When I met a man, I could not believe my happiness, but the fairy tale ended suddenly.
Modern youth complain that due to the abundance of social networks these days, it is difficult for young people to find a mate. Relationships do not last long and do not have time to grow stronger. All because of the sheer number of potential competitors and unrealistically high demands on both sides. What to say about the older generation: widows, widowers and ordinary divorcees. All nerves and dissatisfaction. And how to be calm When your partner, with whom you have been trying for so long to build a normal family life, just stops understanding you? And these situations are becoming more and more every year.
It would seem that the Internet, on the contrary, would have to solve problems of this kind. After all, in other people’s questionnaires you can find out all the information you are interested in. To point out what is best in you, and consider it in the hat. In practice, it was different. People started treating each other like a trophy. A serious relationship, in its mass, great faded into the background. Live for yourself and don’t care what happens next. Finding a family member is still half the battle. We have to get along with him somehow. This is where the main work begins.
Trying to find the right person for your life, while you yourself have already hit 50, is a hard thing. I knew it perfectly well, but sitting at home alone with a bunch of cats in an apartment is not an option either. In addition, a woman’s heart is arranged so that it will not give up, probably until the very end. I have some savings, I work, and I have an apartment. I'm not bad for myself for my age, of course, so what's the point of throwing it all away and putting my head in the dark?
Vanya, my first husband, was a peculiar person. I thank him for some moments from the bottom of my heart, honestly. He never blamed me for not having children. I know a lot of people don’t want to live with a woman like that. I understand everything perfectly, but my illness does not depend on my desires or efforts. No, that's it. And Vanya was ready for it. We lived with him for about 20 years. Thank you, darling.
But the downsides to his character were also enough. For example, lack of initiative. That was, in my opinion, his biggest flaw. We lived well, I don't deny it. There were not enough stars from the sky, but they could sometimes afford to go abroad for rest. We never had a car, and the city we live in is not that big. But I hated the fact that my husband never had a driver’s license. How come you can’t do what even teenagers do in the West? That's funny.
My demands and demands did not affect him. In his understanding, everything was logical: there is no car and no license. I tried to tell him that everything happens in life. Don't deny prison and the suma. No, he just laughed and asked me to take my license. And maybe I would. But in my understanding, the situation in which the wife knows how to drive, and the husband does not, is beyond the bounds. My friends would be ashamed to tell me.
What person in their right mind would not want to improve their living conditions? I’m not talking about a villa by the sea, but at least change the apartment for the best option if there is such an opportunity. At least make repairs. That's okay! But my ex looked at it in his own way. When I found a very good exchange, the price of which was quite low, he refused. Said he'd take a lot longer to get out of work, and in general, cosmetic repairs are the maximum we need. I always wanted high ceilings, you know?
How do you become a calm person in such a situation? At some point I realized that divorce was only a matter of time. We knew each other too well with Vanya, and there was no more interest between us. He calmly responded to my offer, took his belongings, some of the money, and left the apartment to me. No scandals or claims. Even so, he didn't care. On the other hand, I had a huge emotional uplift. New life, unknown possibilities. New rhythms after all.
Looking ahead, I recognize the fact that I still live alone. A year and a half after the divorce. But not because I didn't try. On the contrary. I guess that’s the stage in my biography. I hope it ends soon. I signed up for a lot of sites, started taking care of myself and yet... I want to tell you about the last of my gentlemen, with whom we even lived together for two months. It was my most serious relationship since my marriage to Ivan.
I liked the fact that he had an answer for every question I asked. He seemed to know everything. How to cook better, how to care for plants, where it is better to buy food and on what grounds. And he was also a widower, so to attribute his loneliness to a harmful nature would be shortsighted. Compared to my ex-husband, this is heaven and earth. It’s always nice to be taken seriously and even given good advice.
At first, we just dated for a month. Well, we did. You could just walk around sometimes. Go shopping, sit in a cafe. Denise never turned me down. And I work as a singing teacher in junior high, so I have a lot of free time, especially after we've been transferred to the remote. Sometimes, of course, you miss the kids. But you always understand that children are children and the noise from them can be annoying. I have my own life and I need to find a husband. Nothing, they will.
When Denis moved in, I didn’t ask him for anything for a couple of days. He went to work in the morning, but he usually came by four. It was a bit early for me, but I was willing to wait and rebuild. The main thing is that my partner can help me, caress me, ask me how my day was. And he did some of that. I thought I knew how to be a calm person. But on the practical side... I didn't expect that. I never thought there were men who couldn’t change a light bulb. That is, theoretically, he could write me a diploma about how much watt power it has and when it was invented. Here's to screw it with your hands... Or even hanging a picture on the wall is a disaster.
Same thing with cooking. I know how to cook, but already tested dishes. Let's just say from my personal recipes. And Denis didn't like those dishes. It needs to be hearty. I said, "Show me, I'll see." And he said, "No, I know all the ingredients and actions, so let me tell you, and you do the rest." What to say, initiatives at least spare, but a man must also be handy. So our relationship gradually began to strain both of us. And at some point, Denis moved out on his own, and I didn't stop him.
I do not regret that I divorced Ivan. I think we would be completely disappointed in each other. Yeah, I've learned some things for myself. For example, how to become a calm person. But, on the other hand, I do not see any reason to change anything in their views and behavior. It’s a pity that I have a late divorce and my choice of men is not as rich as it could have been had we divorced 10 or 15 years ago. I think I'm still ahead of me, definitely. In the meantime, you need to be patient and hope for the best. Everything will be fine, I know for sure. Life goes on after 50 years. We'll be disappointed later, so here's my advice.

