Son got into an accident and crashed someone else's car, needed money for repairs, then the daughter-in-law made a difficult decision

Of course, each of us differs in some of his talents and skills from other people. It’s like a school: someone is good at sports, and someone is closer to the exact sciences. Only now, in adulthood, it is not assessments that are important, but skills that can be used in practice. It happens that an adult man who has worked physically all his life is forced to save on everything. A "barely feathered" youngster 19 years already knows, How to make money in a carApartment and vacation abroad every three months. That happens.

But, as much as I would like to once again praise the modern youth, not all its representatives are geniuses and prodigies. For some, nature rests. It's not as bad as you might think. The main thing is to learn more, always keep yourself in control and watch less TV series about the dashing 90s. And there, you see, the understanding of life will come. This is the main problem of the younger generation: wrong attitudes and exposure to external influence.

At 62, I’m really surprised that I’m still able to think not only with my heart, but also with my brain. All my friends have lost this for a long time. They all have TV shows, grandchildren and outdoor walks in their heads. If I didn’t know another life, I wouldn’t be surprised. I have travelled the world and seen people living abroad. For people there, the seventh decade is not at all age. And I totally agree with them. So why aren't we doing well?

Let me start with the first time I was in another country. This is actually quite a banal story. And such as me, believe me, in the countries of the former USSR enough. You just had to make money somewhere to feed your two daughters and your only son. In general, I will not tell you anything new. She flew to Italy, settled for a long time, looking for a suitable job. Then she got involved, started saving the children for a living. That's probably all.

No matter what anyone tells you, earnings are not easy. And very slow. I left when I was 37. Of course, I didn’t work all the time, and sometimes I came home for a while. I have been to Spain and France. In short, she helped her daughters with weddings and housing. But the son of Pasha, he with his family life decided later than everyone else. And after the wedding, which, by the way, I was not at, Pavel began to actively look for some kind of more or less normal job. Before that, he was doing all sorts of crap or something.

But my son has a problem. I don’t know, it’s all about his father or the fact that most of Pasha was surrounded only by sisters. But he can't do anything with his hands. I just didn't learn. To patch something, change a broken socket or fix the cord from the TV - all this is easier for him to go and ask the neighbors. That's not his problem. And, as a man, this trouble always cost Paul great difficulties. If you are not rich, you need to learn something. Otherwise... At least become a church.

So my son decided, while his friend was sick, to earn some extra money. Take a private car, but in someone else's car. Not to go to school. Or, I don't know, at least go to the factory. He loved being able to drive all day and get paid for it. The fact that he now has a family, Paul did not think at all. And, apparently, he was so absorbed by this puppy joy, the feeling of being a motorist, that at some point he dreamed and got into an accident. Well, he's still alive with a few fractures.

Peels would be nothing, but the car was not insured, especially from such a case. This meant that the money for the repair had to be paid in full. And where can I get them if even the banks in the neighborhood didn't want to lend to my son? I was working at the time and had something behind me. But it was during this period that I sent my daughter a certain amount of money on the housing issue. So even my options in this case were very limited.

What was left to do, you ask? And I'll tell you, nothing! If I were my sister-in-law, I wouldn’t do anything, but I would probably just file for divorce, and that would be it. Extra stamp in the passport and no regrets. But what did she do instead? She called me and asked me to see if anyone had a job for her. According to our calculations, in a year and a half she could earn money to repair my son’s broken car. But go now, when not even a year has passed since the wedding ceremony? Amazing girl. But I didn't bother her for my part.

So with my daughter-in-law, roughly speaking, I lived two full years. We were neighbors, actually, but we used to visit each other. All this while my son was at home looking for a job. You know, I'm an ordinary woman, just like you. So at first I thought this whole story would not be long. Or the daughter-in-law will go home sooner than planned. Or I can't stand it and stop talking to her. Well, I'm older and she's young. Generational conflict.

And in fact, the opposite happened. Although I had been on the job for much longer, I was ashamed to know the local language very poorly. But Vika Italian was very good. At some point, she even began to chew on some subtleties about grammar and syntax. I don't know why, but I listened to her. Overall, my level of knowledge was enough. But if we stop evolving, what will we all become?

In general, during the time that we spent working together, my daughter-in-law and I became great friends. I showed her where the cheapest shops were, and I introduced Vic to many of our countrymen. We were even surprised around: how it is, mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, and communicate as best friends. Apparently, the common cause is very close. I felt it, and I liked the way things were. So when Vika went home, I even cried a little. Of course, my son’s wife came here to make money. But I definitely missed her even in that moment of separation.

Now imagine my horror and surprise when we spoke via video on the very first day after her arrival. It turned out that while my daughter-in-law and I were working, each for its own reason, my son did not waste time. He started walking around, spent some of the money Vika had sent to pay off his own debt, and in general, he changed a lot for the worse. That's the news. And when Vika and I were talking, I heard his drunken mouse behind her back. Well, he never raised his hands on women. That day, I turned gray because of what I heard and even thought about my absence from home.

In general, I am happy with my decision and do not feel guilty about anything. Because I didn't step on my own to protect my grown son. Paul behaved as he saw fit. Even though his wife wanted to help, he betrayed her. You just had to look at things sober from the start. Now, Vika left him, and she did the right thing. And I, in turn, drew some conclusions for myself.

Well, do not miss the fact that the debt, in essence, so paid and was not, and the clock is ticking. Pasha has no money, no wife, and no motivation. As you might have guessed, I turned him down too. And our relationship deteriorated after that. Although I have no regrets: my son disappeared, but my daughter appeared. Because even for the fact that I myself was able to write all this and put it on the Internet, I am grateful to Vika, she taught. Sometimes we get real kids at a very young age. At least that’s what happened in my situation.


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