The man of my dreams left his wife for me, but I had no idea what a nightmare it would turn out to be.
Maxim was very handsome, it was not taken away from him. He also made a decent living and grew up in a good prosperousBut I was most attracted to his charisma. Charming, tall, with humor and always in the spotlight. I've been sighing for him since I was a student. You could say it was unconditional love - stupid and blind. And when he finally noticed me, I lost my head. It happened, however, a few years after graduation: we got into the same company. After all, one specialty, this often happens. But I thought that fate.
I thought he was -- husband of my dreams. When I was young, I didn’t think he had a wife. I had never married before, and I didn’t know what it was like when a marriage fell apart. I was not ashamed of the fact that Maxim decided to walk away from my wife. Who would have thought it would bring me such grief? It is true that you cannot build happiness on the misfortune of others.
When he chose me, I was just crazy with happiness and could forgive him everything. Honestly, in everyday life, he was not at all such a prince as in public. His things were always in his possession. pack upHe refused to wash the dishes. All the housework fell on my shoulders. But I didn't care, because Maxim knew how to appease me. He could come home with a huge bouquet of chrysanthemum or cake, arrange a date, and so on.
He quickly forgot about his previous marriage. They had no children, and as it turned out, her parents insisted on the wedding. It's me! It was different with me, he told me.
But I know the reason. After graduation, I became much prettier: I went to a beautician, lost a couple of extra pounds and learned to pick up fitting. I can't say I turned into a beautiful swan of ugly ducklings. But some of my classmates still don't recognize me on the street.
My happiness was short-lived, it was only necessary to get pregnant. At first, Maxim was very happy that he would have a child. We even made a big one. feast about this. We wanted a lot of love, prosperity and health for the baby. This evening remains in my memory as one of the best. I have no regrets when I remember him. But from now on, unconditional It started to fade.
The bigger my tummy became, the less I saw Maxim. I went on maternity leave, so now we only dated late at night. He began to stay more often, to go to corporate parties. I didn't mind at first, but I soon got tired of it. After all, housework It was getting harder to do. And I couldn't just bend over to pick up the scattered socks.
During this period, I often wondered if my baby and I were in a hurry. Two years of marriage seemed like the right time. I knew my feelings would cool over time, but I didn’t expect it to happen so soon. Maxim still wore flowers and chocolates, but I wanted him to stay close.
Soon it became obvious that Maxim goes to corporate parties for a reason. My colleagues over a cup of coffee shared that they came to our department. collaborator. We did not have enough personnel before, and when I went on maternity leave, the situation became quite critical. That's the irony.
There was no certainty that it was her. But the husband definitely had someone, because he completely lost his free time. Work, business meeting, then another corporate event that can not be missed. One day, I found a postcard in his jacket pocket, signed with initials unknown to me. I don't know what moved me at the time. I returned the postcard and decided to pretend that I don't know anything.
It was very scary. stand alone I was seven months pregnant, and my husband was already complaining that I was really twitchy. Every quarrel ended with his disappointed sighs. I don’t know how, but I realized that if I brought it up, I would be alone. The fear of losing my husband was so intense that I couldn’t think of anything else. There is a belief that if something is very afraid, it will happen.
Divorce and maiden name No matter how beautifully courted Maxim, he was definitely not a gentleman. The worst words I've ever heard in my life are that childish. And that he has a relationship on the side. I don’t remember exactly how he said it, but at that moment I thought I was going crazy.
Unsplash herself did not expect that she would find strength. divorce. He didn't seem to expect me to tolerate his adventures. I didn't expect to put all his things out the door the next day. At this point, I was glad that our apartment was rented and we did not need to share it.
- What about the baby, think of the baby. How will you provide for him?
- Nothing. I'll find a job at home. My parents have been offering me help for a long time. Mom always said you were a womanizer, you should have listened to her.
The responsibility for my future son gave me confidence. I would never leave Maxime myself. But I also knew you couldn't cook porridge with a father like that. And his betrayal was so low that I wanted nothing to do with this man. It was like the veil was asleep. No, Maxim was not charismatic or special. He just knew how. lieAnd he did it perfectly. Well, the profession of a lawyer has it. That's why he made so much money.
The first few months after the divorce, including childbirth, were very difficult. I moved again. parentageThey were very happy, especially their grandson. I can't say I didn't miss Maxim, but I tried not to think about him too much. Inside, I was sure I had done the right thing and could give my son the best.
As soon as I got my strength back, I started looking for a job. I used to do legal translations sometimes, and now I do it at home. Of course, there were months when it was not profitable at all, but my parents supported me back then. And very soon I had a steady customer base, and I didn't need any help.
Unsplash Sasha grew quickly and I didn’t notice how the first few years went. I noticed it when I realized he needed his own room. My parents didn't want to let us go, but I wanted to make space for us. I needed my own office, and he wanted to. comfortable place to study. At that time, I could afford to rent an apartment.
From that moment on, things started to get better. Kindergarten changed to school, first grade to fifth, and I felt it again for the first time in a long time. happiness and freedom. Suddenly he appeared on the horizon again.
We have a medium-sized city, but in our legality Everyone knows each other. So Maxim had no trouble finding my office. At this point, I regretted that my son and I had not moved away. The ex-husband, it turns out, had already taken a walk and repented strongly of what he had done. He said he was too young and stupid. He regrets not knowing his own son. He insisted on a meeting.
The situation is as follows: the law does not prohibit the father to see his son. And I know if Maxim wants to, he'll find a way to get Sasha. But I'm afraid to even think about it. It has been several weeks since the conversation. I said I'd think about it, but I really just can't believe it. I want to find a way to avoid seeing Sasha and her father.
Now I think this is my curse. Punishment for taking Maxim away from his first wife. Maybe it's really better. move out?
I thought he was -- husband of my dreams. When I was young, I didn’t think he had a wife. I had never married before, and I didn’t know what it was like when a marriage fell apart. I was not ashamed of the fact that Maxim decided to walk away from my wife. Who would have thought it would bring me such grief? It is true that you cannot build happiness on the misfortune of others.
When he chose me, I was just crazy with happiness and could forgive him everything. Honestly, in everyday life, he was not at all such a prince as in public. His things were always in his possession. pack upHe refused to wash the dishes. All the housework fell on my shoulders. But I didn't care, because Maxim knew how to appease me. He could come home with a huge bouquet of chrysanthemum or cake, arrange a date, and so on.

