My marriage ended unexpectedly, yesterday I was a married woman, and today I was asked to bring my things out.
As they say in the people: some steal wagons and sit full in the warmth, while others drag food from the shelves to feed children, and get time. There is no justice in our time, and everyone in this world knows what is greed. But, if you look at it, everything can be greedy for money. At home, at work, just to cheat the earned cashier in the supermarket for some is a great luck. “It’s a store, it has a lot of money!”
Peels As sad as it is, the meekness is present in many of us. But the attitude towards such comrades in some of their entourage can be very intolerable. Regardless of who that person might be. A friend, a relative, a neighbor in the stairwell. Some just quietly condemn, but others can go to completely different measures. Life is full of surprises and disappointments. Who knows who’s going to get into an “unconventional” situation next time?
Tell me, what is the sin of a wife who has lived with her husband for 7 years to leave her? And not just left, but left one with the child, kicked out to his parents? What do you think, treason? Maybe laziness or poor performance of marital duty? I don’t welcome it, but at least it was clear. No, my dear ones. My husband kicked me out of the house just because I expressed my opinion! Because my views on some things did not coincide with his!
Paul, in general, is the only child in the family, a pamper. Maybe that's why he could sometimes show his ego to me or his son. And that, as a big boss, began to command not only in his office, but also at home, in the family circle. I had as much patience as I could. But there were times when you had to be firm. We had fights like any normal family. But until now, everything has ended amicably.
Peels Let me give you one example. Our house is big, private. Of course, I could never handle him alone. Get your food ready, put your youngest on, put shoes on, feed him and get him to school. Washing is another different routine. Every month Pasha gave me a certain amount of money for pocket expenses. I'm a shopaholic, what can I do about it? And since I did not want to spend all day wiping the dust, I began to order a team of professional cleaners. Three people do it fast. And once a week, isn't it beautiful?
But there was one problem. I was not having enough money for my own needs. So I asked my husband to increase the amount of money. And when he found out why this happened, he began to grumble that I was not the hostess in the house, since I entrusted “women’s” work to strangers. Imagine that. They three can barely do it in a few hours, and I have to do it alone. Pasha hasn't been spoken to in a week. And in the end came to the fact that it was neither me nor him: they hired me a house assistant. A lovely woman, helping me with the cleaning and leaving before my husband gets back from work. You see, you can always agree, I am ready to make concessions.
But the mother-in-law, for example, did not suit such a decision. She once said to me, “You, Natasha, are lazy.” An old woman, used to do everything to the seventh sweat, and now demands it from me. No, I understand. Their father abandoned them when Pasha was still very young. So she used to work two jobs and work hard, hard, hard. But why would you ask me to do that? Gone are the days when clothes were washed by hand, and in the store stood in line for several hours. Now the delivery came up - you need to keep up with the times.
Well, my husband took all this mothball nonsense from his mother, and also began to reproach me for wanting to eat the homemade food I had prepared. He wants me to be all so feminine and pliable, not to contradict him. Or rather, he did. But I am who I am. You know, we started from scratch. I remember him as an even younger specialist, when he was working for his uncle. And only then Pasha began his business and began to earn. He never even appreciated it. And I was silent when he bought his mom a two-bedroom apartment for our money! You might ask why. This money could go to school for a child, and there is hardly anything else, but...
In short, my mother-in-law had a birthday a week ago. And her husband was going to give her one very nice bracelet. White gold, stones. I like accessories that don't make you a kid. It shows that you are a woman of taste. And when I saw it in the catalog, even my heart shrank: what a wonderful thing is missing! I can't buy it now. And, on the other hand, why the hell does an older woman need it? Where will he wear it?
So I decided to hint to my wife, saying, let's buy it for me, and your mother will choose something else. The dress is beautiful or the phone is new. Never mind, really. She worked as a cleaner, cook, saleswoman. In short, I have tried a lot of things. I very much doubt that my mother-in-law understands jewelry or at least likes it. And here I am, beautiful, passionate as an uncut diamond. Who should a husband love more?
Bullshit. Pasha said that he had already made the choice, and my birthday is in six months, and there we will choose some kind of gift for me. For a day or two I tried to forget about this situation and did my own thing. But, in spite, I met a friend in the city, and the tongue itself could not resist. I began to tell her what an unscrupulous husband I have, since I did not want to meet me. My friend certainly supported me. And the devil pulled me right in front of her to dial his father-in-law and ask her to refuse the gift. So I can change it for something else, of course. I'm not stupid, really.
She didn’t seem to disagree, she seemed to agree. He said, “You’re going to have a new bracelet.” Singing along, man. I didn't think Mommy would tell her son the whole conversation. And she did. That evening I met my husband under very bad circumstances. Plus, I was a little boozy, so I didn't get into my pocket for a word. He started yelling at me that I was stupid, that you can't rip gifts from a person's hands. I, in turn, began to demand that he explain why the former cook would walk in gold, and I in old clothes. Well, it's a good thing a husband never hits a woman.
My son and I now live with my parents. We're not divorced yet, but it's coming to that. You see, she and her mom went through a lot together. You might think that was not the case with me... I know I have my own personality and I need to get used to it. But, man, we lived side by side for so many years, and before that, everything was fine. Now what happened?! Tomorrow, I'm going to go see my grandmother alone. I'll ask her how I can get my husband back. A friend says she's a witch. I don't really care anymore. Let it be the devil, but let him tell me how to get my husband back. I can’t take another week with my parents.

