which the seeds of love grow. If you want to make love in a relationship, make a friendship first.
5. The strength of touch. Touching is the one of the most powerful expressions of love, break down barriers and strengthening relationships. Touch changes the physical and emotional state and makes people more susceptible to love. Touch can help heal the body and warm the heart.
6. The power of the principle of "Give freedom." If you love someone, let it free. If he comes back to you, it's yours, if not, it was never yours. Even in a true love relationship, people need their own space. If you want to learn to love, you must first learn to forgive and be free from past hurts and sorrows. Love means to get rid of fears, prejudices, egos and excuses.
7. The power of communication. When we learn to communicate openly and honestly, life changes. To love someone is to communicate with him. Let's people know that you love them and appreciate them. Never be afraid to say those magic words: "I love you." Never miss an opportunity to praise someone. Always leave word of love for someone you love - can you see him one last time. If you were to die soon, and could call those people who love - who would you call, what would you say ... and why you do not do this right now?
8. The power of devotion. To love was true, to be faithful to her, and this devotion reflected in thought and action. Devotion - a true test of love. To have a true love relationship, you must be committed to this relationship. When you are committed to someone or something, leave - is not an option. Devotion features a strong relationship from brittle.
9. The power of passion. Passion ignites love and gives her fade away. Durable passion displayed by means not only physical attraction, but also a deep commitment, enthusiasm, interest and excitement. Passion can be recreated by recreating past situations when you feel passion. Spontaneity and surprises create passion. The essence of love and happiness one: you only live each day with passion.
10. The power of trust. Trust is essential for a truly loving relationship. Without it one person becomes suspicious, anxious and full of fear, and the other feels emotional trap, he feels that he's not allowed to breathe freely. It is impossible to really love someone if you do not trust him fully. Walk so that the relationship with your loved one will never end. One way to decide whether a person is suitable for you is to ask yourself: "Do I trust him completely, unreservedly?" If the answer is "No" - think carefully before taking on commitments.