10 rules of happy woman.

1. Take care of yourself:
be accurate, neat and pleasant smell.
2. Do not waste your time on trifles:
not to change partners as gloves. Real men never pay attention to the girls readily available.
3. Perform women's work:
woman should be able to cook, wash, sew, take care of children, etc., thus it creates comfort in the home, which is so willing to find a man.
4. Getting rid of bad habits:
a woman who drinks, smokes, foul language, eats a lot, etc. not only ruining their physical health, but also loses its natural attractiveness in the eyes of other people.
5. To be able to get rid of stress:
resentment, anger, envy, hatred, aggression, fear, jealousy, etc. subjected to our physical and mental health of negative attacks that accumulate, manifested in the form of various diseases.
6. Take your feminine nature:
Nature woman is to harmonize around the world, if not all, then clearly in family relationships. A woman should understand that the head of the family - a man, and in any case not to take her unusual duties. Woman is born to give love and receive love, support and encouragement of her husband and children, help advice, showing respect. To be feminine, soft ... Being a trusted friend for each family member.
7. Love is not only the heart, but the mind:
many women falling in love not those men naively believe that they will change. This is not so. In most cases, women are disappointed, hurt and regret hoard of spent forces and the men start to see in women grumpy and arrogant witch. And destroyed love. You always have to look at the future: whether this man to be the husband, is it possible to live with him all his life, with no desire to change his character, habits ... Love will leave sooner or later, what will be left? ..
8. A very serious approach to the issue of marriage:
the most important women's task - the right to marry, it affects not only her happiness, but happiness husband and future children. The woman - the heart of the family, it is important to bring harmony to the house, to be the guardian of the hearth.
9. Get the goodness of this world:
if a woman - the goddess, so she has to live like a goddess, but do not confuse it with arrogance, greed and pathos. Goddess - is the one who lives by following your true nature, it is this woman deserves kindness and respect and has the full right to receive gifts, respect, attention, and all that brings her happiness.
10. To be able to be happy regardless of the situation:
The woman and the man, too, must be able to let go, forgive and not dwell on the bad. The ability to enjoy the little things and be happy here and now - is the key to success, health and happiness ... ©