My husband is just a disgusting character, I tried to find a compromise, but I seem to have exhausted all options.

In addition to physical differences, men and women have social and psychological differences. For example, men are relatively more silent in their mass, although there are exceptions. Women are more likely to have emotional intelligence. But at the same time, they often get bored working on the same problem without being distracted at all. We are different, and it has its strengths and weaknesses. Anyway, nature decided that it would be so.

They say that opposites attract. Noisy comfortable with quiet. The strong are satisfied with a soft second half. There are a million more examples, but these are just statistics. Which, as you know, can not be substituted for real life. However, many couples often quarrel over misunderstandings from their partners. They used to be satisfied with everything, but over time they begin to doubt their own preferences about the nature of the loved one. What to do in this case, will divorce help?

Developed emotional intelligence Hello. I’m used to sharing my problems with others and I don’t see any shame in it. As they say, one head is good and two are better. What's wrong with talking to a smart person about some of the difficulties in life? Maybe I just don’t see some details, and with the help of someone else’s experience I will save myself a lot of time and nerves. Well, until recently, that was the case. But now I have a really serious problem in my life, with which a psychologist did not help me, and my friends do not know what to advise. What if the solution is found online? Let's see.

So, my difficulty, it concerns personal matters between me and my husband. Anyway, I think I figured it out completely. And I don't see any more secrets in this man, so I'm not interested in being around him at all. I know it sounds immature. After all, we are both adults and no one in our union is obliged to entertain. Yeah, I know. But have you ever wondered what holds two partners together, what holds them together apart from love? Love is now called anything. But there must be some other intrigue, right? Charisma, appearance, smell, even the timbre of the voice?

My husband, Sasha, I always perceived as smart and promising. He graduated from a technical university, knows a lot about programming languages. He knows how to repair equipment. It's his element. But mostly he is very secretive, quiet and verbose. His circle of interests is very, very small. Seriously. I was interested, and Sasha admitted to me that in his entire life he read only 2 fiction books! Two! The rest are all sorts of manuals, manuals and textbooks. How can you live like this?

Before, when we first met, this stinginess of words and careful selection of definitions I really liked. It felt like the person was listening to you and wanted to explain his position as clearly as possible. It is also called conciseness. It sounds cool, like something from a detective novel, where the main character says only one, but memorable, cult phrase at the very end. Before you shoot the main bastard. In fact,

Adults will understand that in family life you will not be fed up with intimacy alone. A woman should be able to cook, take care of herself, empathize. Well, on the part of the husband, too, there must be some trait that he wanted to be in the same room. In my case, it's just a disaster. Judge for yourself: I sit at home and create comfort. He works and comes home after five o'clock. In the afternoon, I can call Sasha on the phone and ask him to grab some groceries from the store. We'll spend three minutes on this case. In the evening, when he's at home, our communication can only be reduced to two on-duty phrases, and that's it. No more dialogue. Like a dungeon.

I tried to adjust to his interests. She asked about some of the main aspects of her husband’s profession. But as a result, either everything was very difficult, or the husband's patience burst and he began to sang loudly - a sure sign of Sasha stress. At times like this, it's best to leave him alone. He's not screaming, don't think about it. But his cheeks start to purple, and his eyes roll to the ceiling. It's scary to see him in those moments. That's a good shot. I don't care if we're 29. I'm not going to be a widow.

My friends advised me that if I can’t deal with his interests, let him deal with mine. Why, why not? I made Sasha this offer, and in the end he agreed with me. Looking ahead, it was also an experience. If you don't try, you won't know, let's just say. At some point, I was probably overreacting. But if someone else were in my place, they would want to get results too, rest assured. Don’t judge a man who wants to save his marriage.

The first one in the program was airstretching. This is when you hang on tapes attached to the ceiling and do various kinds of workouts that strengthen your muscles and tendons. And from a visual point of view, it is very beautiful. I showed my husband a few basic exercises, which, alas, he was not able to repeat. Instead, he fell many times, puffed and swear. The next morning I didn’t even go to work: the crepe was finished. Make no mistake, on that day he actively expressed his emotions to me, and it is a pity that their general orientation was too negative. But we had to keep working.

Co-cooking did not bear fruit either. At first I thought Sasha was really interested in cooking. But then I started to notice a typical male disease. Whether it was an excess of feeling or simply because Alexander was taking too long, he simply started adding ingredients as he pleased. Namely, sprinkle everything in a row, as long as the dish is considered cooked. Then he told me that being a cook was his childhood fear, because he didn't understand all these micro-movements. How to disassemble and assemble a computer, he knows. This is where he gets into trouble.

Then we went to karaoke and tried to paint at home. I even posed as a model, and then held back tears when I saw the result of my husband. We went to a professional family therapist who fell apart in platitudes and took a very immodest price. Nothing helped. Sasha was silent, sang, nervous and sweating. But as far as I know, we have nothing to do with him, we are completely different people. As if from other galaxies, not even planets!

You may find my story funny, but to me it is quite sad. I'm still a pretty young girl. And it is difficult for me to realize the fact that my chosen one is a morally withdrawn man who finds it difficult to show his feelings. If he has any. I want something passionate, mysterious and fascinating. And in fact, only rare and often caustic phrases, banal questions about the weather and plans for the day. It's very specific. I love my husband, but I don’t know how long I can take it. And when the baby comes, will I spend time with him? Is that right? What kind of family would that be? I hope I'm not completely crazy by then. Space, give me strength to keep my mind! Otherwise, I'll start talking to cats. What else can I do?!


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