Peels As sad as it is, the meekness is present in many of us. But the attitude towards such comrades in some of their entourage can be very intolerable. Regardless of who that person might be. A friend, a relative, a neighbor in the stairwell. Some just quietly condemn, but others can go to completely different measures. Life is full of surprises and disappointments. Who knows who’s going to get into an “unconventional” situation next time?
Tell me, what is the sin of a wife who has lived with her husband for 7 years to leave her? And not just left, but left one with the child, kicked out to his parents? What do you think, treason? Maybe laziness or poor performance of marital duty? I don’t welcome it, but at least it was clear. No, my dear ones. My husband kicked me out of the house just because I expressed my opinion! Because my views on some things did not coincide with his!
Paul, in general, is the only child in the family, a pamper. Maybe that's why he could sometimes show his ego to me or his son. And that, as a big boss, began to command not only in his office, but also at home, in the family circle. I had as much patience as I could. But there were times when you had to be firm. We had fights like any normal family. But until now, everything has ended amicably.

Peels Let me give you one example. Our house is big, private. Of course, I could never handle him alone. Get your food ready, put your youngest on, put shoes on, feed him and get him to school. Washing is another different routine. Every month Pasha gave me a certain amount of money for pocket expenses. I'm a shopaholic, what can I do about it? And since I did not want to spend all day wiping the dust, I began to order a team of professional cleaners. Three people do it fast. And once a week, isn't it beautiful?
But there was one problem. I was not having enough money for my own needs. So I asked my husband to increase the amount of money. And when he found out why this happened, he began to grumble that I was not the hostess in the house, since I entrusted “women’s” work to strangers. Imagine that. They three can barely do it in a few hours, and I have to do it alone. Pasha hasn't been spoken to in a week. And in the end came to the fact that it was neither me nor him: they hired me a house assistant. A lovely woman, helping me with the cleaning and leaving before my husband gets back from work. You see, you can always agree, I am ready to make concessions.

But the mother-in-law, for example, did not suit such a decision. She once said to me, “You, Natasha, are lazy.” An old woman, used to do everything to the seventh sweat, and now demands it from me. No, I understand. Their father abandoned them when Pasha was still very young. So she used to work two jobs and work hard, hard, hard. But why would you ask me to do that? Gone are the days when clothes were washed by hand, and in the store stood in line for several hours. Now the delivery came up - you need to keep up with the times.
Well, my husband took all this mothball nonsense from his mother, and also began to reproach me for wanting to eat the homemade food I had prepared. He wants me to be all so feminine and pliable, not to contradict him. Or rather, he did. But I am who I am. You know, we started from scratch. I remember him as an even younger specialist, when he was working for his uncle. And only then Pasha began his business and began to earn. He never even appreciated it. And I was silent when he bought his mom a two-bedroom apartment for our money! You might ask why. This money could go to school for a child, and there is hardly anything else, but...

In short, my mother-in-law had a birthday a week ago. And her husband was going to give her one very nice bracelet. White gold, stones. I like accessories that don't make you a kid. It shows that you are a woman of taste. And when I saw it in the catalog, even my heart shrank: what a wonderful thing is missing! I can't buy it now. And, on the other hand, why the hell does an older woman need it? Where will he wear it?
So I decided to hint to my wife, saying, let's buy it for me, and your mother will choose something else. The dress is beautiful or the phone is new. Never mind, really. She worked as a cleaner, cook, saleswoman. In short, I have tried a lot of things. I very much doubt that my mother-in-law understands jewelry or at least likes it. And here I am, beautiful, passionate as an uncut diamond. Who should a husband love more?

Bullshit. Pasha said that he had already made the choice, and my birthday is in six months, and there we will choose some kind of gift for me. For a day or two I tried to forget about this situation and did my own thing. But, in spite, I met a friend in the city, and the tongue itself could not resist. I began to tell her what an unscrupulous husband I have, since I did not want to meet me. My friend certainly supported me. And the devil pulled me right in front of her to dial his father-in-law and ask her to refuse the gift. So I can change it for something else, of course. I'm not stupid, really.
She didn’t seem to disagree, she seemed to agree. He said, “You’re going to have a new bracelet.” Singing along, man. I didn't think Mommy would tell her son the whole conversation. And she did. That evening I met my husband under very bad circumstances. Plus, I was a little boozy, so I didn't get into my pocket for a word. He started yelling at me that I was stupid, that you can't rip gifts from a person's hands. I, in turn, began to demand that he explain why the former cook would walk in gold, and I in old clothes. Well, it's a good thing a husband never hits a woman.

My son and I now live with my parents. We're not divorced yet, but it's coming to that. You see, she and her mom went through a lot together. You might think that was not the case with me... I know I have my own personality and I need to get used to it. But, man, we lived side by side for so many years, and before that, everything was fine. Now what happened?! Tomorrow, I'm going to go see my grandmother alone. I'll ask her how I can get my husband back. A friend says she's a witch. I don't really care anymore. Let it be the devil, but let him tell me how to get my husband back. I can’t take another week with my parents.
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