It would seem that the Internet, on the contrary, would have to solve problems of this kind. After all, in other people’s questionnaires you can find out all the information you are interested in. To point out what is best in you, and consider it in the hat. In practice, it was different. People started treating each other like a trophy. A serious relationship, in its mass, great faded into the background. Live for yourself and don’t care what happens next. Finding a family member is still half the battle. We have to get along with him somehow. This is where the main work begins.
Trying to find the right person for your life, while you yourself have already hit 50, is a hard thing. I knew it perfectly well, but sitting at home alone with a bunch of cats in an apartment is not an option either. In addition, a woman’s heart is arranged so that it will not give up, probably until the very end. I have some savings, I work, and I have an apartment. I'm not bad for myself for my age, of course, so what's the point of throwing it all away and putting my head in the dark?
Vanya, my first husband, was a peculiar person. I thank him for some moments from the bottom of my heart, honestly. He never blamed me for not having children. I know a lot of people don’t want to live with a woman like that. I understand everything perfectly, but my illness does not depend on my desires or efforts. No, that's it. And Vanya was ready for it. We lived with him for about 20 years. Thank you, darling.

But the downsides to his character were also enough. For example, lack of initiative. That was, in my opinion, his biggest flaw. We lived well, I don't deny it. There were not enough stars from the sky, but they could sometimes afford to go abroad for rest. We never had a car, and the city we live in is not that big. But I hated the fact that my husband never had a driver’s license. How come you can’t do what even teenagers do in the West? That's funny.
My demands and demands did not affect him. In his understanding, everything was logical: there is no car and no license. I tried to tell him that everything happens in life. Don't deny prison and the suma. No, he just laughed and asked me to take my license. And maybe I would. But in my understanding, the situation in which the wife knows how to drive, and the husband does not, is beyond the bounds. My friends would be ashamed to tell me.

What person in their right mind would not want to improve their living conditions? I’m not talking about a villa by the sea, but at least change the apartment for the best option if there is such an opportunity. At least make repairs. That's okay! But my ex looked at it in his own way. When I found a very good exchange, the price of which was quite low, he refused. Said he'd take a lot longer to get out of work, and in general, cosmetic repairs are the maximum we need. I always wanted high ceilings, you know?
How do you become a calm person in such a situation? At some point I realized that divorce was only a matter of time. We knew each other too well with Vanya, and there was no more interest between us. He calmly responded to my offer, took his belongings, some of the money, and left the apartment to me. No scandals or claims. Even so, he didn't care. On the other hand, I had a huge emotional uplift. New life, unknown possibilities. New rhythms after all.

Looking ahead, I recognize the fact that I still live alone. A year and a half after the divorce. But not because I didn't try. On the contrary. I guess that’s the stage in my biography. I hope it ends soon. I signed up for a lot of sites, started taking care of myself and yet... I want to tell you about the last of my gentlemen, with whom we even lived together for two months. It was my most serious relationship since my marriage to Ivan.
I liked the fact that he had an answer for every question I asked. He seemed to know everything. How to cook better, how to care for plants, where it is better to buy food and on what grounds. And he was also a widower, so to attribute his loneliness to a harmful nature would be shortsighted. Compared to my ex-husband, this is heaven and earth. It’s always nice to be taken seriously and even given good advice.
At first, we just dated for a month. Well, we did. You could just walk around sometimes. Go shopping, sit in a cafe. Denise never turned me down. And I work as a singing teacher in junior high, so I have a lot of free time, especially after we've been transferred to the remote. Sometimes, of course, you miss the kids. But you always understand that children are children and the noise from them can be annoying. I have my own life and I need to find a husband. Nothing, they will.

When Denis moved in, I didn’t ask him for anything for a couple of days. He went to work in the morning, but he usually came by four. It was a bit early for me, but I was willing to wait and rebuild. The main thing is that my partner can help me, caress me, ask me how my day was. And he did some of that. I thought I knew how to be a calm person. But on the practical side... I didn't expect that. I never thought there were men who couldn’t change a light bulb. That is, theoretically, he could write me a diploma about how much watt power it has and when it was invented. Here's to screw it with your hands... Or even hanging a picture on the wall is a disaster.
Same thing with cooking. I know how to cook, but already tested dishes. Let's just say from my personal recipes. And Denis didn't like those dishes. It needs to be hearty. I said, "Show me, I'll see." And he said, "No, I know all the ingredients and actions, so let me tell you, and you do the rest." What to say, initiatives at least spare, but a man must also be handy. So our relationship gradually began to strain both of us. And at some point, Denis moved out on his own, and I didn't stop him.

I do not regret that I divorced Ivan. I think we would be completely disappointed in each other. Yeah, I've learned some things for myself. For example, how to become a calm person. But, on the other hand, I do not see any reason to change anything in their views and behavior. It’s a pity that I have a late divorce and my choice of men is not as rich as it could have been had we divorced 10 or 15 years ago. I think I'm still ahead of me, definitely. In the meantime, you need to be patient and hope for the best. Everything will be fine, I know for sure. Life goes on after 50 years. We'll be disappointed later, so here's my advice.
When my aunt came home for good, she decided to pay her mother a debt she had taken 12 years ago, but we just laughed.
If you've been given something on this list, you know there's a witch.