Russia has again tried blogger

Against User "LiveJournal" Dmitry Solovyov (dimon77) Kemerovo regional prosecutor's office instituted criminal proceedings for several posts in the blog, in which he criticized the Federal Security Service (FSB). Solovyov charged Part 1 of Article 282 of the Criminal Code, - "inciting hatred towards social groups." According to lawyers, in the case of a crime Solovyov and even less than in the same precedent blogger Savva Terentyev, have recently received a year of probation.
Another high-profile case against the user LiveJournal, this time - Dmitry Solovyov (LJ nickname dimon77), agitated Runet. Kemerovo regional prosecutor's office charged Solovyov Article 282 part 1 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (up to 2 years of imprisonment). Referring to an unnamed expert opinion dated 4 July 2008, pursuant to the decision Prosecutor's Office on August 11, alleged that some of the records contain information the blogger, "aimed at inciting hatred ... on the grounds of belonging to a social group - the employees of the Interior and the Federal Security Service the Russian Federation ».
The offense was discovered in consequence of the five posts of LJ: "People in gray can not be broken defenses!", "Russian FSB kills children," "commies and bloody gebnya together now", "arbitrariness of the FSB and the military enlistment office", "SS vs VCHK- NKVD-KGB-FSB. " Some of these posts is a reprint of another's statements referring to the authorship.
Details LJ community ru_oborona friend Soloviev reported under the name "Action Defense» (oborona_fighter). August 12 Dmitry home was searched, was seized computer equipment and stickers "Defense", participated in the search of the FSB, he said. Already passed the first examination of the measure of restraint is not elected.
"Security forces have obviously decided to do business Savva Terentyev precedent. Who among us did not write anything bad about either a "social group"? If we do not help Dmitry tomorrow can come to each ", - he wrote oborona_fighter.
Learn Who is collecting signatures on a petition to the President of the Russian Federation, Chairman of the Government, the Attorney General and members of the State Duma. Collected more than 200 signatures. "Criticism of the authorities on the Internet, even the most unpleasant of these bodies can not be grounds for criminal prosecution, and even more so - for the prison. Every citizen is free to express their attitude to any institutions of state power "- the statement says. Also, "Defence" requested to provide legal assistance to Solovyov: bloggers call a lawyer, also need experts to conduct an independent examination.
Just last month, another LJ user Savva Terentyev from Syktyvkar, was sentenced to a year imprisonment for critical remarks in his blog against the police officers. Posts Terentyev were much more aggressive. The Supreme Court rejected an appeal by lawyers of Komi Terentyev despite the fact that the head of the Komi Republic Vladimir Torlopov admitted that the young man be punished illegally.
In connection with the case Terentyev has been much debate as to what a blog is not the media, so the effect of the Criminal Code does not apply to it. According to the lawyer, CNews Analytics expert Yuri Yakhina, in such a case we are still talking about expressing opinions publicly, so the judicial practice in respect of Internet users will only grow in the future. "However, in the case of wine blogger Solovyov is even less justified than in Terentyev. His positions there are no calls to violence, despite a number of controversial statements, "- said Jachin.
Cam tool of criminal penalties for such statements, according to the lawyer, is nothing negative, but only if we are not talking about as selective enforcement. In addition, to prove the guilt Soloviev will be difficult: it will require the prosecutor's office to demonstrate a very high level of technical knowledge, summed Jachin.