He quickly forgot about his previous marriage. They had no children, and as it turned out, her parents insisted on the wedding. It's me! It was different with me, he told me.
But I know the reason. After graduation, I became much prettier: I went to a beautician, lost a couple of extra pounds and learned to pick up fitting. I can't say I turned into a beautiful swan of ugly ducklings. But some of my classmates still don't recognize me on the street.

My happiness was short-lived, it was only necessary to get pregnant. At first, Maxim was very happy that he would have a child. We even made a big one. feast about this. We wanted a lot of love, prosperity and health for the baby. This evening remains in my memory as one of the best. I have no regrets when I remember him. But from now on, unconditional It started to fade.
The bigger my tummy became, the less I saw Maxim. I went on maternity leave, so now we only dated late at night. He began to stay more often, to go to corporate parties. I didn't mind at first, but I soon got tired of it. After all, housework It was getting harder to do. And I couldn't just bend over to pick up the scattered socks.

During this period, I often wondered if my baby and I were in a hurry. Two years of marriage seemed like the right time. I knew my feelings would cool over time, but I didn’t expect it to happen so soon. Maxim still wore flowers and chocolates, but I wanted him to stay close.
Soon it became obvious that Maxim goes to corporate parties for a reason. My colleagues over a cup of coffee shared that they came to our department. collaborator. We did not have enough personnel before, and when I went on maternity leave, the situation became quite critical. That's the irony.
There was no certainty that it was her. But the husband definitely had someone, because he completely lost his free time. Work, business meeting, then another corporate event that can not be missed. One day, I found a postcard in his jacket pocket, signed with initials unknown to me. I don't know what moved me at the time. I returned the postcard and decided to pretend that I don't know anything.

It was very scary. stand alone I was seven months pregnant, and my husband was already complaining that I was really twitchy. Every quarrel ended with his disappointed sighs. I don’t know how, but I realized that if I brought it up, I would be alone. The fear of losing my husband was so intense that I couldn’t think of anything else. There is a belief that if something is very afraid, it will happen.
Divorce and maiden name No matter how beautifully courted Maxim, he was definitely not a gentleman. The worst words I've ever heard in my life are that childish. And that he has a relationship on the side. I don’t remember exactly how he said it, but at that moment I thought I was going crazy.

Unsplash herself did not expect that she would find strength. divorce. He didn't seem to expect me to tolerate his adventures. I didn't expect to put all his things out the door the next day. At this point, I was glad that our apartment was rented and we did not need to share it.
- What about the baby, think of the baby. How will you provide for him?
- Nothing. I'll find a job at home. My parents have been offering me help for a long time. Mom always said you were a womanizer, you should have listened to her.
The responsibility for my future son gave me confidence. I would never leave Maxime myself. But I also knew you couldn't cook porridge with a father like that. And his betrayal was so low that I wanted nothing to do with this man. It was like the veil was asleep. No, Maxim was not charismatic or special. He just knew how. lieAnd he did it perfectly. Well, the profession of a lawyer has it. That's why he made so much money.

The first few months after the divorce, including childbirth, were very difficult. I moved again. parentageThey were very happy, especially their grandson. I can't say I didn't miss Maxim, but I tried not to think about him too much. Inside, I was sure I had done the right thing and could give my son the best.
As soon as I got my strength back, I started looking for a job. I used to do legal translations sometimes, and now I do it at home. Of course, there were months when it was not profitable at all, but my parents supported me back then. And very soon I had a steady customer base, and I didn't need any help.

Unsplash Sasha grew quickly and I didn’t notice how the first few years went. I noticed it when I realized he needed his own room. My parents didn't want to let us go, but I wanted to make space for us. I needed my own office, and he wanted to. comfortable place to study. At that time, I could afford to rent an apartment.
From that moment on, things started to get better. Kindergarten changed to school, first grade to fifth, and I felt it again for the first time in a long time. happiness and freedom. Suddenly he appeared on the horizon again.
We have a medium-sized city, but in our legality Everyone knows each other. So Maxim had no trouble finding my office. At this point, I regretted that my son and I had not moved away. The ex-husband, it turns out, had already taken a walk and repented strongly of what he had done. He said he was too young and stupid. He regrets not knowing his own son. He insisted on a meeting.

The situation is as follows: the law does not prohibit the father to see his son. And I know if Maxim wants to, he'll find a way to get Sasha. But I'm afraid to even think about it. It has been several weeks since the conversation. I said I'd think about it, but I really just can't believe it. I want to find a way to avoid seeing Sasha and her father.
Now I think this is my curse. Punishment for taking Maxim away from his first wife. Maybe it's really better. move out?
A child in the middle of summer wanted Easter cakes, I go to my father to ask for advice.
Modern men are not at all what they were in Soviet times, everything has changed dramatically.