Modern men are not at all what they were in Soviet times, everything has changed dramatically.

Opinion on What an adult man should beIt has changed quite significantly over several decades. Although it would seem that the standard should not have changed over time: strength, masculinity, determination, courage – all this has not disappeared and is as valued by people as before. So what is it, then? It's the details. In everyday moments, which from the outside are most noticeable. They changed in the first place.

Just as today, when many women do not see themselves as housewives (unlike in the past), men also do not lag behind them and move away from old dogmas. You have to be able to change the socket in the house, and the electrician for what? “Do you have to know how to fix a car, even cheaply and on your own? My dear, I'd rather go to the station, and spend on the general budget. What other things would have been considered shameful among men, but today there is nothing wrong with them?

In fact, the question is asked a little incorrectly. After all, an adult man owes nothing to anyone except his family, if he has one. But if we talk about the male differences of the present and the past, you can find some interesting examples for yourself. We talk about them below and we want to talk about them.

Expression of emotions Earlier: In the Soviet Union, men had to be “iron” and not show their feelings. Tears and expressions of vulnerability were seen as a manifestation of weakness and shame. Moreover, this attitude to male stinginess of the manifestation of their own experiences was not only in men themselves, but also in women. “No time to weep, let us lift the country from its knees.” Which actually led to many problems, from parenting to personal psychology and relationships.

Peels Now: In modern society, the expression of emotions and vulnerability by men is perceived as normal and healthy behavior. Psychologists emphasize the importance of emotional intelligence and the ability to share feelings for mental health.

Formerly, men in the USSR often engaged exclusively in work, leaving the upbringing of children to women. Fathers rarely took an active role in childcare.

Peels Now: Modern fathers are actively involved in the upbringing of children, take maternity leave, participate in everyday care and play with children. It is considered an important element of family life and child development. Naturally, we are talking about happy families and responsible parents, we do not row all under the same comb. But statistics show that this is the case.

Taking care of yourself Before: In the USSR, men often neglected to take care of themselves. Manicure, pedicure, the use of cosmetics and visits to cosmetologists were considered exclusively female occupations. All that fashionists of that time had was toilet water; clothes different from those worn by friends and acquaintances; good shoes from neighboring republics.

Peels Now: Self-care has become the norm for men. The use of cosmetics, visits to spas and regular skin and hair care procedures are no longer condemned. At least in big cities.

Formerly, men in the USSR had to eat meat, as it was considered a symbol of strength and courage. Giving up meat and other traditional foods was seen as an odd and unmasculine choice. In addition, there was another “heavy” food. Men needed a lot of strength to work out shifts in factories. Nobody thought about the future. Therefore, problems with the heart, liver and other internal organs were observed in people of that time everywhere.

Peels Now: Vegetarianism and healthy eating have become common among men. People recognize the importance of diet for health and fitness, and no one sees it as a sign of weakness.

A man who earned less than his wife always felt out of place. He could be a teetotaler, a work drummer, a Komsomol member and, in general, even a good guy. However, if his wife brought home more, problems could arise even with relatives: they were corny ashamed to look into the eyes. The fact that the high career growth of a woman for a man was not even happy. Some couples still suffer from this “syndrome” and often quarrel if a woman earns more in a relationship. Why? Who knows, everyone chooses to be miserable.

Peels Now: Of course, not everything is so clear. But, nevertheless, many couples cope perfectly with the fact that women nowadays can earn more than men. The same education, the same opportunities and conditions, the emergence of professions where women are paid more. These and many other things have led us to the fact that earning less than a spouse is the norm in our time. Unless, of course, she doesn't mind it. But that's another story altogether.

Over time, social norms and perceptions of male behavior have changed. What was once considered shameful and unacceptable is now accepted as normal and even welcomed. These changes testify to the development of society and the expansion of ideas about what it means to be a man.


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